I Need To Know What To Eat After Working Out

Choosing what to eat after working out is challenging. As most people know, the exercise is only half the battle. The body uses fuel in different ways during the day, and post workout meals are important for muscle repair and recover. The size, time, and content of a post-workout meal will play an important role in whether the calories eaten will be used as fuel, muscle building, or fat storage.

Ratios Of What To Eat After Working Out

Avoid over-indulging after a workout. Although it’s normal to feel hunger after strenuous exercise, choose a meal carefully. The meal consumed after the workout should equal approximately half of the calories burned during the workout. This number will probably be an approximation, but try to stay within a 50% calorie range while knowing what to eat after working out.

Plan to eat 60% of the calories from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are needed to replace muscle fuel and to prepare the body for the next exercise session. As a rule of thumb, a moderate exerciser will need about 30-40 grams of carbohydrates while an extreme exerciser should aim for 50-60 grams of carbohydrates.

Protein is also important for a post-meal workout. Protein will keep the body from breaking down muscle tissue for energy and will help to begin repair any muscles damaged during the workout. 25% of the calories eaten should come from protein. An easy way to think about the ratio of carbohydrates to protein is 4:1. Having a bagel with peanut butter, chocolate milk, eggs, 8 oz. of kefir are just a few good things to consider consuming as part of your post workout meal.


Timing Matters For Post Workout Meals | What To Eat After Working Out

After a workout, the body will continue to stay at a higher metabolism level, burning fat for up to half an hour after a workout. The best time to eat a post-workout meal is 30-45 minutes after the workout. This time frame is important because waiting longer than an hour will force the body to enter starvation mode, causing it to break down muscle fibers for fuel. If it will not be possible because of availability to have a meal in that window, try drinking chocolate milk. This is usually easier to find and many gyms stock in specifically in vending machines.

what to eat after working out
Know when and what to eat after working out for optimal performance and recovery

While most nutritional experts agree that both men and women’s post workout meals should be very similar, men are going to need to consume more calories than women. Women will typically burn 25% or more fewer calories then men doing the same workout regime. The ratio 4:1 carbs to protein should remain the same, but the overall calories should be decreased. Also, for women, it should be especially important to choose a post workout meal that contains calcium, especially if the workout has contained a weight-bearing activity that cause damage to the skeletal structure.


Getting Help From Supplements | What To Eat After Working Out

What to eat after working out
P90X Peak & Recovery - All natural with no artificial flavors or sweeteners

If getting enough protein is challenging, a post workout supplement may be the right choice.  I  personally use P90X Peak & Recovery Formula because of the fact that it works for me since doing P90X. On top of that, it’s all natural which is a huge bonus for me.

However, if my recovery formula is not for you or you want to broaden your choices for post recovery formulas, then I have a list of the best 2012 Post Workout supplements from ProSource.net.  Just know what you want to eat after working out and take it.

For anyone interested in building muscle mass, using Creatine in a post-workout meal is a recommended way to increase muscle. Creatine is a natural compound in many foods that is used by the muscle cells. It is used for energy and helps to build lean muscle tissue and muscle cell volume. This is a recommended supplement when weight training and bodybuilding. This is a safe compound that can be added to a post-workout meal.


These goals and guidelines are the key to getting the most out of a post-workout meal. Use these to choose what to eat after working out.

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