Body Beast Legs Workout | Bulk Series Review

Last night I completed day 24 of the Body Beast workout. Legs! This muscle group used to be the least favorite of mine to workout, but now it seems to be one of my top 3.

Why? Legs are a very big part of your everyday performance. It’s how we get around, and it where a lot of our power comes from in sports. So to neglect your legs just because it’s easy to hide them, doesn’t mean we skip “leg” workouts. As I always say,

“Friends Never Let Friends Skip Leg Workouts”


Body Beast Bulk Series – Workout Review

Being day 23 of the Body Beast workout last night, means that it is my first time doing the “Bulk” Series Legs. The first three weeks

body beast workout
Squats- Body Beast Bulk Series Workout

of Body Beast is the “Build” Series, so starting week 4 this week moved me into the 5 week Bulk Series. Unlike the previous program I have done like P90X, where it is split into Month 1,2, and 3, Body Beast is not equally split into months, instead, 3 blocks.

5 weeks of 6 days on and 1 day off is what I will be battling with here in the Bulk series. The workouts are now targeted towards one specific muscle group. In the Build Series, you would do Chest and Triceps in one workout. In the Bulk Series, you will just do Chest one day and that’s it, then Legs, then Arms, and so on.

For the first time since I started, progressive sets will be implemented into my workouts. This is where you will perform sets of 15, 12, and 8 reps starting with lighter weight and moving up to heavier weight as you complete the 8 reps. Then you will rest for 90 seconds and then continue with 8 reps first this time, 12, and lastly, 15 reps, starting with heavier and going lighter as you increase reps to finish off the set.

A progressive set is defined in “The Book of Beast” as a pyramid that goes from high reps to low reps. Takes a break, then back up to high reps.


Body Beast Legs Workout | Bulk Series Review

In the Body Beast legs workout, you will be performing exercise such as:

  • Front to Back Lunge
  • Squat
  • Full to 1/2 Sumo Squat
  • Split Squat with E-Z Bar or Dumbbell
  • Stiff Leg Deadlift
  • Alternating Side Squat
  • Calf Raise
  • Beast Abs

Progressive sets will be done with Squats and full to 1/2 Sumo squats. One exercise that I struggled with is the stiff leg deadlift as it really is a slow move that you must be careful in doing. Reason is, is that it requires you to keep your legs straight as you keep your back straight bending down, stretching your hamstrings.

Where I struggled was knowing how far to go down at first. Then, as I listened to Sagi on the program, he gave a tips that made it come together for me. Next time around, I’ll be at 100% with this exercise.

Body Beast Legs Workout | Workout Summary

From beginning to end, the “leg” workout is 41:14 in length. The best thing about this Body Beast workout is that they aren’t long at all. It’s just pure pump and go, then you’re done. So I make sure I get the max out of my 41 minutes, sweat like I just got out of
the pool, and be in a constant test of my mental & physical abilities.

For me, knowing that it isn’t a long workout at all, allows me to really give it 120% cause I know I want to make every second, every rep of every exercise count before it’s done. Why? Cause at the end of the 90 days of Body Beast, I want results! I don’t want to look back and say that I could’ve done better with the workouts, or tried harder. No, I want to lay it all out so at the end, I can say I couldn’t have done anything else and this transformation, is what I truly deserve.

So follow my journey by subscribing to my blog posts to the right. You will receive all my posts and updates on my progressions and transformations throughout the 90 days to see if this Body Beast workout delivers what it promises.

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P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa 

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Body Beast – Build Series Review

I just completed the first of three “blocks” of Body Beast, which is the “Build” that lasts 3 weeks. For the next 5 weeks, I will be going into the “Bulk” block, and then finishing off the last 4 weeks on the “Beast” block to complete my 90 day Body Beast transformation.

Starting on July 30th means that I will be done around Halloween this year. My ultimate goal is to end up at 175lbs from starting at 168. When I got up this morning, I was 166. What the Heck? Lost 2 lbs! Not what I was hoping for but it’s only 3 weeks into the program. One of the things that I did was start out the program without the Body Beast supplements to see how my body reacted and improved with just my nutrition alone.

I feel that my body is tighter and definitely more muscle definition. So, you may ask, “Why aren’t you gaining muscle mass the way Body Beast is supposed to?” I can’t give you an honest answer at this point, but what I can say is that I do a lot of cardio everyday at work cause I have to constantly be moving and I sweat for 8-10 hours straight. It might be that I am doing a lot more cardio than the program suggests.

