Family Fitness Brings A Family Together

Family Fitness

Many people ask me how I get to maintain such a tight relationship with my wife and kids while staying busy with my health and fitness business and all the other things I do. I never have really thought about it or planned it in a certain way, but when people ask me that question, I realize that some people don’t have that luxury.

I can honestly say that it is easy. I just include them with everything I do. When I am working out, they do it with me. It’s one of the benefits of working out at home. This allows the whole family to be involved. Even though they don’t actually workout with you at times, seeing me exercise sets a great example of a healthy lifestyle to my kids.

Watch My Kids Workout Here

Living A Lifestyle of Fitness

Beachbody fitness is not a one time thing. It is a lifestyle thing. It is something we do on a daily basis, not just when we need to lose weight or look good for a special occassion. It is being able to choose the right foods to feed our body and being consistent before it’s too late.

My kids lead a healthy lifestyle themselves because they are educated on what bad foods do to a human body. It is all just educating them and showing by example that leads them to make their own healthy decisions in life. I don’t have to talk them into eating this instead of that. As a matter of fact, they get on my tail on days that I have a sweet tooth.

Sometimes I’ll see them doing p90x or Insanity workout moves and it makes me feel good because they make it part of their lives without me needing to ask them to. Kids do what daddy and mommy do, not necessarily what we say most of the time. Parents can agree with me on that I’m sure. Parents learn a lot from their kids.

Fitness Works

So all in all, fitness works in mysterious ways. Not just for your body, but for your whole family’s well being. It is something that trickles all the way down generations if done properly. Lead by example, and you won’t have to beg your children to eat healthy most of the time. Just educate them on why you eat healthy and why you don’t eat bad food all the time. Kids don’t want bad things in their lives at a young age, and if you start them young, they will grow to keep that in mind.

Other Family Fitness Blogs:

Beachbody Challenge Packs | A Complete Fitness Solution

Why Should I Join The Beachbody Challenge?

The Beachbody Challenge puts all the pieces of the puzzle together once and for all to finally reach your ultimate fitness goals.

Maybe in the past you have had no problems working out but lacked the nutrition discipline. Maybe you needed the support and accountability to make it through all the way and it just wasn’t there. Let’s put the failures to rest and get you on the track to being the best “you” today.

Before you do anything, you should know that I am not in the business of selling programs. Instead, I am in the business of helping people achieve their goals and living healthy and fulfilling lives and I will do anything it takes as long as you are committed to yourself as well. That’s It, Period!

You Must Have a Strong Purpose To Transform Your Body

Who Is Tony Banawa

Tony banawa transformation

The first thing you would need to do is “Define your WHY”
If you don’t know why you are doing this in the first place and it isn’t important to you. Stop now and come back when you have had the time to realize your purpose to transforming your body. Or maybe I can help you get started….

……..My “Why” when starting my first round of P90X last year was to improve my health so I could live longer and do more things comfortably with my family. I knew that if I kept on going the road I was living, I would end up getting sick and obtaining natural diseases that happen when you eat malnutrition. I also knew that being overweight and unhealthy in the long term would effect my attitude towards people around me and possibly effect my job and future. I told myself that if I didn’t make the change for myself, no one was going to do it for me. I could choose the short life, or the long life where I can set a healthy example and be there for my kids when they grow up and make their own life for themselves.

That “WHY” was so important to me that I wouldn’t skip on a day without exercise and proper nutrition if my life depended on it.
Truthfully, my life did depend on it.


Weight Loss challenge

Of course we are not perfect, we are not even “perf”, that means half perfect. You don’t have to be perfect throughout your transformation to have real results. You just have to do your best everyday. If you miss a workout or have a sweet tooth and have to eat a sweet candy here and there, so what. Move on and do your best still. Just don’t “quit” or you are guaranteed to fail and officially be called a quitter from the people who doubted you in the first place. Who wants your doubters to be proven right? Not happening.

