Hiking Towards Better Health & Better Life

Hiking is one of the cheapest ways to relieve one from the symptoms of anxiety and stress. Several studies prove that hiking provides remarkable benefits to an individual. Furthermore, research also suggests that hiking is better done outdoors where one can get in touch with nature. On the other hand, hiking within the city where one can be exposed to window shopping would only defeat the purpose of hiking. The following are some of the benefits of hiking:

Hiking will help speed up weight loss
If you are obese and would want to shed fats faster you better opt for nature hiking. Nature hiking allows you to climb up hills. Climbing up on the hills promotes muscle toning of your back and legs. You may change the speed of your hiking from time to time. Try to make some gradual shifts from normal hiking to faster hiking. You may also include a bit of running in order to speed up your weight loss process.

Hiking lowers your risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases                                                                                Hiking helps reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases. It is when an individual hikes that the use of his heart and lungs will be maximized. The arteries expand as the individual indulges in a physical activity such as hiking. When the arteries expand it reduces the person’s blood pressure. Hiking also helps lower the levels of bad cholesterol to prevent the arteries from being clogged.

Hiking improves bone density                                                                                                                                                                     Hiking is a good form of weight-bearing exercise. Indulging in weight-bearing exercise improves the individual’s bone density. This is why hiking helps prevent osteoporosis. On the contrary, an individual who refuses to indulge in hiking and other physical activities increases his vulnerability to osteoporosis.

Hiking is an effective stress and anxiety reliever                                                                                                                         Hiking promotes the production of endorphin’s that help improve an individual’s mood. These endorphin’s are commonly called as feel good hormones. This is the reason why those who indulge hiking are less vulnerable to stress and anxiety attacks. Add to that the fact that nature hiking gives an individual a break from the hectic city life.

Hiking improves physical strength and endurance

Physical strength and endurance can be achieved if a person hikes regularly. An individual must see to it that the person hikes with gradual progression from varying terrains and angles. Uphill hiking allows the heart rate to be elevated thereby increasing physical strength and endurance.

Hiking helps prevent diabetes
Hiking helps an individual lower his blood sugar levels. It is when a person hikes that his muscles will be exercised. At the same time, hiking also enables the movement of glucose from the bloodstream to produce energy. This is the reason why blood sugar levels decrease when a person goes hiking.

Hiking reduces sleeping problems
As mentioned earlier, hiking allows the body to produce more of those feel-good hormones. These hormones help relieve stress and anxiety in an individual. When stress is lessened, the individual will no longer have difficulty getting a good sleep at night.

Nature hiking prevents the risk of lung cancer
Hiking that is done outside the city where fresh air is available helps improve respiratory health. Lung cancer has been known to be the leading cause of death around the world. This is due to the fact that people are exposed to polluted air on a daily basis. But, if an individual makes it a habit to hike outdoors he is giving his lungs the chance to breathe some fresh air.

Hiking helps people obtain Vitamin D
Hiking outdoors allows people to be exposed directly to the sun’s rays. This sun exposure provides people enough amount of vitamin D. This nutrient is essential for the improvement of the individual’s skeletal and muscular health.

Hiking provides opportunities for developing one’s social skills and awareness            Getting in touch with nature and with other hikers provide people with opportunities for the development of social skills. Being around with other hikers who are also health conscious will greatly improve one’s awareness about nature and about his health.

Another good thing about hiking is the opportunity to see and appreciate the beauty of nature. Seeing the beauty and vastness of nature will help broaden one’s perspectives in life. So, what are you waiting for? Tie those shoe laces, put on your backpack, go outdoors and start relieving yourself from stress, anxiety and depression.

About the Author:
Ryan Rivera used to suffer from anxiety attacks for seven years. He now advocates healthy living as the best weapon against anxiety and depression. You can read more of his writings at Calm Clinic.

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Shakeology Ingredients Help With Weight Loss

If you’ve heard anything about Shakeology, you’ve probably wondered what it is and whether Shakeology ingredients are as good as they claim. These days, it seems like a new diet fad pops up every few months. It makes sense to be somewhat skeptical anytime you hear about a new miracle diet. In this article, I’ll give you the information you need about Shakeology to make a decision on whether it’s right for you.

What is Shakeology | Shakeology Ingredients

Shakeology is an all natural meal replacement to help you lose weight by substituting a shake for one meal a day. To follow the Shakeology program, you must also exercise at least three times a week and maintain a balanced diet. Shakeology claims that by doing this, you can lose weight, lower cholesterol, and cut inches from your waistline, along with other health benefits. They assert that those who took part in their program lost an average of 2 inches from their waistline and 10 pounds in 90 days. They also lowered their cholesterol by 30%.

