Do I Need the P90X Nutrition Guide?

A lot of people tend to wonder whether or not they need the P90X nutrition guide or if it is worth it to follow it. Simply put, the P90X nutrition guide is there for a reason – bottom line. On the other side of things, people wondering about the guide usually are asking the same question of “how many calories should I eat daily”. Well, the P90X nutrition guide actually provides the correct answer to that question.


What is in the P90X Nutrition Guide?

The P90X nutrition guide gives you the complete run down on what you should eat, what you need to eat and what will give you the best results on the P90X workout routine. Most people assume that they just have to eat healthy or cut calories. With such a high impact workout routine like P90X, the human body requires more nutrition and balance than ever before. Therefore, by following the P90X nutrition guide you can rest assured that you will not only get the right amount of calories, but actually get the results you intended with the P90X workout routine.


Can You Get the Same Results without the P90X Nutrition Guide?

Yes, you can still get the same results without using the P90X nutrition guide, however some people do not. How you choose to not follow the P90X nutrition guide will greatly impact your overall success. That being said, if you follow healthy eating habits that are shown in the nutrition guide itself, then using your own variation of that will still get you the right results. If you do not follow those guidelines when creating your own variation, you may find your results less than desirable. However, in order to get the optimum results of P90X and since you are already putting in the work, you might as well take the extra time and effort to follow the P90X nutrition guide to get the full benefit of the workout itself.


Where Do I Get the P90X Nutrition Guide?

If you have lost your P90X nutrition guide or simply want to use one without the P90X system, you can still get your hands on another copy one of two ways:


  • Join the BeachBody Club Membership program
  • Get a free BeachBody account


How to Use the P90X DVDs to Their Fullest

Whether you have recently purchased the P90X workout or you have had it for a while, learning how to use the P90X DVDs is important to get the best results. Though your DVDs come with the P90X workout guide book, there may be some optimum equipment or supplements you have not heard about that can help boost your P90X results.


How to Use the P90X DVDs | Minimum Gear Required

In order to use the P90X DVD system, there are a few minimum gear requirements you will need to meet. These include:


  • The P90X DVDs themselves
  • One P90X pull-up bar
  • A set of dumbbells or resistance bands


How to Use the P90X DVDs | Extra Gear Recommended

What your P90X workout guide book may or may not have told you is about the extra gear recommended to get the best results from your P90X workouts. Some extra gear recommended for optimal P90X results can include:


  • A Recovery Shake – Shakeology, Beachbody’s newest shake product is a great after workout shake and recovery shake that will help you repair muscles after a workout. Drink your recovery shake within one hour of completing your P90X workout.
  • Whey Protein – Protein is important for your body’s ability to burn fat and build muscle. A whey protein shake daily for a snack can help boost your overall protein content and build muscle faster with your P90X DVDs.
  • Yoga Mat – On your P90X tracking sheet you will see yoga workouts and ab workouts. By using a yoga mat you can be that much more comfortable on the floor while doing your P90X routines.
  • Heart Rate Monitor – It important to reach your target heart rate in order to burn the most calories and improve your overall fitness level. Heart rate monitors can be found online or at local sporting goods stores for relatively cheap.


How to Use P90X DVDs | The P90X Workout Guide Book

With your purchase of P90X workout DVDs you will have noticed a P90X workout guide book. This book not only tells you how many minutes and how often to use each P90X DVD, but also guides users based on their level of fitness prior to starting P90X. You will find recipes and recommended diet plans also in your P90X workout guide book. These recipes and dietary recommendations are specifically designed to help promote a healthier body, more energy and faster fat-burning.

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The P90X Workout Guide | Get it Here

Are you curious about how you can find a P90X workout guide? Though numerous guides exist online, they aren’t always accurate. The P90X workout guide, known as the workout sheets will give you the information you need to ensure you follow the P90X workout and get the best results.


P90X Workout Guide | Keep Organized

With the work out schedules provided by P90X, you may feel overwhelmed at staying organized and on track with your workout. By using a P90X workout guide you can keep organized and make sure you are staying on track. I suggest printing out the P90X work out schedules and guides and placing them in a three-ring binder. This will make sure you have all of your workout documents in one, organized place.