Next Step: Know The Plan

Now That we have got that out of the way and you are still here reading this, we can get to the details of What the Challenge is and what the investment in yourself will be. But don’t forget to Define Your Why before you get started.

Beachbody Challenge is Fitness + Nutrition + Support all in one package. There are three levels of challenge packs that you can get to set yourself up with everything you need. The price difference is determined by the fitness program you choose. Each fitness program is designed to help you reach specific goals.

For example, if you want a total body transformation by losing weight, putting on muscle and getting healthy on the inside in the process, then programs like P90X, Les Mills Pump, and Power 90 will be your choice. If your goal is majority to lose the weight and increase you energy and health inside, then programs likeSlim in 6, Insanity, Chalene Extreme would be your choices.

Download Pro Trainer and Beachbody Program Details(PDF File)

Here are the Challenge Packs available

How to lose 10 pounds

Nutrition Plans For Weight Loss | Beachbody Challenge

With The Beachbody Challenge packs, you not only have the nutrition guide that comes with your fitness program, but you also have the following:

1) Meal Planner – Watch this video on how it works. You will never have to ask anyone again what you should eat.

2) Michi’s Ladder – This breaks down the healthy Proteins, Carbs, and Fats in tier levels. You will know which are better in each category for you meal. No longer have to ask someone what fats are healthy and which aren’t.

3) 200,000 other active members that you can ask 24/7 in your online community provided with the challenge packs.

By having the nutrition plans for weight loss, getting ripped, or gaining weight, you don’t have to be or hire an expert to reach your goals. The pro trainers have put it all together for you.


Note: All Challenge Packs come with:

1) A fitness Program
2) Your first 30 day supply of Shakeology Home Direct
3) Free 30 Day trail to the Team Beachbody Club VIP membership
4) Free Shipping
5) Free Coach Sign Up (Only If You Choose To Sign Up As A Coach, then select the challenge pack upon completing your coach sign up when it prompts you. Coach is same cost as a customer sign up, but a coach gets 25% off all future purchases)


Keep in mind that you have nothing to lose but everything positive to gain. Here is what you have the chance to win throughout your journey:

$500 daily winners
$1000 monthly winners
$5000 quarterly winners (plus a paid trip)
$100,000 grand prize

Ready To Make That Change? You know what it takes to Change Your Life, Let’s do It Together, and take the first step to improving your health, happiness, and life all around.

Join Thousands with the same goal in mind and have fun:

Beachbody Challenge

Nutrition Plans For Weight Loss

Beachbody Challenge


Build Lean Muscle through Diet and Exercise

Lean muscle is important since it helps promote weight loss by increasing your body’s metabolism. Unfortunately, many individuals just starting out are unaware of how to build lean muscle effectively through diet and exercise. To build lean muscle you will need a balanced diet, portion control, weight training and aerobics all to slim down in a healthy and efficient way.


Build Lean Muscle with Lean Muscle Diets

Exercise is not enough to build lean muscle. If you are looking for how to build lean muscle you need to focus on just as much of what you eat as well as what you do in the gym. When done properly, you can build up your body’s natural metabolism, store less fat and ultimately lose weight faster. The most important thing to remember is to not cut down your calories dramatically. Not only does this deprive your body of nutrients, but can actually reverse the effects of your metabolism – thus, making you gain weight faster.


Find your specific guidelines for how many calories you should consume based on your body weight. Then, rather than cut, remember you need to add in a couple hundred extra calories to build lean muscle.

Example: A person on a 1,500 calorie per day diet may need 300 to up to 500 extra calories for their lean muscle diets.