Shakeology Ingredients

Shakeology Ingredients

So what is it about Shakeology ingredients that gives them so many beneficial effects? The shakes foremost are a quality meal replacement. Thus, even though they are a substitute for a meal they are designed to keep you from getting hungry after drinking one. They are full of protein and 70 other healthy ingredients including over 30 superfoods such as maca root, sachi inchi, moringa, and more. In fact, Shakeology claims its ingredients are the power behind the diet’s numerous healthful benefits. So what are the ingredients and what benefits do they serve in helping you lose weight?

Whey Protein and Essential Amino Acids

Unless you go with our vegan line, Shakeology uses whey protein isolate. With our vegan shakes in tropical strawberry and chocolate flavors, sprouted brown rice and pea for protein is used.

Whey protein has attracted a lot of attention from the health food community over the past several years. It is a powerful muscle-building supplement and also is known to help people lose weight and increase lean body mass. Studies have found that using whey protein supplements before exercising helps to mobilize fat stores and burn fat more effectively.

Shakeology ingredients include whey protein isolate, which is easily absorbed and helps keep you full to prevent food cravings after drinking the shake. Whey protein isolate also helps your body to produce the powerful antioxidant glutathione, which may be responsible for whey’s other known benefits including its power as an immune system booster and possibly even as an anti-cancer agent.

Whey protein is also known to help your body maintain a stable blood sugar level. This characteristic of whey protein contributes to its ability to reduce hunger cravings between meals.

The essential amino acids that are found in the Shakeology ingredients help the body to repair and heal itself. They also are essential to proper brain function, allowing you to remain relaxed and yet alert.

Digestive Enzymes and Prebiotics

Shakeology claims its shakes are very easily to digest, and this quality may in part be attributable to the shakeology ingredients that are known to be supportive of good digestion. Shakeology shakes include prebiotics, which are ingredients that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. Prebiotics have been shown to help with immune system function as well as reduce the risk of colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disorders. In addition, they keep your digestive system fluid, which is helpful in losing weight.

Shakeology ingredients
Shakeology Nutrition Facts – (Left to Right) GreenBerry, Chocolate, Tropical Strawberry, Chocolate Vegan

Shakeology ingredients also include powerful digestive enzymes that come from other healthy plants like papayas and pineapples, which aid your body in digestion. These enzymes can help your body to stay regular, as well as aid in the absorption of nutrients from other foods you eat. Being regular is an often overlooked, but important, aspect of losing weight. When you cook food, it can destroy digestive enzymes, so your normal diet may not contain them in high enough levels. This may be working against your attempts at losing weight without you even knowing it.

All in all, there are over 70 Shakeology ingredients, and in them you’ll find all your essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, as well as over 20 antioxidants and phytonutrients. So what effect do all these ingredients have?

The Shakeology Study | Shakeology Ingredients

In a 90-day study conducted independently from Shakeology, participants were asked to substitute a Shakeology shake for one meal as well as follow the rest of the Shakeology plan (which included a balanced diet and exercise three times a week). As mentioned above

  • They lost an average of 10 pounds in just 3 months! In addition to the weight loss mentioned above, the researchers who conducted the study observed as much as a 90% reduction in oxidative stress in the participants
  • Their cholesterol levels dropped by 30% on average, and their LDL (bad) cholesterol dropped 38%. All in all, their risk factors for cardiovascular disease were reduced by 24%.
  • The participants claimed that the shakes tasted good and helped them curb their hunger.

Shakeology vs. Other Weight Loss Aids | Shakeology Ingredients

Shakeology ingredients have a proven ability to help people lose weight, as well as a number of other health benefits. But how does Shakeology compare to other weight loss aids? Alli, which is a popular over-the-counter weight loss pill available today allows people to lose an average of 5 to 7 pounds a year. With the lower dose Alli, you may only be able to expect weight loss of 3 to 5 pounds in a year. With Shakeology, participants lost an average of 10 pounds in just three months.

Another popular weight loss supplement, Chitosan, has achieved even worse results. After reviewing 15 clinical trials that dealt with Chitosan, researchers determined there were no obvious effects of the drug.

The truth is, most over-the-counter weight loss aids are relatively unproven. Shakeology ingredients, however, all have been shown on their own to help people lose weight. Thus, when they are combined in a Shakeology shake, it’s not surprising that their effects are magnified.