P90X Workout Guide | The Three Different Types

Before you locate the work out schedules, you need to determine which type of workout schedule you will be utilizing. The P90X workout guide is broken up into three types:


  • P90X Classic: This schedule is the more “classic” schedule that most P90X work out schedules follow. This is also the workout you can find with the P90X workout video free. This workout is well-rounded and provides very effective results. This is also, however, the more intense version, which means if you have not worked out in a while you may not want to use this version for your first workout.
  • P90X Lean: P90X workout guide lean is for those just starting out with P90X after a long period of not working out. It focuses on cardio more than any other type of workout to help your body become, well, lean.
  • P90 Doubles:  No, this doesn’t mean you are working out as a couple. Instead, this form of work out schedules means you will be doing two workout phases. If you are a beginner or just starting out with P90X, this is not a good workout to start with and is recommended for expert P90X users only.


P90X Workout Guide | Staying Motivated

It is hard to stay motivated, even with a detailed workout guide. Therefore, if you find you are having difficulty staying motivated while doing your P90X work out schedules, consult a Beachbody coach or even just workout with a friend. The more people you have focused on keeping you organized and focused, the more chances you will succeed with your Beachbody P90X workout guide.

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P90X by Tony Banawa

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The Different P90X Programs to Get You in Shape

P90X is not just one video and one workout. In fact, when you buy the program you will see that there are different P90X programs within that purchase. You will get 12 diversified workouts that help you tone, reach target heart rate zones and lose weight. What is great about the different P90X programs is you can work your way into them, rather than be forced to start intense training from the get-go.


The Different P90X Programs You Get

When you buy P90X, you get 12 separate workout discs. If you are wondering how to order P90X, get familiar with the different discs you receive first and make sure they are something you can benefit from. With a P90X purchase you can expect to receive:


  • Chest and Back – Emphasizing on two classic upper body strength builders
  • Plyometrics – A cardio routine to reach target heart rate zones
  • Shoulders and Arms – Press, curl and fly your way to defined arms
  • Yoga X – Build your body’s strength, flexibility and balance
  • Legs and Back – Lunge, pull and squat your way to a better lower body and back
  • Kenpo X – A cardiovascular routine implementing kickboxing moves
  • X Stretch – To prevent injury, learn to stretch your muscles and prepare them for P90x workouts
  • Core Synergistics – Builds overall muscle groups to support your body
  • Chest, Shoulders and Triceps – Targets your upper-body
  • Back and Biceps – Learn how to flex and tone your back and bicep area
  • Cardio X – Time to reach target heart rate zones with an intense cardio workout
  • Ab Ripper X – Get those sexy, sleek abs you see on TV and boost overall physical performance


The Different P90X Programs | Fitness Guide

The P90X program doesn’t just stop with workouts – you get a fitness guide to help you keep on track, stay motivated and meet your overall goals. The fitness guide takes you step-by-step through the P90X program so that you never miss a beat. You will also learn how you can customize the P90X workouts and how to order P90X supplement guides as well.


The Different P90X Programs | Nutritional Guides

On top of the workouts and fitness guide, when a person orders the P90X workout they also receive a nutrition guide. In order to get the best results from the P90X workout, you have to follow the specialized P90X nutrition plan as well. You can learn from the 3-Phase nutrition guide how to eat right and get foods that will boost your metabolism and promote a healthier and more fit body through the program.


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How Does Insanity Workout Work and Will it Work for Me?

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The Insanity workout has gotten a lot of reviews. While some good and some bad, the biggest common denominator in reviews about how does Insanity workout work is what shape you are in prior to starting the Insanity program. This doesn’t mean you have to already have perfectly ripped abs and a sexy fit body, but you do need to be in some sort of shape to see the results of Insanity take shape.


How Does Insanity Workout Work | The Workout

Insanity allows you to burn fat faster because you are put through an extreme cardio workout in a reverse HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) format. A majority of these workouts have the potential to burn thousands of calories – depending on the amount of intensity you put into it. The entire purpose of the Insanity workout is to continually push, push, push and keep pushing so that your body gets the maximum workout it needs.

Shaun T will take you through high intensity intervals that will take your heart rate up and then bring you down to re oxygenate your muscles. Unlike the standard HIIT, where it takes you on primarily medium paced exercises and then boosts you up for a short time of high intensity, Insanity will take you through primarily high intensity moves and then gives you just enough time to recover for the next hardcore interval.

