Best Way To Boost Metabolism

As I was reading up on some of the headlines today in the world’s news, it came to me that I should write about the best way to boost your metabolism. After all, everyone is wondering how in the heck can I lose weight without exercising? The answer is, you can’t if you want to do it naturally and be healthy doing it.

Metabolism is like an internal community of hormones and enzymes in your body that turns your food into fuel. The rate at which we burn or not burn calories can be attributed to our metabolism. This is the ultimate determining factor of how quickly we lose weight or gain weight.

One very effective way to boost your metabolism is to engage in lots of exercises on a consistent basis. It’s not enough to do some exercise today and refuse tomorrow. It has to be consistent if you want to see any significant results. Note also that I’m not talking about just any kind of exercises, but specific metabolism boosting exercises, such as stair climbing, wind sprinting and resistance training among others.

If you have a lot of extra weight on you overall, chances are it’s because your metabolism is too slow. Obese people find this very hard to believe. The faster your metabolism the faster your body burns the calories in the food you eat. This is done by turning your food and fat into heat energy.

Other things that determine your metabolic rate are age, gender, and percentage of lean body mass. This, and believe it or not, hereditary plays a factor.

Every pound of muscle in your body burns 35 to 50 calories a day versus every pound of fat, only 2 calories per day. As such, you know that the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. So someone who has more muscle than the other but are the same weight overall could actually eat more and gain less than the person who has less muscle in their body.

Cardiovascular exercise is good for anybody because it helps to boost metabolism. Resistance training is even better; you get a bigger boost, and you build muscle. Both of them work well for you anyway, however, to live a truly healthy lifestyle, you need to combine resistance training, cardio, and healthy nutrition.

If weight loss is your goal, don’t forget that it is easier to gain your weight back after you have lost weight because your body needs less calories to sustain your smaller body mass. You body doesn’t work as hard as if you were bigger, where it works faster.

So in summary, the best way to boost your metabolism is to exercise daily, build muscle, and eat at least 5 to 6 times per day in proper portions with your snacks being low calorie and high protein for maximum support.

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