A few other guidelines to abide by when you are trying to build lean muscle include:

  • Ensuring no more than 20% of your intake is protein
  • Protein should come from low-fat origins such as fish, poultry and other low-fat protein options
  • Never fry your proteins
  • Do not consume more than 70% of your calories in carbohydrates
  • Avoid simple sugar items such as candy or chocolate sweets
  • Introduce complex carbohydrates into your diet (i.e. vegetables and whole grains)


Building Lean Muscle with Weight Building

You cannot build muscle without a little weight building in your workout routine. During your weight lifting, avoid any isolation workouts which increase the muscle mass only in one specific region of your body. For example, triceps or biceps exercises. Use a compound routine that uses multiple-joint areas during your weight lifting routine instead to build lean muscle all over, rather than concentrated areas.


Building Lean Muscle with Aerobics and Cardiovascular Training

Cardiovascular training and aerobics help burn fat and make way for your body to build muscle. These will also improve your lung function and heart health, which are important for an overall healthy body. Try doing two cardio or aerobic sessions per week that are at least 30 minutes long and achieve your target heart rate at the same time.


Never push your body beyond its limits while you are trying to build lean muscle. If you are new to working out, start with a moderate routine rather than a high-depth routine. Injuries can be severe enough to not only prevent working out in the future, but prevent weight loss as well. Only you know your body’s limits; therefore, ensure you are only pushing your body to a desirable limit. You can increase the intensity of your workouts each week until you are slowly achieving your goal. The bottom line to remember is it is not how fast you go about it, it is how you build lean muscle that counts.

Related Posts:
A.  How to Lose Weight: Healthy Weight Loss
B. 10 Foods that Burn Fat
C. Fat Burning Workouts: The Importance of Routines
D. Best Fat Burner: Green Tea 






Fat Burning Workouts: The Importance of Routines

Everyone knows that working out is essential to burn fat and tone muscle, but what most people do not focus on are fat burning workouts and the routines that define them. A workout routine is a structured exercise that is defined by time, repetitions and activities – all of which will promote fat burning and weight loss faster than individuals that do fat burning workouts randomly and without guidance. Consider some of these professional tips to help turn a typical workout into a burning machine.


Using Treadmills for Fat Burning Workouts

Most individuals hop on the treadmill, reach for a remote or magazine and walk at a leisurely pace. Though some run too, this isn’t always the most effective for burning fat. Not all muscles are being completely utilized during a treadmill workout, but that doesn’t mean you have to skip the treadmill altogether to burn fat.


  • Quit Bouncing – Though people think the more they bounce during the treadmill workout the more they burn, this is untrue. Instead focus on staying even and moving forward, rather than bouncing up and down.
  • Start Squeezing – What do you normally do with your glutes while on the treadmill? Most likely nothing. Start adding squeezing of the glutes to your fat burning workouts on the treadmill. Not only will this help tone the glutes, but burn more calories all around.


Fat Burning Workouts on the Elliptical

Elliptical users are just as guilty as treadmill users in terms of not utilizing their workout to its fullest. It’s time to boost the calorie and fat burn by upping the challenge of an elliptical altogether.


  • Use Your Arms – Using an elliptical for the leg portion only will not give your body a full workout. If the elliptical machine has arms, use them.
  • Work Your Own Pace – Often the elliptical’s natural motion determines a person’s rate and workout pace. Rather than flow with the motion of the machine, push yourself to move the machine harder and faster – all of which will burn more fat than simply riding the motion.
  • Intervals are Key – Make an interval goal during your workout. Perhaps changing the intensity every other song or every three songs on your MP3 player can be a good starting challenge.


Fat Burning Workouts on the Stair Stepper

Stair steppers are great for burning fat, but a large majority of the body still goes unutilized and often you are using the same pace no matter how many months you have been doing fat burning workouts on the stair stepper itself.


  • Fix Your Posture – While on the stair stepper, stand up straight rather than slouching forward. Begin squeezing your shoulder blades together as if you had a balloon in between them on your back.
  • Take Deeper Steps – Rather than only pushing as far as you want against the stair stepper’s resistance, consider taking deeper, heavier strides. By pushing down deeper against the resistance, you can burn more fat and tone your legs faster than simply moving along with the machine.


