Fat Burning Workouts: The Importance of Routines

Everyone knows that working out is essential to burn fat and tone muscle, but what most people do not focus on are fat burning workouts and the routines that define them. A workout routine is a structured exercise that is defined by time, repetitions and activities – all of which will promote fat burning and weight loss faster than individuals that do fat burning workouts randomly and without guidance. Consider some of these professional tips to help turn a typical workout into a burning machine.


Using Treadmills for Fat Burning Workouts

Most individuals hop on the treadmill, reach for a remote or magazine and walk at a leisurely pace. Though some run too, this isn’t always the most effective for burning fat. Not all muscles are being completely utilized during a treadmill workout, but that doesn’t mean you have to skip the treadmill altogether to burn fat.


  • Quit Bouncing – Though people think the more they bounce during the treadmill workout the more they burn, this is untrue. Instead focus on staying even and moving forward, rather than bouncing up and down.
  • Start Squeezing – What do you normally do with your glutes while on the treadmill? Most likely nothing. Start adding squeezing of the glutes to your fat burning workouts on the treadmill. Not only will this help tone the glutes, but burn more calories all around.


Fat Burning Workouts on the Elliptical

Elliptical users are just as guilty as treadmill users in terms of not utilizing their workout to its fullest. It’s time to boost the calorie and fat burn by upping the challenge of an elliptical altogether.


  • Use Your Arms – Using an elliptical for the leg portion only will not give your body a full workout. If the elliptical machine has arms, use them.
  • Work Your Own Pace – Often the elliptical’s natural motion determines a person’s rate and workout pace. Rather than flow with the motion of the machine, push yourself to move the machine harder and faster – all of which will burn more fat than simply riding the motion.
  • Intervals are Key – Make an interval goal during your workout. Perhaps changing the intensity every other song or every three songs on your MP3 player can be a good starting challenge.


Fat Burning Workouts on the Stair Stepper

Stair steppers are great for burning fat, but a large majority of the body still goes unutilized and often you are using the same pace no matter how many months you have been doing fat burning workouts on the stair stepper itself.


  • Fix Your Posture – While on the stair stepper, stand up straight rather than slouching forward. Begin squeezing your shoulder blades together as if you had a balloon in between them on your back.
  • Take Deeper Steps – Rather than only pushing as far as you want against the stair stepper’s resistance, consider taking deeper, heavier strides. By pushing down deeper against the resistance, you can burn more fat and tone your legs faster than simply moving along with the machine.


Fat burning workouts are effective at toning and burning calories, but if you add a little extra step to your fat burning workouts routine, you can burn more, tone faster and increase your resistance than simply moving along at the same speed.


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