Body Beast Cardio

I am doing the “Lean Beast” schedule as opposed to the “Huge Beast” schedule. It’s for people that want to gain muscle mass but also want to lose some fat. The cardio amount specified in lean schedule is only 1 day a week. However, like I said, with my type of work I do in the establishment I work at, I simply am doing a lot more cardio and calorie burning then the program suggests. This might be my reason for dropping weight.

My only option would be to up my carbs and calories even more, so that is what I’ve been doing the last 3 days. Not only that, but I also ordered a couple of Body Beast supplements to compliment my workouts. I will start the 2nd block with:

We’ll see what difference it makes in my results for the second block, which is “Bulk”.

Body Beast Build – Exercise Tips

By the end of the first block, your exercises should have been perfected in form. If not, you must take the time to properly disect how to do this by watching them lead on the program and then emulate their form and listen to their tips. This is crucial for your final results as you don’t want to:

  • Injure yourself
  • Workout the wrong muscles
  • Sell yourself short on effectiveness of each workout

For example, in the seated bicep curls for Back/Bi’s workout, you want to make sure that you aren’t moving your elbows forward and back. This will cheat your biceps in getting the full max workout and thus, effect your results. Doing little things like this makes a huge difference and makes the program more interesting as you go along. For me, I want to perfect each exercise no matter how many times I’ve done it and get beasty everytime around.

Body Beast Build – Moving Up In Weights Weekly

Here are my results with some of the exercises that I increased weights in for my first 3 weeks:

Deadlifts: Increased from 30 lbs to 40 lbs for my last 8 reps

One Arm Rows: Increased from 30 to 40lbs and was able to finish my last 8 reps versus failing at 4 reps at 30lbs the first week.

Close Grip Press: Increased my last set of 8 reps from 25lbs in the first week to 40 lbs my 3rd week.

On average, I moved up 5 lbs in most exercises withing the first 3 weeks. Remember, this was without any Body Beast supplements or pre/post workout formulas. However, as I said earlier, I am changing this concept and using supplements starting the 2nd block of “Bulk”. We’ll see if the supplements gives me any kind of advantage.

Body Beast Summary
I feel stronger, more energetic, and positive. All around I know that I have made a huge change since day 1 in my strength. My chest and arms feel the best out of everything else and I’m ready to bring some bulk to them for the next 5 weeks.

The first build series was all about focusing on synergistic muscle groups to build strength and build a foundation for you to work on the rest of the way. Now, moving on to the Bulk series, Sagi is going to use new school set routines to bring you to a level of success you never thought you could achieve through fitness. Body beast is no joke, and I’m ready to put it all in for the win.

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Author: Tony Banawa 

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Body Beast Back and Biceps – Week 2 of 12

I’m featuring the Body Beast Back and Biceps workout today. Finishing out week 2, I definitely felt stronger and went up on weights on most of my exercises. On some days I felt weaker on certain exercises that the first week. For example, the one armed rows were tougher this week for me. My right side was weaker than my left side. I guess that happens.

Week 2 Body Beast Back and Biceps

I actually lost a pound on the weight scale but that doesn’t bother me. I am thinking that the last day will tell the true results of my

Body Beast Back and Biceps
Dumbbell Curls – Body Beast Back & Biceps

determination throughout the journey. I know some people get all shook up daily about what the scale says. That could be the least important compared to what you are actually gaining inside yourself mentally and physically. It takes time for your body to change and you must understand and be patient. If not, you could find yourself losing hope and selling yourself short of your goals.

Week 2 Workouts – Body Beast Back and Biceps

The workouts for the first three weeks are the exact same with your rest day coming on every 6th day. The only thing you change are the weights as you get stronger. I started to video most of my workouts so I could show viewers what Body Beast entails. I understand some people like to see if it works before they try it so for that reason, I decided to provide the video footage on my journey and be the guinea pig.

My Focus Moving Forward – Body Beast Back and Biceps

As I go into my 3rd week of Body Beast, my mental state remains focused on proper form and increasing my weights as I am able to do so. Remember, my goal is to gain about 7-10 lbs of muscle so I want to go up in weight as often as I can, as well as keep on eating like a beast. With my body and activity level, I am in need of at least 2800 calories daily. Who knows, I might have to upgrade my Bowflex SelectTech 552 to the heavier set soon:) Hope you enjoyed my Body Beast back and biceps video and review. Stay tuned…

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P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa 

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Body Beast Chest and Tris Workout | Day 13 Video

Today’s workout is Body Beast Chest and Tris. This is my 13th day of the workout by Sagi Kalev. I can already say that feel tighter everywhere. My weight has remained the same since starting at 168lbs and my nutrition has been spot on at about 2800 calories per day. My final goal weight is 175. Remember, I am on a mission to gain muscle mass not lose weight for the next 90 days.