Fat burning workouts are effective at toning and burning calories, but if you add a little extra step to your fat burning workouts routine, you can burn more, tone faster and increase your resistance than simply moving along at the same speed.


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Best Way To Boost Metabolism

How To Lose Weight | Healthy Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight without Sacrificing Your Health: The Truth About Calories

Too many times have individuals taken the term “lose weight” and spun it off for an excuse to use diet pills, binge diets or any other unhealthy method available instead of focusing on healthy weight loss. The fact of the matter is, losing weight is supposed to be a healthy lifestyle change – not something that sacrifices your overall health. Continue reading How To Lose Weight | Healthy Weight Loss

Struggling With Your Weight? | P90X Advice

Struggling With Your Weight

If you have found yourself on my page then you are probably like the millions of other people out there who are struggling with your weight and body issues. I don’t think that there is anyone out there who is completely satisfied with their body. And even if you are in great shape and are healthy, there is always some room for improvement.

I have found that there are many weight loss and health products out there. But the problem is that it is difficult to figure out which are just fads and which are the real things. In my experience, the best health and weight loss programs are those that entail a change in lifestyle, and not just a quick fix. And, the program will only work as much as you are prepared to put in the effort and make the necessary changes. But, making the decision to lose weight and get fit and healthy is the very important first step in the journey.

· One of the best ways that you can get fit is through a process known as muscle confusion. It is exactly how it sounds; you perform different exercises and mix them up in order to confuse your muscles. Our bodies get used to certain exercises if we do them over and over again, and the results are not as great as when we first started the exercises. A great tool to help you with this is P90X, which enables you to confuse your muscles using different exercises taken from different exercise ‘genre’s like yoga, cardio, resistance training, etc.
· Obviously, to get the p90 results you have to have a good nutrition and eating plan too. Whenever you want to lose weight, build muscle and become leaner you have to eat A LOT of protein. Protein essentially builds muscle, and this is why it is so important. As I said earlier, to get the results that you want to have to make a lifestyle change, and that includes changing your eating habits.

So, how does the P90X workout plan actually work?

There are three key essential things that you will have to do if you decide that you really do want to improve your body and your health using this program.

1. Firstly, you have to change the types of exercises that you do in one routine, and incorporate more. For example, you could go from a cardio workout directly into resistance training. You have to do the swap even if you are using workout machines.
2. If there is one exercise that you really enjoy doing, then by all means, do it as much as you want. Just make sure that you alternate between the levels of speed or difficulty. In other words, if you are walking go really fast for a few minutes, then slow down for the same amount of minutes, and then go back up again. You should keep doing this for the duration of that particular routine
3. Rest breaks. Try to keep your breaks between exercises as short as possible. I would advise you to keep your breaks at one minute or less for lean muscle development. Allowing your body to recover lost energy by taking breaks while working out is key in development. However, for strength training, taking longer breaks is recommended to allow your muscles to fully recover for the next set, going this route will cause you to lose your pump but gain power.

I hope you have found some useful tips here. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you do the exercises correctly for maximum results. Exercising for hours while doing them incorrectly will only add stress to your day and disappointing results. So if you are struggling with your weight, find a way to get your body working itself in many different ways for quicker and leaner results.

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Watch How I lost 23lbs and gained lean muscle in 90 days

Best Way To Boost Metabolism

As I was reading up on some of the headlines today in the world’s news, it came to me that I should write about the best way to boost your metabolism. After all, everyone is wondering how in the heck can I lose weight without exercising? The answer is, you can’t if you want to do it naturally and be healthy doing it.

Metabolism is like an internal community of hormones and enzymes in your body that turns your food into fuel. The rate at which we burn or not burn calories can be attributed to our metabolism. This is the ultimate determining factor of how quickly we lose weight or gain weight.

