How Does Insanity Workout Work and Will it Work for Me?

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The Insanity workout has gotten a lot of reviews. While some good and some bad, the biggest common denominator in reviews about how does Insanity workout work is what shape you are in prior to starting the Insanity program. This doesn’t mean you have to already have perfectly ripped abs and a sexy fit body, but you do need to be in some sort of shape to see the results of Insanity take shape.


How Does Insanity Workout Work | The Workout

Insanity allows you to burn fat faster because you are put through an extreme cardio workout in a reverse HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) format. A majority of these workouts have the potential to burn thousands of calories – depending on the amount of intensity you put into it. The entire purpose of the Insanity workout is to continually push, push, push and keep pushing so that your body gets the maximum workout it needs.

Shaun T will take you through high intensity intervals that will take your heart rate up and then bring you down to re oxygenate your muscles. Unlike the standard HIIT, where it takes you on primarily medium paced exercises and then boosts you up for a short time of high intensity, Insanity will take you through primarily high intensity moves and then gives you just enough time to recover for the next hardcore interval.

You will continually be pushed to test you limits with Insanity. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t finish the whole workout on any DVD the first week or two you try it. That is a wake up call that you have room to improve and if you stick with it, Insanity will indeed work for you and get you the results you desire.


How Does Insanity Workout Work for People Not in Shape

The most important thing to remember when starting Insanity is you need to be in the proper cardiovascular health in order to get the best results without a potential for life-threatening harm. That being said, if you are looking for a way to burn fat faster to get yourself in shape, Insanity will work. You may not get the washboard abs if you are severely overweight, but what you will get is:

  • More energy
  • Faster metabolism
  • Significant weight loss

If you are having trouble going up the flight of stairs at work, then Insanity is not the best program to start with. Beachbody has numerous programs that will show you how to burn fat faster for optimal results such as the workout with Tony Horton, Slim 6 and other Beachbody products.


How Does Insanity Workout Work and Will It Work for Me?

Insanity will work for you, as long as you stay dedicated. In addition, using the insanity chart to guide you on your nutrition as well as the workout guide to keep you on track are the things that  will give you the best results. So will Insanity work for you? If your body is in somewhat of good shape enough or is ready to dig deeper and test your mental capacity then, yes, Insanity will work for you.

Down the road you will be challenged more than in the beginning because you know what the workouts entail. It is easy to be discouraged if you know your weaknesses and strengths. Some workouts you do better than others and some days you won’t want to do the difficult ones. My advice is to do it anyways and focus on the ones that are tough and watch yourself get better. Push to do more than you did the last time and next thing you know, certain workouts won’t be as hard and you can move on in mastering the next one.

If you are not in at least a bit of shape and not ready to dedicate yourself to the Insanity workout, you may not be satisfied with the results you get. Reason being is that you will not be able to keep up at all and you won’t feel any possibilities nearby. So the less capable you are to perform the workout, the more frustrated and undedicated you will be.

Insanity does work. It is also known as the toughest cardio workout ever put on DVD, and it requires dedication just like any other workout program. If you can put in the time, put in the effort and keep up with it for the length of the insanity chart you will see the results the advertisements promise. Only you can determine the results you get – that is with any workout.

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