Additionally, other weight loss supplements are not always natural and may have side effects of their own. For example, the popular diet aid Phentermine was pulled from the shelves less only fifteen years ago after it led to several deaths and heart valve problems in women. Shakeology shakes are made with all natural ingredients, and thus you have nothing to worry about when you drink them.

All in all, Shakeology seems like a high quality meal replacement formulated to help people lose weight. Because Shakeology ingredients and it formulation for weight loss were chosen with such care from around the world, it seems to have good potential to help you lose those extra pounds. Look what it did for me.

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Whey Protein Vs Soy Protein Which Is Best For You?

The debate on whey protein vs soy protein lives on in the mind of those who want to use protein supplements.

Protein supplements are popular among bodybuilders, strength trainers, and other athletes. This is also useful for those who simply want to put their bodies in better shape and lose fat. Protein supplements like plant protein powder provide an efficient means of replenishing the body with much needed nutrients and facilitating faster muscle buildup.

There are two main options of choice: whey protein and soy protein.

A lot of talk is going on between the two, and there is no sign that arguments are going to end soon. To help users decide the better option, it is necessary to know the difference between the two.

The Basic Difference Whey Protein Vs Soy Protein

Soy protein is derived from the soybean plant, while whey protein is derived from dairy products.

Looking at the source provides much of the clues about the disadvantages and advantages of each option, as they share these with other products that come from animal and plant sources. It can ultimately help the user decide the better choice between whey protein vs soy protein.

Advantages and Limitations of Soy Protein | Whey Protein Vs Soy Protein

whey protein vs soy protein

Soybean is the only vegetable known to have all the essential amino acids and this makes it a good alternative to meat products, considering that it is very low in cholesterol and fats.

The soy protein products available in the market are isolated after removing the hull and fat from the beans. They are then processed into the different commercial products we see today—-soy flour, concentrates and isolates.

Aside from being a good source of protein, they also have a rich content of minerals like iron, zinc and B vitamins. Compared to whey proteins, soy is a better source of glutamine and arginine. They offer the additional benefits of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower cholesterol levels. They are even believed to help fight or lower the risk of developing cancer.It is also cheaper than whey protein.

Soy protein, however, is subject to some doubts due to its phytoestrogen content, which is believed to eventually inhibit the development of muscle mass. Isoflavins are also found in this source, which may cause hormonal imbalance. Soy protein is also blamed for hyperthyroidism in extreme cases. Though some more recent studies yielded results to the contrary, the popularity of soy protein remains affected as users want to play it safe.

Three Product Types of Soy Proteins

  1. Soy Protein Isolates – On a dry basis, a soy protein isolate contains up to 90% of protein. This gives the most protein for every consumption and least unwanted impurities.
  2. Soy Protein Concentrates – In terms of refinement and purity, comes next to isolates, with 70% of its total weight coming from proteins. What it lacks in purity, it gains with the more attractive price.
  3. Soy Flours – This has a protein content of about 50%. It may contain some amount of fat but remains a good source of protein.

Advantages and Limitations of Whey Protein | Whey Protein Vs Soy Protein

Compared to soy, the overall balance of amino acids in whey protein is better.It also boasts of being more easily broken down and used by the body, allowing for a more rapid rate of muscle development. That being said, whey protein is considered a better option for replenishment of nutrients after a long, rigorous workout.

Whey Protein vs Soy Protein
Shakeology Uses Whey Protein Isolate

For many reasons, whey protein is more widely used by body builders. It is clearly winning the popularity contest of whey protein vs soy protein and that is why it comes at a more expensive price.

Three Types of Whey Protein

There are three main types of whey protein supplements available in the market: isolate, concentrate and blend.

  1. Whey Protein Isolate – This is the purest form of whey protein available, which also makes it the most expensive. However, there are a lot of athletes who prefer this form as it is zero in fat, carbohydrates and lactose. This makes it ideal for body building and shedding off the fat
  2. Whey Protein Concentrate – Although not as pure as the isolate form, whey protein concentrate remains an excellent source of protein. The additional carbohydrates actually does not matter, and may even help if someone is trying to gain weight aside from just building muscles. Compared to protein isolate, this is considerably easier on the wallet.
  3. Whey Protein Blends – This is somewhere in between the other two forms, and is the most widely used. Since not all whey protein blends are created equal, it is better to check the labels and ask for advice from reliable sources to get optimum results. This source of whey protein offers great value for money and provides a balanced profile of proteins at the same time.

