Motivation Techniques You Should Definitely Try

Staying motivated is a task which when you master it, it will help you find success in life. There are times you will feel like you do not have the strength or will power to accomplish the tasks you need to, but when you learn how to motivate yourself, it will be easier for you to defeat the feelings and get back on track. Sometimes, I am forced to do assignments I don’t like, but with motivation techniques, I am able to accomplish them on time and even draw some satisfaction from the task. Here are some motivational techniques you should definitely try out because they have always worked for me.

Set Goals


For you to get motivated into doing anything, you have to set goals. These have to be short-term and long-term goals. Divide what you want to achieve into small, achievable and manageable daily tasks and learn how these small tasks add up to your overall long-term goal. The more you are able to accomplish easy tasks that add up to your long-term goal, the more enthusiastic you will be about the whole process. Having a goal helps you focus on one thing and concentrate all your energy and resources in achieving it. For example, taking a 30 minute walk everyday may not seem like much, but after doing it for a month, the overall effect on your fitness will be tremendous.

Find the Desire to Accomplish Tasks

When you set a goal, for you to stay motivated, you have to love what you are doing. You need to find a good reason to wake up every day and accomplish your tasks. This is not always the case every day. There are days when you will not want to work on your goals. Working out may be a task that you want to put off for the time being. At such times, all manner of excuses may come up. Desire to accomplish a task only comes from knowing the reward you will get from it. Is your desire to look good for an upcoming event greater than the feeling you have right now? When you focus on the reward, you will get after accomplishing the goal and your desire will be heightened. Rewarding yourself may also help in staying motivated.

Set Time for the Goal

Having a busy schedule may often mean that you do not have time to work out. Create time for the activities you want to accomplish. You can decide to have a jog early in the morning or pass by the gym on your way home from work. When you have set a specific time for the workouts, it will be hard for you to put it off.

Do What You Love Most of the Time

It is hard to stay motivated if you always stick to routines you do not like. If you want to stay healthy and fit, working out is the best option. However, you do not have to do things just because others are doing them. Learn what you enjoy most and stick to it. If running is your thing, do it more and focus less on what you do not find joy in. For me, I love swimming and walking but do not like lifting weights. When you do what you love, it is more fun and chances of missing out a chance to workout will be limited.

When you are motivated, accomplishing difficult tasks will not be a problem. Learning motivation techniques will not only help you achieve your fitness goals but it can also help you achieve your career goals.

About GFTL’s Guest Author:

Damian Wolf  is a blogger and online entrepreneur. He is working on real business website projects like Damian’s favorite topics are self development and business.