You will continually be pushed to test you limits with Insanity. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t finish the whole workout on any DVD the first week or two you try it. That is a wake up call that you have room to improve and if you stick with it, Insanity will indeed work for you and get you the results you desire.


How Does Insanity Workout Work for People Not in Shape

The most important thing to remember when starting Insanity is you need to be in the proper cardiovascular health in order to get the best results without a potential for life-threatening harm. That being said, if you are looking for a way to burn fat faster to get yourself in shape, Insanity will work. You may not get the washboard abs if you are severely overweight, but what you will get is:

  • More energy
  • Faster metabolism
  • Significant weight loss

If you are having trouble going up the flight of stairs at work, then Insanity is not the best program to start with. Beachbody has numerous programs that will show you how to burn fat faster for optimal results such as the workout with Tony Horton, Slim 6 and other Beachbody products.


How Does Insanity Workout Work and Will It Work for Me?

Insanity will work for you, as long as you stay dedicated. In addition, using the insanity chart to guide you on your nutrition as well as the workout guide to keep you on track are the things that  will give you the best results. So will Insanity work for you? If your body is in somewhat of good shape enough or is ready to dig deeper and test your mental capacity then, yes, Insanity will work for you.

Down the road you will be challenged more than in the beginning because you know what the workouts entail. It is easy to be discouraged if you know your weaknesses and strengths. Some workouts you do better than others and some days you won’t want to do the difficult ones. My advice is to do it anyways and focus on the ones that are tough and watch yourself get better. Push to do more than you did the last time and next thing you know, certain workouts won’t be as hard and you can move on in mastering the next one.

If you are not in at least a bit of shape and not ready to dedicate yourself to the Insanity workout, you may not be satisfied with the results you get. Reason being is that you will not be able to keep up at all and you won’t feel any possibilities nearby. So the less capable you are to perform the workout, the more frustrated and undedicated you will be.

Insanity does work. It is also known as the toughest cardio workout ever put on DVD, and it requires dedication just like any other workout program. If you can put in the time, put in the effort and keep up with it for the length of the insanity chart you will see the results the advertisements promise. Only you can determine the results you get – that is with any workout.

Buy Insanity

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P90X by Tony Banawa


The Eating Plan for P90X | Guaranteeing Successful Results

You have seen the commercials for P90X and most likely when you were already thinking of starting up a workout plan. Though everything looks great, you have heard too many people comment on how P90X didn’t give them the results they were promised, but what is one common denominator to that result? Poor diet. In order for P90X to be successful, an eating plan for P90X needs to be implemented along with the proper work out schedules to give those ripped abs, endless energy and sexy bodies you see on the infomercial.


Three Phases of the Eating Plan for P90X

The P90X plan comes with work out schedules to follow as well as a three-phase eating plan. These three phases are included with the purchase of any P90X workout plan, but are as follows:


  • Fat Shredder: This phase consists of eating those foods that are high in protein to help the body gain muscle, but burn fat.
  • Energy Booster: This phase combines carbohydrates and protein-rich, but low-fat foods to give the body extra energy to keep up with the P90X work out schedules.
  • Maximizing Endurance: Now it is time for a phase where complex carbohydrates, protein and low-caloric foods are introduced to increase overall stamina and get the most from the P90X workout guide.


Suggested Foods for the Eating Plan for P90X

The P90X workout guide comes with a list of suggested foods to pair up with your work out schedules. These foods are important because they fit all three phases of the eating plan for P90X, which means your body will be leaner, lighter and more energized than ever before. Make sure when creating an eating plan you tailor it to your daily caloric needs – since every person is different. The suggested food categories include:


  • Proteins: Lean meats, low-fat proteins and eggs
  • Dairy: Milk and cheeses that are low-fat
  • Vegetables and Fruit: Unprocessed, organic fruits and vegetables are best
  • Carbs: Complex carbohydrates such as pasta, breads, etc. No simple sugar carbs that include  sugars, juice and refined products
  • Snacks: Nuts, protein bars and dried fruits
  • Extras: Fat-free, low-calorie dressings, condiments and even marinade recipes


Keeping Track of Your Eating Plan for P90X

No one is perfect when just starting out with an eating plan. No matter how often you follow work out schedules, if you do not follow the correct eating plan with P90X, your results will not be the same. Keep track of your daily eating as well as print out an eating plan for P90X for each week you are on the plan. Put this in your kitchen to remind you at each meal as well as each time you go to the store so you know what the plan is to help you stay on track.