In the battle between whey protein vs soy protein, whey protein is currently having an advantage and it remains to be seen if it can keep that lead for long.

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How Much Protein Should I Eat Daily For Best Muscle Gains

Everyone is aware of the fact that protein is required for muscle-building. The only question that haunts people is “How much protein should I eat daily for best muscle gains?”In order to answer this question, let’s first go through a few basics about protein.

What does the body do with protein? As a part of digestion, the protein is broken down into individual amino acids and are funneled into the blood. There, the amino acids are available for various functions. Endogenous protein is built by the degradation of the individual amino acids.

How Much Protein Should I Eat Daily?

The building process of this tissue is called anabolic metabolism and is responsible for muscle gain in the body.The amount of protein to be consumed and its maximum limit is decided based on the rate of absorption of amino acids from the food proteins by our digestive system and the ability of the liver to reject excess nitrogen producing urea present in those proteins.

How much protein is needed at all? The protein requirement of the body of the athletes and bodybuilders is generally overestimated. Let us assume, a bodybuilder would like to build around 22 lbs of muscle mass in a year. In order to build this 22 lbs of pure muscle mass he would require 9,979 grams of pure protein in a year.

This results in a daily protein requirement of only 27.22 grams to build that extra mass. However, one must take into account that proteins in the human body also perform other important functions. Proteins include components of skin, organs, enzymes and the immune system. They build new tissue to repair damaged structures and provide for the transport of nutrients. In other words, proteins are essential for life.

How Much Protein Should I eat Daily Based On My Weight

how much protein should I eat
Protein is essential for lean muscle growth

The best answer to a frequently asked question,”How Much Protein Should I eat Daily For best muscle gains?” can be found in the succeeding paragraph.

The official recommendation of .78 grams per body lb/day of protein is based on the structural needs and does not take into account the use of protein for energy metabolism. Therefore, sports nutritionists recommend that 1.4 to 1.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight should be consumed daily for muscle gain.

This means that a 175 lbs athlete would need to consume up to 318 grams of protein per day. To meet such a huge requirement in the natural protein diet, our 175 lbs athlete would almost have to consume approximately 3.3 lbs turkey meat, 50 chicken eggs or about 10 liters of milk daily. One cannot even imagine to eat so much in a day.

In addition to the amount, the timing of protein intake for muscle gain is also relevant. Studies have shown that about 29.5 grams of protein per meal shall suffice. An increase in the amount of protein has therefore brought no further positive effect in muscle-building. Ideally, each meal must contain a small portion of protein. This ensures that your body is supplied with amino acids evenly throughout the day.

Shakeology Ingredients

Taking quickly utilizable proteins immediately after training is particularly crucial for rapid mass construction. At this point, a substitution i.e. using protein powder is a good idea.

Is Too Much Protein Unhealthy? How Much Protein Should I Eat Daily?

One of the most common misconceptions in bodybuilding programs is that you must dramatically increase your protein intake in order to build muscles. Some people even go to the extreme, such that their diet becomes entirely of protein. Contrary to the common belief, excess protein intake can harm your kidneys. Excess protein, that is, when it exceeds 35% of energy intake, may also have adverse effects such as excessive stress, nausea, diarrhea and even the risk of a stroke or a heart attack causing death.

Excessive protein can lead to weight gain too! Nevertheless, there are still bodybuilders who take up to 1.8 grams of protein daily per pound of body weight. Subtracting the basic needs of 1.67 grams/day, around 1.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight still remains in excess.

The human body cannot completely convert this much amount of protein into muscles and therefore it can lead to enormous weight gain over a period of time.This would indeed result in a theoretical weight gain of nearly 200 lbs a year. Though this is practically impossible, just imagine what will happen even if you gain 20% of 200 lbs. That’s 40 lbs!

An important thing to remember is that you will not be able to gain muscle simply by increasing your protein intake. It is also imperative that you increase your total calorie intake. Good bodybuilding programs consist of a balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the diet and also a strict routine of daily exercising.

Remember that to be able to build muscle mass, it is essential to keep your body healthy and functioning efficiently.Equipped with all the knowledge that you have gained reading this article about protein intake for muscle building, you will never again need to ask the question, ” How Much Protein Should I eat Dailyfor best muscle gains?”. Would you?

