P90X2 Review | How Does It Compare To P90X

If you are one of the lucky ones who pre ordered P90X2 a few months ago from a beachbody coach, then congratulations, it is now on the way to your home. If you haven’t ordered it yet, make sure to read this P90X2 review to decide if it is best for you and your goals.

A lot of people have been asking me how P90X2 compares to P90X. So I decided to put it out there for all those that are interested.

Tony Horton, created a video explaining the difference and I got to say that I can’t wait to get mine. So let’s get to it

Here are the words from Tony Horton Himself.

Difference from P90X and P90X2 | P90X2 Review

P90X was created to get you in the best physical shape of your life
P90X2 was created to increase your athletic ability with body transformation being an inevitable bi product.

P90X changed your body with muscle confusion with a combination of resistance training, plyometrics, cardio training, and yoga to keep your muscles guessing.
P90X2 incorporates the same training protocols and also layers in a sports breakthrough science technique called PAP. Post – Activation – Potentiation

P90X has (3) 30 day phases designed to avoid a plateau. Constantly rotating between adaptation and mastery.
P90X2 has more flexible phases ranging from 3 to 6 weeks, but with individual goals for each phase establishing a strong foundation, increases in strength, and explosive power.

P90x kept you moving 6 days a week, while P90X2’s heavy workload means more recovery is required, keeping your workout week at 5 days.
P90X2 incorporates 12 challenging workouts, while P90X2 has 12 all new workouts plus 2 additional extreme workouts

P90X includes a solid 60 day nutrition plan
P90X2 also contains 90 days of performance based fuel integrating the latest research in nutrition science, including all new recipes and additional vegan, and grain free options.

Finally, X2 Yoga is a 60 minute, all new moves, focused on sports specific training.

Which Fitness Program Is Best For you | P90X2 Review

So there you have it.

If you are wanting to do a body transformation, then P90X will be the best of the two for you. P90X2 is more to increase your athletic performance rather than transform your body in 90 days. However, P90X2 will still be a major part in developing strong lean muscle.

As a matter of fact, I would highly recommend doing P90X first before moving on to it’s sequel as the 2nd will require some athletic ability as it focuses on sports specific movement as stated above.

If you haven’t seen my P90X transformation, you can see on my Youtube channel. I highly recommend to get it, follow the workout calendar AND nutrition plan that comes with it. If you don’t do the nutrition plan and workout calendar, then you aren’t doing the program correctly and won’t get your maximum results. Really Take in this P90X2 review and decide for yourself which is best for your current goals.

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P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa 

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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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