With that said, I just completed the chest & tris workout today and I gotta tell ya, it’s a beast! Especially the giant sets where you have to perform decline push-ups when your muscles are already fatigue from close grip presses and partial chest fly’s with no rest in between.

In the Chest & Tris body beast workout, you will perform:

  • Single Sets including Dumbbell chest press and tricep extensions
  • Super Sets including Incline dumbbell fly, incline dumbbell press, single arm kickbacks, diamond pushups, dips on bench, and In & Outs
  • One Giant set including Close Grip Press, partial chest fly, and decline pushups

Each set type will start you at 15 reps, then 12, 8, and drop weight to another 8 without rest. They call the latter part a drop set.

Body Beast Chest and Tris Workout Length

This workout is pretty much to the point and mean. You don’t have to invest an hour of your day to get the pump and bulk feeling. This particular workout is only 48:53. Five minutes of that is warm up and cool down so you know the workout part is all beast mode. So if you’re looking for something that will get you massive gains and won’t take up much of your day, the Body Beast workout is the way to go.

Do I Recommend The Body Beast Workout? | Body Beast Chest and Tris

Well I’m only 13 days into the program, but I can say that compared to how I felt with other programs like P90X, Insanity and P90X2, this is definitely just as good in what it promises to bring you, huge gains. Most programs backed by a top name will work, but it’s the person’s commitment and dedication that needs to meet it half way. If you do, the body beast workout will unleash the beast within you.

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P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa 

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My Full Body Beast Shoulders Video

Here is a video I made for you to the body beast shoulders workout. This is my second week and it’s pretty hardcore when doing all the workouts in single, super, drop, and giant sets. You really get the burn and bulk feeling. I wanted to share today’s in home live workout with you so you can see the actual experience with me. I left out any music to really concentrate on what I’m doing while listening to the actual dvd program. Body Beast shoulders is one of my favorite so far of the program.

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P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa 

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Tony’s Week 1 of 12 Body Beast Review

On July 30th, I started Body Beast, the newest workout program to this date by Beachbody. It is a program that uses old school body building techniques with new scientific approaches to get you to gain 10 lbs of lean muscle in 90 days from your living room, office, or garage. This program is for people who want to get bigger muscle mass and become stronger. Follow me and my 90 day journey by bookmarking this page as it will be updated weekly with my body beast review.

Week 1 Body Beast Review

body beast review
Don't want to get bulky? No Worries, it takes more than 1 round of Body Beast

Many people have told me that they don’t want to do Body Beast because they don’t want to become a meat head, or look uncomfortable by putting on too much muscle. Let’s get this very clear. If you you think you’re gonna become an “Arnold” Schwarzenegger overnight, then you will be dissappointed. It’s gonna take more than 90 days to get that professional bodybuilding physique.

So my answer to those people who don’t want to become a meathead in 90 days, you won’t. However, gaining 10 lbs of muscle will give you a stronger look and more mass. Depending on your starting point you could still look lean or you could become more bulkier looking depending on two things:

  1. If you follow the Lean Beast or The Huge Beast Plan
  2. Your nutrition

Here is my body beast review after week 1

Starting out, the warm ups are definitely not as long or in depth as P90X or Insanity, both workouts that I have done and completed. Body Beast’s warm up are very basic and I think a bit too short. But don’t forget that you aren’t going to do P90X or Insanity. That being said, it is enough to get your body and muscles warmed up to do the moves in each workout so far.

Body Beast takes you into the traditional gym workouts and changes it up into single sets, super sets, giant sets, and more. What I mean by traditonal gym workouts is that you will be doing more of:

  • Dumbbell press
  • Incline flys
  • Deadlifts
  • Bulgarian Lunges
  • Single Arm Kickbacks

Basically, things you can do at the gym. Except now, you are doing it in specific types of sets and making sure your form is right as well as getting enough rest in between when needed or too much rest when rest is not part of the sets. Basically, you can be assured that everything you’re doing in the time frame is effective and max benefit to your specific muscle targeted workout for the day.

The cool down is also a bit short and i feel needs to be longer so I stay after and implement additional stretches to complete my inner demand of feeling fully cooled down and stretched. Stretching and cool down should never be skipped!

How do i feel after the first week of Body Beast? I feel that I built up some muscle already. With the workouts not being as long as P90X or Insanity, I am able to really push hard from the start with Body Beast versus pacing myself for the last 25 minutes doing P90x.

My Starting Weight & Where I want to Be | Body Beast Review

My starting weight was at 168. During the first week, I happened to drop a pound and then gain it back so I am still the same as when I started finishing out the first week. I am following the “Lean Beast Schedule” so I am looking to finish my 90 days at about 175lbs.