One very effective way to boost your metabolism is to engage in lots of exercises on a consistent basis. It’s not enough to do some exercise today and refuse tomorrow. It has to be consistent if you want to see any significant results. Note also that I’m not talking about just any kind of exercises, but specific metabolism boosting exercises, such as stair climbing, wind sprinting and resistance training among others.

If you have a lot of extra weight on you overall, chances are it’s because your metabolism is too slow. Obese people find this very hard to believe. The faster your metabolism the faster your body burns the calories in the food you eat. This is done by turning your food and fat into heat energy.

Other things that determine your metabolic rate are age, gender, and percentage of lean body mass. This, and believe it or not, hereditary plays a factor.

Every pound of muscle in your body burns 35 to 50 calories a day versus every pound of fat, only 2 calories per day. As such, you know that the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. So someone who has more muscle than the other but are the same weight overall could actually eat more and gain less than the person who has less muscle in their body.

Cardiovascular exercise is good for anybody because it helps to boost metabolism. Resistance training is even better; you get a bigger boost, and you build muscle. Both of them work well for you anyway, however, to live a truly healthy lifestyle, you need to combine resistance training, cardio, and healthy nutrition.

If weight loss is your goal, don’t forget that it is easier to gain your weight back after you have lost weight because your body needs less calories to sustain your smaller body mass. You body doesn’t work as hard as if you were bigger, where it works faster.

So in summary, the best way to boost your metabolism is to exercise daily, build muscle, and eat at least 5 to 6 times per day in proper portions with your snacks being low calorie and high protein for maximum support.

Watch Tony Lose 23 lbs in 90 days
My Meal Planner
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Transformation Of The Day 01/21/2012

Name: Jeremy Yost
Age: 33
Program: P90X

Jeremy Yost gets my transformation of the day. It’s no wonder by the picture above that Jeremy had to make a change in his life. He was basically a dead man walking at age 33, stepping on the scale at 370lbs. He was on medication for high blood pressure and had a hard time walking properly due to severe arthritis.

He couldn’t spend time and do the things he wanted to with his wife and 2 kids. The only thing that he could do and did, was stay inside and live on the couch.

One day, a friend approached him about his weight and asked him a true friend question. He asked Jeremy how he would feel if another man had to replace him and raise my sons.

Jeremy didn’t know the reality of the life he was living and the consequences that came with being overweight and obese. Sometimes it takes a wake up call from someone who really cares to wake you up and realize that you need to step up and be a man and do something now to change your life.

After recommendations from his friends that were doing P90X, he knew it was for him with the results he saw them have.

Along with achieving something big in life comes struggle. Life will always try to slow you down and put things in your way to success to build your strength of character. For Jeremy, it was the battle to change the way he ate. He was always tempted to eat poorly, and because of his arthritis in his ankle, he experienced intense pain.

Just like Tony Horton from P90X tells you,“Do your best and forget the rest”, Jeremy felt like Tony was personally talking to him. Jeremy had to do the modified moves that were provided with the P90X program and he just did his best of what his body could do.

It paid off. Thank you Jeremy, for the inspiration transformation of the day.

A note from Tony: If success was easy, everyone would have it. It takes strength of character, a plan, a true reason why you need to change to do something different in your life. We all have bad habits, for Jeremy it was poor nutrition, but the bad habits can be tamed and changed if you have a purpose bigger than the obstacles that keep you from being your best. Everyone has the ability to be great, the only difference is, most people spend a lifetime failing to define their reason “WHY”.

Fan Tony Banawa On Facebook and Help Him End The Trend Of Obesity
Watch How I Defined My Why and Refused To Let Life Keep Me From Being Great
Define Your Why And Challenge Yourself To Make A Change To Become Healthier and Fit

Transformation Of The Day | Vicky T.