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Author: Tony Banawa 

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Pick a Fight With Breast Cancer All Year Long

October is recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness month and it is the month where people acknowledge women who have fought and are continuing to fight against breast cancer. For the entire month, you will see people wearing cancer awareness ribbons in pink, as a display of their support in fighting against this terrible medical condition. The breast cancer awareness program began back in 1985 and ever since then, breast cancer exam rates have increased. The rate for women over the age of 50 years has doubled and there has been a decline in the death rates, too.


It is said that about one out of eight American females will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. In 2011, it was reported that an estimated 230,480 new cases of breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in American females together with over 57,000 new cases of breast cancer. A total of 2,140 males was anticipated to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2011, and it is said that a male’s lifetime risk of this disease is about one in 1,000.

Research shows that between 1999 and 2005, the rates in the United States of America have decreased by 2% every year. The decline of this rate was only seen in females aged 50 and above, and it is said that the theory behind it was partially caused by the reduced usage of HRT, hormone replacement therapy from the mighty NovaGenix, by females. This was due to results from the Women’s Health Initiative study that was published in 2002. The study suggested that there is a connection between increased breast cancer risk and hormone replacement therapy.

It Is Time to take Advantage of Breast Cancer Screening

Cancer awareness ribbons are not enough though, as there are still women who are not taking advantage of early detection. In addition, there are others who are not getting mammograms at regular intermissions. Early discovery is the key to fighting breast cancer, which is why a breast cancer screening is the best curb to survive this disease. Medical practitioners advise that breast cancer screenings should be done routinely, as once is certainly not enough. That is why there are various walks, charity events, and educational programs that are being carried out to remind women, and even men to undergo screening as soon as they or their loved ones show symptoms of breast cancer.

While October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month with people buying and wearing cancer awareness ribbons, it is important that people are aware of the fact that the fight against this disease goes on all year long. It is an ongoing battle that is not going to end soon.

About GFTL’s Guest Author:

Jillian Johnson is a professional marketing content writer with an interest in writing about health and wellness. Follow her @MissWritey.


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Author: Tony Banawa 

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Motivation Techniques You Should Definitely Try

Staying motivated is a task which when you master it, it will help you find success in life. There are times you will feel like you do not have the strength or will power to accomplish the tasks you need to, but when you learn how to motivate yourself, it will be easier for you to defeat the feelings and get back on track. Sometimes, I am forced to do assignments I don’t like, but with motivation techniques, I am able to accomplish them on time and even draw some satisfaction from the task. Here are some motivational techniques you should definitely try out because they have always worked for me.

Set Goals


For you to get motivated into doing anything, you have to set goals. These have to be short-term and long-term goals. Divide what you want to achieve into small, achievable and manageable daily tasks and learn how these small tasks add up to your overall long-term goal. The more you are able to accomplish easy tasks that add up to your long-term goal, the more enthusiastic you will be about the whole process. Having a goal helps you focus on one thing and concentrate all your energy and resources in achieving it. For example, taking a 30 minute walk everyday may not seem like much, but after doing it for a month, the overall effect on your fitness will be tremendous.

Find the Desire to Accomplish Tasks

When you set a goal, for you to stay motivated, you have to love what you are doing. You need to find a good reason to wake up every day and accomplish your tasks. This is not always the case every day. There are days when you will not want to work on your goals. Working out may be a task that you want to put off for the time being. At such times, all manner of excuses may come up. Desire to accomplish a task only comes from knowing the reward you will get from it. Is your desire to look good for an upcoming event greater than the feeling you have right now? When you focus on the reward, you will get after accomplishing the goal and your desire will be heightened. Rewarding yourself may also help in staying motivated.

Set Time for the Goal

Having a busy schedule may often mean that you do not have time to work out. Create time for the activities you want to accomplish. You can decide to have a jog early in the morning or pass by the gym on your way home from work. When you have set a specific time for the workouts, it will be hard for you to put it off.

Do What You Love Most of the Time

It is hard to stay motivated if you always stick to routines you do not like. If you want to stay healthy and fit, working out is the best option. However, you do not have to do things just because others are doing them. Learn what you enjoy most and stick to it. If running is your thing, do it more and focus less on what you do not find joy in. For me, I love swimming and walking but do not like lifting weights. When you do what you love, it is more fun and chances of missing out a chance to workout will be limited.

When you are motivated, accomplishing difficult tasks will not be a problem. Learning motivation techniques will not only help you achieve your fitness goals but it can also help you achieve your career goals.

About GFTL’s Guest Author:

Damian Wolf  is a blogger and online entrepreneur. He is working on real business website projects like mindfulchange.com.au. Damian’s favorite topics are self development and business.