Do I Need a Coach?

Sometimes doing the eating plan for P90X is not something you can do on your own. This is why a Beachbody Coach can help. Beachbody coaches are there to motivate and guide you through your P90X program to not only ensure that you follow your work out schedules, but that you get the most results and are satisfied with the product you are using.

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Struggling With Your Weight? | P90X Advice

Struggling With Your Weight

If you have found yourself on my page then you are probably like the millions of other people out there who are struggling with your weight and body issues. I don’t think that there is anyone out there who is completely satisfied with their body. And even if you are in great shape and are healthy, there is always some room for improvement.

I have found that there are many weight loss and health products out there. But the problem is that it is difficult to figure out which are just fads and which are the real things. In my experience, the best health and weight loss programs are those that entail a change in lifestyle, and not just a quick fix. And, the program will only work as much as you are prepared to put in the effort and make the necessary changes. But, making the decision to lose weight and get fit and healthy is the very important first step in the journey.

· One of the best ways that you can get fit is through a process known as muscle confusion. It is exactly how it sounds; you perform different exercises and mix them up in order to confuse your muscles. Our bodies get used to certain exercises if we do them over and over again, and the results are not as great as when we first started the exercises. A great tool to help you with this is P90X, which enables you to confuse your muscles using different exercises taken from different exercise ‘genre’s like yoga, cardio, resistance training, etc.
· Obviously, to get the p90 results you have to have a good nutrition and eating plan too. Whenever you want to lose weight, build muscle and become leaner you have to eat A LOT of protein. Protein essentially builds muscle, and this is why it is so important. As I said earlier, to get the results that you want to have to make a lifestyle change, and that includes changing your eating habits.

So, how does the P90X workout plan actually work?

There are three key essential things that you will have to do if you decide that you really do want to improve your body and your health using this program.

1. Firstly, you have to change the types of exercises that you do in one routine, and incorporate more. For example, you could go from a cardio workout directly into resistance training. You have to do the swap even if you are using workout machines.
2. If there is one exercise that you really enjoy doing, then by all means, do it as much as you want. Just make sure that you alternate between the levels of speed or difficulty. In other words, if you are walking go really fast for a few minutes, then slow down for the same amount of minutes, and then go back up again. You should keep doing this for the duration of that particular routine
3. Rest breaks. Try to keep your breaks between exercises as short as possible. I would advise you to keep your breaks at one minute or less for lean muscle development. Allowing your body to recover lost energy by taking breaks while working out is key in development. However, for strength training, taking longer breaks is recommended to allow your muscles to fully recover for the next set, going this route will cause you to lose your pump but gain power.

I hope you have found some useful tips here. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you do the exercises correctly for maximum results. Exercising for hours while doing them incorrectly will only add stress to your day and disappointing results. So if you are struggling with your weight, find a way to get your body working itself in many different ways for quicker and leaner results.

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What is P90X Certification | Get P90X Certified

P90X Certification

Many of my friends are personal trainers and have been asking me about the P90X certification that will be available starting in late January. Because there are people wanting more info and there is not much out there at this point, I will give you what I know at this point.

It will be a comprehensive and intensive training of P90X in 2 steps:

1) A “Qualification process” – An online course that you will be able to purchase and take online. Cost $99
2) The “Certification process” – You will be required to take a 2 day intensive training class in cities TBD. Cost $399

A person can become certified whether they are a Beachbody free customer or coach. However, if you are registered as a coach, you will get 10% off both your qualification and certification. The online training will be available through the online store, which will take place late January, and the certification will start late March in a locations to be announced as the time gets near.

This will give a person an opportunity to teach the P90X program in depth. It will include:

An online qualifying course
Intensive, 2-day, live training with certified trainers
A course and resource manual
A physical certificate and an electronic badge

When a person completes the certification, they will be able to teach in gyms worldwide and add to their arsenal of credentials as a trainer, coach, motivator, inspirer, and supporter to those wanting maximum results. As a coach, you will be able to take yourself to new heights in your business and more effectively help others in getting the results they desire.

I would recommend getting a group together and taking a road trip to a destination city for the certification in late March. Maybe our team will take one to a southern california location and we could all get certified together.

