Transformation Of The Day 01/21/2012

Name: Jeremy Yost
Age: 33
Program: P90X

Jeremy Yost gets my transformation of the day. It’s no wonder by the picture above that Jeremy had to make a change in his life. He was basically a dead man walking at age 33, stepping on the scale at 370lbs. He was on medication for high blood pressure and had a hard time walking properly due to severe arthritis.

He couldn’t spend time and do the things he wanted to with his wife and 2 kids. The only thing that he could do and did, was stay inside and live on the couch.

One day, a friend approached him about his weight and asked him a true friend question. He asked Jeremy how he would feel if another man had to replace him and raise my sons.

Jeremy didn’t know the reality of the life he was living and the consequences that came with being overweight and obese. Sometimes it takes a wake up call from someone who really cares to wake you up and realize that you need to step up and be a man and do something now to change your life.

After recommendations from his friends that were doing P90X, he knew it was for him with the results he saw them have.

Along with achieving something big in life comes struggle. Life will always try to slow you down and put things in your way to success to build your strength of character. For Jeremy, it was the battle to change the way he ate. He was always tempted to eat poorly, and because of his arthritis in his ankle, he experienced intense pain.

Just like Tony Horton from P90X tells you,“Do your best and forget the rest”, Jeremy felt like Tony was personally talking to him. Jeremy had to do the modified moves that were provided with the P90X program and he just did his best of what his body could do.

It paid off. Thank you Jeremy, for the inspiration transformation of the day.

A note from Tony: If success was easy, everyone would have it. It takes strength of character, a plan, a true reason why you need to change to do something different in your life. We all have bad habits, for Jeremy it was poor nutrition, but the bad habits can be tamed and changed if you have a purpose bigger than the obstacles that keep you from being your best. Everyone has the ability to be great, the only difference is, most people spend a lifetime failing to define their reason “WHY”.

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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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