Name: Vicky Todd
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Programs: Turbo Jam, Slim In 6®, Power 90®, and ChaLean Extreme®

The reason I picked Vicky’s transformation today is because she has a similar story of many people I hear today. She was never confident in the way she looked and hated to go out cause she was ashamed of her body. She also didn’t like to go shopping because clothes didn’t fit her the way she liked them to. She had to start wearing men’s clothes as women’s clothes became harder and harder to find. She didn’t like the way women’s clothes fit on her.

She knew there was no easy solution or no magic pill. She knew that she needed a reason to get healthy and change her life. That reason came when she had her first son. She wanted to set a great example to her son and show him a life where he wouldn’t have to struggle with his weight his whole life like she has done to this point.

Vicky found a new energy with the first workout she found on tv, which was Turbo Jam by Chalene Johnson. She was surprised how much fun the workouts were and kept her wanting more.

“Chalene is so motivational and encouraging that you pop in the DVD, the music comes on, it’s so upbeat and encouraging that before you know it your workout is done and you didn’t even feel like you were working out.” “Chalene is so motivational and encouraging that you pop in the DVD, the music comes on, it’s so upbeat and encouraging that before you know it your workout is done and you didn’t even feel like you were working out”, Vicky Says.

With a husband, new baby, difficult work schedule, and health issues of neglecting her health most her life, she didn’t always have the time available, but made sure to make the time if it wasn’t available. This is the way of a champion.

Many people make excuses if things get difficult, or their schedule is busy. The truth is is that your health is the most important, because without your health, you can’ do anything else anyways. You need good health to operate in life and for the long term.

Vicky has now become a role model in her community and friends and family members always come to her for advice on how to lose weight.

She now has completed not only Turbo Jam, but also Slim in 6®, ChaLean Extreme®, and Power 90® as well. Because all her hard work, she won the $1,000 monthly Million Dollar Body Prize.

Congrats to Vicky for all her hard work and inspiration.

Learn About The Beachbody Challenge, formerly the Million Dollar Body Game, and How You Can Change Your Life Like Vicky
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Transformation Of The Day: 01/19/2012

Transformation Of The Day 01/19/2012

Age: 23
Gender: Female
State: Colorado
Primary Program: P90X®
Shakeology®, Whey Protein Powder, Slimming Formula

Before Deciding to Change her life, Lisa J was always active in sports growing up as a child. Though she was involved in activities, she was not totally confident in the way she looked. After she graduated college, she started to reduce her involvement in sports and started to eat unhealthy and used food as a way to comfort herself from stress. She consumed thousand’s of calories per day and ballooned all the way up to 200 lbs. She was depressed, lost, and unhappy, although she didn’t realize it at the time. Instead of eating, people can turn to playing games like W88 link in order to reduce their stress.

Her father was diagnosed with cancer and passed away before his time. Lisa felt that she had a purpose to be the soldier for the family and help them through. She still ate tremendous amounts of food till she couldn’t eat anymore from unhappiness, confusion from all the things happening in her life.

One day she developed a large swelling on her jaw and neck so she rushed herself to the hospital only for them to say that with the way she looked, her physical appearance and gender, they thought she had had a heart attack. Lisa was only 22 yrs old and at that point, she knew things had to change now.

She had already purchased P90X but never did it with commitment. She already knew that beachbody had a community of supportive coaches and that that was what she needed to get through her change. After completing her full 90 days of the program, she lost 52 lbs and 28% body fat. She continued to transform her body by also doing Insanity: The Asylum, and after finishing her full 30 days, she lost another 9 lbs and 4% body fat while increasing her athletic abilities like speed and strength.

Her biggest challenge was overcoming 3 surgeries after starting P90X. She never strayed away from her ultimate goal of changing her life and stuck with it no matter what life’s obstacles tried to knock her down. A true inspiration, Thanks Lisa.

Lisa J.
Lost 76 lbs., 6 dress sizes, and got flat, sexy ABS.
“I am happy, confident, and excited for each and every day. I fought to get my true self back and I WON.”

Transform Your Body With The Beachbody Challenge Now
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