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P90X Mobile

P90X Mobile

Beachbody has come out with the P90X app for Iphone users. Now you don’t have to stay at home or where ever your DVD player is, you can now have your workouts with you wherever life takes you. In addition to having your workouts at your convenience, you can also track your reps and weights, log in your meals, interact your results with others, and view your progress reports for only $4.99.

You can do all versions in the P90X program such as the Lean, Classic, and Doubles.

P90X Iphone App Interactive Features | P90X Mobile

1) Schedule – You are not limited to only the Beachbody P90 workouts. You can also schedule runs, hiking, swimming, and more.
2) Track – Track areas where you are making progress and where you need to get better to meet your goals. Customize your 30-90 day progressions to push through to your goals.
3) Earn – You can rack up achievement badges with this app for achieving your fitness goals, completing your workouts, and even going above and beyond by working out on a Friday night while your friends are out and about. Sync your workouts with our online “Super Gym” to get your chance to win up to $1000 daily just for working out.
4) Share – We live in a social media world and of course you would expect to be able to share your progress with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, email, Team Beachbody, and Apple’s Game Center.
5) “X” Anywhere – Take your workouts with you anywhere you go. You can purchase all the workouts or just single ones that you need. Either way, it’s still less than hiring a personal trainer as this app also features timed video demos for every move, tips on form, audio guidance from the man himself, Mr. Tony Horton.

P90X App Cost And Requirements| P90X Mobile

The workouts cost on average of $6.99 each or you can get the whole complete program for around $59.99 and you have the program for life. To get all the workouts is about $70 after taxes.

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.1 or later.

P90X mobile will take a little to learn how to navigate just like anything new. Be patient and learn the app as you go and you will be fine. To get discounts, you must be a team Beachbody member. Get your free membership here.

P90X2 Review | How Does It Compare To P90X

If you are one of the lucky ones who pre ordered P90X2 a few months ago from a beachbody coach, then congratulations, it is now on the way to your home. If you haven’t ordered it yet, make sure to read this P90X2 review to decide if it is best for you and your goals.

A lot of people have been asking me how P90X2 compares to P90X. So I decided to put it out there for all those that are interested.

Tony Horton, created a video explaining the difference and I got to say that I can’t wait to get mine. So let’s get to it

Here are the words from Tony Horton Himself.

Difference from P90X and P90X2 | P90X2 Review

P90X was created to get you in the best physical shape of your life
P90X2 was created to increase your athletic ability with body transformation being an inevitable bi product.

P90X changed your body with muscle confusion with a combination of resistance training, plyometrics, cardio training, and yoga to keep your muscles guessing.
P90X2 incorporates the same training protocols and also layers in a sports breakthrough science technique called PAP. Post – Activation – Potentiation

P90X has (3) 30 day phases designed to avoid a plateau. Constantly rotating between adaptation and mastery.
P90X2 has more flexible phases ranging from 3 to 6 weeks, but with individual goals for each phase establishing a strong foundation, increases in strength, and explosive power.

P90x kept you moving 6 days a week, while P90X2’s heavy workload means more recovery is required, keeping your workout week at 5 days.
P90X2 incorporates 12 challenging workouts, while P90X2 has 12 all new workouts plus 2 additional extreme workouts

P90X includes a solid 60 day nutrition plan
P90X2 also contains 90 days of performance based fuel integrating the latest research in nutrition science, including all new recipes and additional vegan, and grain free options.

Finally, X2 Yoga is a 60 minute, all new moves, focused on sports specific training.

Which Fitness Program Is Best For you | P90X2 Review

So there you have it.

If you are wanting to do a body transformation, then P90X will be the best of the two for you. P90X2 is more to increase your athletic performance rather than transform your body in 90 days. However, P90X2 will still be a major part in developing strong lean muscle.

As a matter of fact, I would highly recommend doing P90X first before moving on to it’s sequel as the 2nd will require some athletic ability as it focuses on sports specific movement as stated above.

If you haven’t seen my P90X transformation, you can see on my Youtube channel. I highly recommend to get it, follow the workout calendar AND nutrition plan that comes with it. If you don’t do the nutrition plan and workout calendar, then you aren’t doing the program correctly and won’t get your maximum results. Really Take in this P90X2 review and decide for yourself which is best for your current goals.

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P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa 

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