If you’re not yet familiar with the 2 schedules in Body Beast, let me briefly review them for you. They give you an option to do a “Lean” or “Huge” Beast schedule. Huge is for people who just want to get big. Lean is for people that want to gain mass but also lose some fat. I know you can’t bulk up and lean up at the same time so I think the lean schedule is too minimize the amount of healthy fat you put on when you gain the 10 lbs of muscle mass to your frame.


My Opinion of Sagi Kalev – Body Beast Weekly Review

I got to meet Sagi, the Body Beast creator, in Las Vegas where I live in June 2012, the same month his program came out. My first

Body Beast Review
Sagi Kalev in Las Vegas- Body Beast Review

impression was that he is a very calm cool person. In the videos, he is very into his work and wants you to succeed. He may not be the gifted Spokesman for the WhiteHouse, but he gets the job done and has some humor to keep you entertained.


Body Beast Compared to Body For Life

Body Beast reminds me of doing the Body For Life program by Bill Phillips back in 1998. More traditional moves and changing them up to work different parts of each muscle. I got great results with Body for Life, so I’m sure I will with Body Beast because in my opinion, it is like Body For Life, but with more variety of moves and set types to get you more results.

So after completing week 1, I can honestly say that I recommend the program for those who want a short but effective workout at home. They are about 40 minutes on average so you have time to live life as well. If you are one that loves to lift but need some guidance on how to do each move, perform set types, and rest properly in between sets, then Body Beast is for you.  At the end of each month, I will post pictures to show my results. See ya next week for my week 2 Body Beast review.

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Author: Tony Banawa 

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Top At Home Workouts For Women Who Demand Results

At home workouts for women can be a lifesaver in the busy lives of working women and house moms everywhere. Many women just don’t fit the “Gym Rat” persona, and going to the gym can be claustrophobic, tiresome, and time consuming.

If there is one saving grace for the fitness needs of women everywhere, it is in the invention of the at home workout video. In addition, you don’t need to purchase brand new gym equipment as there are Second-Hand Gym Equipment Specialists who can supply you with affordable workout equipment.

We have sorted through many of the top workout videos for women on the market today, and have put together the best of the best for beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels.

As women explore various at-home workout options tailored for beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels, they can also address another aspect of their well-being. Recognizing that women’s health extends beyond fitness, there’s a growing awareness of the importance of holistic self-care. Some women may be particularly interested in exploring natural approaches to breast enhancement, and amidst the wealth of information, testimonials like Breast Actives Reviews may offer valuable insights. This dual focus on fitness and overall well-being empowers women to make choices that align with their individual health goals, turning their homes into personal sanctuaries for both physical and self-care routines.

No matter your fitness level, Commercial Gym Equipment Suppliers offer a diverse range of high-quality fitness solutions to cater to your individual needs. In addition to providing top-notch exercise equipment, these suppliers go beyond by offering comprehensive programs equipped with full guides on proper nutrition, workout calendars, and cutting-edge support. Join a thriving community of over 900,000 fitness enthusiasts who are ready to assist and motivate you, ensuring you stay on track and achieve your fitness goals.

If you are up for the challenge, feel free to dive right in.

At Home Workouts for Women – Beginners

1. Slim in 6
At Home workouts for women Created by world renowned fitness expert Debbie Siebers, this simple workout plan is geared toward older women and moms who are starting a workout routine for the first time.

It incorporates the most effective and time efficient workout exercises to achieve its goals in just 6 weeks.

Slim in 6 focuses on starting strong and staying strong for the whole 6 weeks, promising a loss of 6 pounds in your first six days. Debbie’s 6 day express nutrition book is also an excellent resource into starting a healthy diet if you have been stuck on a diet of fast food and sugary sweets for many years. For those looking to complement their fitness journey with targeted fat reduction, exploring options like Phoenix CoolSculpting can provide additional support in achieving your desired physique.

2. Tai Cheng

at home workouts for women

Tai Cheng proves that getting into shape fast isn’t just about the hit em’ hard workout exercises and extreme diet plans, it is also about your mindset.

If you are nervous about getting into the high speed exercises that a system like P90x offers, then you may want to start off with a DVD like Tai Cheng to boost your confidence and condition your body.

Used by athletes and stay at home moms alike, Tai Cheng’s unique dynamic motion activities are some of the best techniques around to help your flexibility, balance, endurance and cardio all in one set. The Tai Cheng nutrition guide also has some of the best natural, organic, recipes we’ve ever seen in an exercise system.

