Hiking Towards Better Health & Better Life

Hiking is one of the cheapest ways to relieve one from the symptoms of anxiety and stress. Several studies prove that hiking provides remarkable benefits to an individual. Furthermore, research also suggests that hiking is better done outdoors where one can get in touch with nature. On the other hand, hiking within the city where one can be exposed to window shopping would only defeat the purpose of hiking. The following are some of the benefits of hiking:

Hiking will help speed up weight loss
If you are obese and would want to shed fats faster you better opt for nature hiking. Nature hiking allows you to climb up hills. Climbing up on the hills promotes muscle toning of your back and legs. You may change the speed of your hiking from time to time. Try to make some gradual shifts from normal hiking to faster hiking. You may also include a bit of running in order to speed up your weight loss process.

Hiking lowers your risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases                                                                                Hiking helps reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases. It is when an individual hikes that the use of his heart and lungs will be maximized. The arteries expand as the individual indulges in a physical activity such as hiking. When the arteries expand it reduces the person’s blood pressure. Hiking also helps lower the levels of bad cholesterol to prevent the arteries from being clogged.

Hiking improves bone density                                                                                                                                                                     Hiking is a good form of weight-bearing exercise. Indulging in weight-bearing exercise improves the individual’s bone density. This is why hiking helps prevent osteoporosis. On the contrary, an individual who refuses to indulge in hiking and other physical activities increases his vulnerability to osteoporosis.

Hiking is an effective stress and anxiety reliever                                                                                                                         Hiking promotes the production of endorphin’s that help improve an individual’s mood. These endorphin’s are commonly called as feel good hormones. This is the reason why those who indulge hiking are less vulnerable to stress and anxiety attacks. Add to that the fact that nature hiking gives an individual a break from the hectic city life.

Hiking improves physical strength and endurance

Physical strength and endurance can be achieved if a person hikes regularly. An individual must see to it that the person hikes with gradual progression from varying terrains and angles. Uphill hiking allows the heart rate to be elevated thereby increasing physical strength and endurance.

Hiking helps prevent diabetes
Hiking helps an individual lower his blood sugar levels. It is when a person hikes that his muscles will be exercised. At the same time, hiking also enables the movement of glucose from the bloodstream to produce energy. This is the reason why blood sugar levels decrease when a person goes hiking.

Hiking reduces sleeping problems
As mentioned earlier, hiking allows the body to produce more of those feel-good hormones. These hormones help relieve stress and anxiety in an individual. When stress is lessened, the individual will no longer have difficulty getting a good sleep at night.

Nature hiking prevents the risk of lung cancer
Hiking that is done outside the city where fresh air is available helps improve respiratory health. Lung cancer has been known to be the leading cause of death around the world. This is due to the fact that people are exposed to polluted air on a daily basis. But, if an individual makes it a habit to hike outdoors he is giving his lungs the chance to breathe some fresh air.

Hiking helps people obtain Vitamin D
Hiking outdoors allows people to be exposed directly to the sun’s rays. This sun exposure provides people enough amount of vitamin D. This nutrient is essential for the improvement of the individual’s skeletal and muscular health.

Hiking provides opportunities for developing one’s social skills and awareness            Getting in touch with nature and with other hikers provide people with opportunities for the development of social skills. Being around with other hikers who are also health conscious will greatly improve one’s awareness about nature and about his health.

Another good thing about hiking is the opportunity to see and appreciate the beauty of nature. Seeing the beauty and vastness of nature will help broaden one’s perspectives in life. So, what are you waiting for? Tie those shoe laces, put on your backpack, go outdoors and start relieving yourself from stress, anxiety and depression.

About the Author:
Ryan Rivera used to suffer from anxiety attacks for seven years. He now advocates healthy living as the best weapon against anxiety and depression. You can read more of his writings at Calm Clinic.

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Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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