3. Cha-Lean Extreme

at home workouts for women

One of the 3 essential workout DVD programs created by aerobics superstar Chalene Johnson, this workout routine is a step above our previous two routines, but not quite as intense as Chalene’s other programs. An excellent entry point if you are already in good shape, but want to prepare yourself for more intense workout sessions down the road.

At Home Workouts for Women – Intermediate

1. Turbo Jam

at home workouts for women

Get ready to start moving if you start on the Turbo Jam exercise routine. From the moment that opening bell starts, to the moment the workout timer hits zero, you are punching, kicking, and moving every step of the way.

The thing we love about turbo jam is that it uses a number of subtle workout enhancers to speed up the process of burning fat. One of these is Chalene’s turbo sculpting gloves, which increase the amount of work your muscles do on every move.

2. Turbo Fire

at home workouts for women

Chalene Johnson’s third rapid fire exercise program is meant for women who are ready to take it to the next level.

Through a mix of aerobic marital arts training, dynamic stretching exercises, and a series of HIIT sessions (High Intensity Interval Training), this class will bring you into peak shape faster than you could have ever imagined.

This program also has one of the best workout soundtracks to go with the DVD, with 20 unique remixed workout beats you won’t hear anywhere else.

4. Les Mills Pump

at home workouts for women

This workout system is designed specifically to build as much lean muscle as possible, very quickly.

Though originally intended for men, many women have taken up the challenge of Les Mill’s infamous muscle building routine and have, in many cases, surpassed the achievements of the men. Les Mills Pump is an at home workout taught by the top Les Mills Body Pump trainers around the world. They use a rep effect using low weight and high repetition to get lean results.

At Home Workouts For Women – Advanced

1. P90x

at home workouts for women

So you think you can keep up with the guys? This is your chance to prove it with one of the best workout DVD’s of all time. Unlike the previous workout routines for women, these routines not only focus on cardio, flexibility, and burning fat, but they also push you to build lean muscle as well.

Tony Horton has proven his system works over the years, and still swears by it today. Rumor has it he spent years studying the most effective routines and then crammed them into this one video series. Recommended for men as well as women. After you finish P90X, they now have P90X2 to take it to the next level with balance and strength workouts that will get you in top notch elite status.

2. Insanity

at home workouts for women

Perhaps the toughest system in existence today, this program has proven a challenge even for athletes and other trainers in the Beach Body series.

If you really want to know how those female tennis stars and Olympic swimmers get such perfectly sculpted bodies, this is the DVD to turn to.

You might even go for this DVD first out of the entire at home workouts for women collection, because after all, if you can handle insanity, you can handle anything.

Lastly, I wanted to include some of the women on our team that have gotten amazing results from these at home workouts for women.

at home workouts for women
Aniedra’s Insanity Results
at home workouts for women
Lindsay’s ChaLean Extreme Results
at home workouts for women
Jessamyn Patterson’s 1 year P90X results
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P90X by Tony Banawa

A List Of Most Sought After At Home Workouts For Men

Guys, let’s be honest … If you’re a busy person, dedicated father,  like spending time with your family like myself, or just plain love doing workouts in your own private residence from time to time,  at home workouts for men are purely proven to get you serious results.

If you have ever tried to workout at home on your own, then you know how hard it can be to keep a tight schedule on a custom workout routine. That is why when programs like P90x and Insanity came out, they revolutionized how the fitness industry works.

Not only did these in home programs I’m about to mention sweep the in home fitness industry, but they put together a concept that even helped people learn how to properly eat, write down and improve their performance daily, and allow anyone who bought their programs free access to a community of hundreds of thousands to communicate with. Basically, making it fun to workout.

I used to think that any home I saw done at home was for beginners or just the females. I couldn’t have been more wrong! Turns out that I got better results than I ever got going to the traditional gym. Not everyone can afford a gym membership or let alone a personal trainer @ $45/hour or a nutritionist @ $100 per hour. These at home workouts for men below give all that to you and more, and even elite athletes are taking notice and implementing them into their training regimen.

Gyms no longer held a monopoly on the fitness industry, and at-home workouts suddenly started to take flight. Times are changing as we all know. The cell phones are basically your everything you need mobile device instead of just a big block that sits i your middle console in case you broke down on the road. Kids aren’t asking for Lite Brite, slinky’s, or remote control cars anymore for their birthdays, they want Ipads, Iphones, and laptops. Just like that evolution, you can no longer drink safely from the garden hose anymore with your friends on a hot day like we used to back 20 years ago. It’s just not safe.

My point, the way we get in shape and get healthy is forever changing. Fitness doesn’t have to take up your time and get in the way of your career or social life. It doesn’t have to be expensive, and it doesn’t have to be a mystery on how to get your results. There are now at home workouts for men that guide you from A-Z, from start to finish.

But what are the best home based training regiments? Here we list some of our favorites in different categories.

Best Beginner At Home Workouts For Men

1. Power 90

At home workouts for men
Power 90 – My top recommendation for at home workouts for men – Beginners Level


Unlike P90x, this video series was actually designed for beginners. If you are finding P90x too stressful, try switching to the introductory exercises in power 90 for a more balanced approach.

Power 90 came out before the popular P90X, which was an extreme workout designed to give Power 90 graduates something to build on. The rest is history.

At Home Workouts For Men Already In A Bit Of Shape

1. P90x

At Home Workouts For Men
P90X is one of the top at home workouts for men today

With the extreme level that fitness training programs have come to these days, the legendary P90x can still be classified as the top at home sold workout for total body transformation.

When p90x first came out of course, it was considered too extreme for your average couch potato American, and critics said it wouldn’t sell. The only problem was p90x went on to become the best-selling fitness DVD of all time. You will be pushing and pulling in all angles you never imagined to help your body become strong and functional for all life situations, not just general strength and looks.

Get this classic, but still great introduction to the Beach Body series and you are guaranteed to have a head start on all the rest.



2. P90x 2

at home workouts for men
P90X2 is for the advanced fitness level – At home workouts for men

P90x 2 is meant for those athletes who graduated P90X and is ready to take it to the next level. P90X2 isn’t harder than P90X, but the difference is doing the actual strength routines with balance, therefore focusing more on core strength and balance, agility, functionality, and more.

You will find that your lifting strength is only half the puzzle when it comes to building a solid physique. You need endurance, flexibility, and a proper diet to ensure you get the most amount of reps on every set. You can hire lawyers for fall accidents from here!

According to the law firm for slip and fall claims, being able to use your strength in many different ways than the traditional curls, bench press, and squats is what P90x2 is for. It is designed to give you that added strength when you really need it in real life situations to prevent injury (get criminal justice lawyers help from here), restrain you from having to find attorney after a fall injury and live a more functional life confidently. It teaches you not only to lift heavy weight, but lift weight with balance and other muscle working together for all around fitness and well being. You can also get attorneys for traffic accident injuries from here!


3. Insanity

At home workouts for men
The Insanity workout is one of the hardest cardio at home workouts for men in my opinion.


The original Insanity work out DVD is one of the most difficult training regiments on the planet. If personal trainers and athletes have trouble getting through this DVD, how do you think you will fare?

This is meant for seriously dedicated, muscle toning freaks. Don’t let the kids anywhere near it. In all seriousness, I always let my kids do cardio with me. It’s just good for them and it teaches them a healthy lifestyle at a young age.

If you are having trouble getting through the program, don’t feel bad about skipping a day if your body is screaming at you. Allow your body to recover and go at it again. Also, don’t try to keep up with any of them in the DVD and don’t compare yourself to them until you have reached that level you could literally say, you’ve gone the distance and I did it.


4. Insanity Asylum

At home workouts for men
Insanity Asylum – One of the hardest at home workouts for men & women


Insanity Asylum differs from its predecessor in that its primary objective is agility, cardio, and endurance instead a full body sculpted physique.

Insanity Asylum was designed in conjunction with some of the best athletic training regiments on the planet, including those used by Olympic athletes. It is the perfect complement to an intense cardio workout.

I use this program to help me train for the word known tough mudder events. Pro athletes helped put this intense endurance and strength program together so you know it’s something you’ll be challenged with. The agility ladder is used frequently in this series to make sure you use proper form which is something new from the first Insanity. Volume 2 will be coming out later this year featuring Olympic speed skater, Apolo Ohno.

Best Muscle Building at Home Workouts for Men

1. Les Mills Pump

At home workouts for men
Les Mills Pump – Good for that lean ripped look


Using a dynamic blend of cross training, muscle confusion and muscle stretching exercises, Les Mills’ Pump was designed to maximize your muscles to their fullest potential. They use a “Rep Effect” to get you that lean toned physique in 90 days. In this program, you will be using the low weight high rep style for lean muscle mass.

Les Mills also happens to be a nutritional expert, if you didn’t know. His book that comes with the Pump DVD has been rated one of the best training diet books currently on the market.

Be sure and follow both the training routine and the diet book to the letter in order to maximize results.


3. Body Beast Workout

At home workouts for men
The old school body building with modern scientific strategies at home workout for men – Body Beast


The newest at home workout for men (and  women) to enjoy from BeachBody. This DVD was designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to get you bigger. Unlike all the other Beachbody programs promoted to get you that lean beach body look,  they’ve brought in Sagi Kalev, former bodybuilding title holder, to the scene and he really gets you pumped for massive gains.

You may be thinking that you’ll need an olympic bench and hundreds of punds of dumbbells and iron weights, but honestly, you can take advantage of this change in the world I talked about earlier and find out how modern scientific study along with old school bodybuilding techniques are now able to get you the same results at home with minimal equipment.

Expect to push your muscles beyond what you ever thought they could handle, and build a physique faster than you ever thought was possible with the Body Beast all natural supplements to help you.


So those are my top at home workouts for men that are proven to get you the results you want and at the same time, won’t take over your social life. All of these workouts above will take focus, a true health goal that is emotional, and a support team to help you get through the transformation.

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P90X by Tony Banawa

Does The P90X Lean Schedule Mean You Get More Lean?

If you’re one who is really interested in getting a lean body with P90x, then perhaps the P90x lean schedule is the best option. Actually, the P90x lean schedule intends to transform the body to a more lean form within 90 days via a complete fitness program catered to those who demand results.

The first thing I always here about the P90X lean schedule is, “Is it only for women?”. Although most people who choose the this schedule are women, it can be for any gender depending on their specific individual fitness goals.

The P90X Lean Schedule Is Just One Of Three To Choose From

There are 3 different schedules for P90x doers to choose from. All the schedules can be done with minimal P90X equipment. The classic, doubles and the lean schedule. According to your fitness requirements,  it is important you choose the right one. However, they all involve intense and regular workouts 6 days a week, and all three schedules are designed for 90 days.

Who Is The Lean Schedule For?

According to Tony Horton, the man behind the program itself,  the P90x lean schedule is intended for those individuals who wish to go for a slightly lesser intense resistance routine and more cardio-based. The results of this program are unique and there are positive changes in your lean body mass. The workout regime is directed towards cardio-exercises thus burning out the extra fat and help in losing weight.

I actually did the classic schedule and mixed in some doubles days when I felt  I was in “Beast Mode”, but I know people who did the P90X lean schedule and they got great results. You actually may sweat more doing the lean vs the classic, which is the most popular schedule of all three.

p90x lean schedule
My P90X Results - Choose lean, classic, or doubles schedule to hit your goals

The Difference Among P90X Lean Schedule & The Others

The P90x Classic schedule consists of 3 resistance workouts, 2 cardio workouts and 1 day of yoga training per week. The main aim of the classic version is to increase the muscle tones of the body in a lean or bulky way. The difference is whether you go light weight and more reps for lean muscle, or heavier weight with less reps to build mass.  With added cardio, you are sure to get that lean beach body look that they promise. At least I have and many others I personally know. So yeah, it works when done right.

The P90x lean schedule is not a walk in the park or eating an ice cream on a cool afternoon. It is intense and is meant for reducing the body fat quickly by more cardio exercises. Although almost all the same type of exercises and workouts are done in both the classic and lean schedules, the patterns and intensity differs to some extent. For example, this schedule doesn’t include the chest workouts until week 5, and the plyometrics workout is left out all together.

Also on the P90x lean schedule, you only do ab ripper twice a week, since your resistance training days are cut into 2 days(minus Core Synergistics which is more a p90x recovery workout) versus three with the classic and doubles.

Since this article was written specifically for the P90X Lean Schedule, here it is:
P90X Lean Workout – Phase 1-3(90 days)

Phase 1

(Weeks 1, 2 and 3)

Day 1 – Core Synergistics

Day 2 – Cardio X

Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms/ Ab Ripper X

Day 4 – Yoga X

Day 5 – Legs and Back/ Ab Ripper X

Day 6 – Kenpo X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

(Week 4 – Phase 1 Recovery Week) – Important to allow your body to tone it down before next round

Day 1 – Yoga X

Day 2 – Core Synergistics

Day 3 – Kenpo X

Day 4 – X Stretch

Day 5 – Cardio X

Day 6 – Yoga X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Phase 2

(Weeks 5-7)

Same as weeks 1-3 with one exception. Change Day 3 from shoulders and arms to Chest, Shoulder, Triceps, and Ab RipperX

(Week 8 – Phase 2 Recovery week) – Same as week 4

Phase Three

(Weeks 9 and 11)

Day 1 – Chest and Back/Ab Ripper X

Day 2 – Cardio X

Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X

Day 4 – Yoga X

Day 5 – Core Synergistics

Day 6 – Kenpo X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

(Weeks 10 and 12)

Day 1 – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps/Ab Ripper X

Day 2 – Cardio X

Day 3 – Back and Biceps/Ab Ripper X

Day 4 – Yoga X

Day 5 – Core Synergistics

Day 6 – Kenpo X

Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

(Week 13 – Final Recovery Week)

Same as the previous 2 recovery weeks


The P90x doubles schedule is the same as classic but with added cardio as your second workout of the day. This program is mainly for those who want some extra weight loss and lean muscle mass at the end. This schedule will take the most time out of all three so if you are a busy person struggling fit in a workout, this may not be for you.

If an individual intends to reduce unhealthy fat and get lean as well as fit to carry out all the daily work with full energy, the P90x lean schedule will surely be the schedule to follow.  The cardio exercises and the other workouts like strength training and yoga are well planned to give the body a slender look while increasing internal strength and power.

The P90x lean schedule is more appropriate for women as the reviews have revealed as it focuses mainly on the reduction of fat and getting a leaner and well shaped body. Men wish to get the six pack abs and develop lean muscle mass over time to look strong and powerful. So they usually prefer the other fitness regime of P90x schedules like the classic or the doubles.

The Benefits Of The P90x Lean Schedule

The lean schedule is designed in such a way as to burn weight through a specific set of exercises and workouts that is time bound. By adhering to the P90x lean schedule together with the nutrition plan and fitness calendar that keeps you on track, one can be rest assured that they will get  max results.

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P90X by Tony Banawa

I Need To Know What To Eat After Working Out

Choosing what to eat after working out is challenging. As most people know, the exercise is only half the battle. The body uses fuel in different ways during the day, and post workout meals are important for muscle repair and recover. The size, time, and content of a post-workout meal will play an important role in whether the calories eaten will be used as fuel, muscle building, or fat storage.

Ratios Of What To Eat After Working Out

Avoid over-indulging after a workout. Although it’s normal to feel hunger after strenuous exercise, choose a meal carefully. The meal consumed after the workout should equal approximately half of the calories burned during the workout. This number will probably be an approximation, but try to stay within a 50% calorie range while knowing what to eat after working out.

Plan to eat 60% of the calories from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are needed to replace muscle fuel and to prepare the body for the next exercise session. As a rule of thumb, a moderate exerciser will need about 30-40 grams of carbohydrates while an extreme exerciser should aim for 50-60 grams of carbohydrates.

Protein is also important for a post-meal workout. Protein will keep the body from breaking down muscle tissue for energy and will help to begin repair any muscles damaged during the workout. 25% of the calories eaten should come from protein. An easy way to think about the ratio of carbohydrates to protein is 4:1. Having a bagel with peanut butter, chocolate milk, eggs, 8 oz. of kefir are just a few good things to consider consuming as part of your post workout meal.


Timing Matters For Post Workout Meals | What To Eat After Working Out

After a workout, the body will continue to stay at a higher metabolism level, burning fat for up to half an hour after a workout. The best time to eat a post-workout meal is 30-45 minutes after the workout. This time frame is important because waiting longer than an hour will force the body to enter starvation mode, causing it to break down muscle fibers for fuel. If it will not be possible because of availability to have a meal in that window, try drinking chocolate milk. This is usually easier to find and many gyms stock in specifically in vending machines.

what to eat after working out
Know when and what to eat after working out for optimal performance and recovery

While most nutritional experts agree that both men and women’s post workout meals should be very similar, men are going to need to consume more calories than women. Women will typically burn 25% or more fewer calories then men doing the same workout regime. The ratio 4:1 carbs to protein should remain the same, but the overall calories should be decreased. Also, for women, it should be especially important to choose a post workout meal that contains calcium, especially if the workout has contained a weight-bearing activity that cause damage to the skeletal structure.


Getting Help From Supplements | What To Eat After Working Out

What to eat after working out
P90X Peak & Recovery - All natural with no artificial flavors or sweeteners

If getting enough protein is challenging, a post workout supplement may be the right choice.  I  personally use P90X Peak & Recovery Formula because of the fact that it works for me since doing P90X. On top of that, it’s all natural which is a huge bonus for me.

However, if my recovery formula is not for you or you want to broaden your choices for post recovery formulas, then I have a list of the best 2012 Post Workout supplements from  Just know what you want to eat after working out and take it.

For anyone interested in building muscle mass, using Creatine in a post-workout meal is a recommended way to increase muscle. Creatine is a natural compound in many foods that is used by the muscle cells. It is used for energy and helps to build lean muscle tissue and muscle cell volume. This is a recommended supplement when weight training and bodybuilding. This is a safe compound that can be added to a post-workout meal.


These goals and guidelines are the key to getting the most out of a post-workout meal. Use these to choose what to eat after working out.

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P90X by Tony Banawa