Shakeology Ingredients Help With Weight Loss

If you’ve heard anything about Shakeology, you’ve probably wondered what it is and whether Shakeology ingredients are as good as they claim. These days, it seems like a new diet fad pops up every few months. It makes sense to be somewhat skeptical anytime you hear about a new miracle diet. In this article, I’ll give you the information you need about Shakeology to make a decision on whether it’s right for you.

What is Shakeology | Shakeology Ingredients

Shakeology is an all natural meal replacement to help you lose weight by substituting a shake for one meal a day. To follow the Shakeology program, you must also exercise at least three times a week and maintain a balanced diet. Shakeology claims that by doing this, you can lose weight, lower cholesterol, and cut inches from your waistline, along with other health benefits. They assert that those who took part in their program lost an average of 2 inches from their waistline and 10 pounds in 90 days. They also lowered their cholesterol by 30%.

Shakeology Ingredients

Shakeology Ingredients

So what is it about Shakeology ingredients that gives them so many beneficial effects? The shakes foremost are a quality meal replacement. Thus, even though they are a substitute for a meal they are designed to keep you from getting hungry after drinking one. They are full of protein and 70 other healthy ingredients including over 30 superfoods such as maca root, sachi inchi, moringa, and more. In fact, Shakeology claims its ingredients are the power behind the diet’s numerous healthful benefits. So what are the ingredients and what benefits do they serve in helping you lose weight?

Whey Protein and Essential Amino Acids

Unless you go with our vegan line, Shakeology uses whey protein isolate. With our vegan shakes in tropical strawberry and chocolate flavors, sprouted brown rice and pea for protein is used.

Whey protein has attracted a lot of attention from the health food community over the past several years. It is a powerful muscle-building supplement and also is known to help people lose weight and increase lean body mass. Studies have found that using whey protein supplements before exercising helps to mobilize fat stores and burn fat more effectively.

Shakeology ingredients include whey protein isolate, which is easily absorbed and helps keep you full to prevent food cravings after drinking the shake. Whey protein isolate also helps your body to produce the powerful antioxidant glutathione, which may be responsible for whey’s other known benefits including its power as an immune system booster and possibly even as an anti-cancer agent.

Whey protein is also known to help your body maintain a stable blood sugar level. This characteristic of whey protein contributes to its ability to reduce hunger cravings between meals.

The essential amino acids that are found in the Shakeology ingredients help the body to repair and heal itself. They also are essential to proper brain function, allowing you to remain relaxed and yet alert.

Digestive Enzymes and Prebiotics

Shakeology claims its shakes are very easily to digest, and this quality may in part be attributable to the shakeology ingredients that are known to be supportive of good digestion. Shakeology shakes include prebiotics, which are ingredients that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. Prebiotics have been shown to help with immune system function as well as reduce the risk of colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disorders. In addition, they keep your digestive system fluid, which is helpful in losing weight.

Shakeology ingredients
Shakeology Nutrition Facts – (Left to Right) GreenBerry, Chocolate, Tropical Strawberry, Chocolate Vegan

Shakeology ingredients also include powerful digestive enzymes that come from other healthy plants like papayas and pineapples, which aid your body in digestion. These enzymes can help your body to stay regular, as well as aid in the absorption of nutrients from other foods you eat. Being regular is an often overlooked, but important, aspect of losing weight. When you cook food, it can destroy digestive enzymes, so your normal diet may not contain them in high enough levels. This may be working against your attempts at losing weight without you even knowing it.

All in all, there are over 70 Shakeology ingredients, and in them you’ll find all your essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, as well as over 20 antioxidants and phytonutrients. So what effect do all these ingredients have?

The Shakeology Study | Shakeology Ingredients

In a 90-day study conducted independently from Shakeology, participants were asked to substitute a Shakeology shake for one meal as well as follow the rest of the Shakeology plan (which included a balanced diet and exercise three times a week). As mentioned above

  • They lost an average of 10 pounds in just 3 months! In addition to the weight loss mentioned above, the researchers who conducted the study observed as much as a 90% reduction in oxidative stress in the participants
  • Their cholesterol levels dropped by 30% on average, and their LDL (bad) cholesterol dropped 38%. All in all, their risk factors for cardiovascular disease were reduced by 24%.
  • The participants claimed that the shakes tasted good and helped them curb their hunger.

Shakeology vs. Other Weight Loss Aids | Shakeology Ingredients

Shakeology ingredients have a proven ability to help people lose weight, as well as a number of other health benefits. But how does Shakeology compare to other weight loss aids? Alli, which is a popular over-the-counter weight loss pill available today allows people to lose an average of 5 to 7 pounds a year. With the lower dose Alli, you may only be able to expect weight loss of 3 to 5 pounds in a year. With Shakeology, participants lost an average of 10 pounds in just three months.

Another popular weight loss supplement, Chitosan, has achieved even worse results. After reviewing 15 clinical trials that dealt with Chitosan, researchers determined there were no obvious effects of the drug.

The truth is, most over-the-counter weight loss aids are relatively unproven. Shakeology ingredients, however, all have been shown on their own to help people lose weight. Thus, when they are combined in a Shakeology shake, it’s not surprising that their effects are magnified.

Additionally, other weight loss supplements are not always natural and may have side effects of their own. For example, the popular diet aid Phentermine was pulled from the shelves less only fifteen years ago after it led to several deaths and heart valve problems in women. Shakeology shakes are made with all natural ingredients, and thus you have nothing to worry about when you drink them.

All in all, Shakeology seems like a high quality meal replacement formulated to help people lose weight. Because Shakeology ingredients and it formulation for weight loss were chosen with such care from around the world, it seems to have good potential to help you lose those extra pounds. Look what it did for me.

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Shakeology Ingredients | The Real Deal

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Sacha Inchi, the “super food” of the ancient Incas, In Shakeology

Getting curious about Shakeology ingredients? With all the hype and rave reviews about Shakeology, it’s quite natural for someone to get intrigued, ask questions, and do a little bit of research before taking the plunge. If Shakeology was a movie, I’m pretty sure you’ll get hooked on the behind-the-scene moments that have made all the Shakeology hype possible. I felt the same way when I was starting out and there’s no better way to prove the product’s efficacy than to get a closer look on the myriad Shakeology ingredients.

My personal experience with Shakeology started last year and just like everybody else, I really thought that the 70 natural Shakeology ingredients infused in a single pack were too good to be true. I mean, how in the world can you make that possible?
Eventually, that question didn’t stall me from giving the product a try and to start my own journey, I cleared up my lens and took a closer look to those Shakeology ingredients that started it all.

The Ingredients That Make Up Shakeology- What’s Inside the Pack?

Okay, I must admit that when I first looked into the nutritional facts, I was a bit overwhelmed. If everything else is true, there’s no doubt that Shakeology ingredients are purely heaven-sent.

Why? Well, the 70 natural grown ingredients packed in a single serving were collected by the Shakeology team from different sides of the world, primarily Darin Olien, a naturalist, by crossing sultry desserts and traversing rocky jungles just to come up with a product worthy of emulation.

To give you an idea on how impressive these Shakeology ingredients are, a single glass of a flavored Shakeology is equal to a bowl of exotic fruit, 4 cups of raw broccoli, 4 cups of uncooked mushrooms, 4 cups of red radishes or a shot of wheat juice. All that would run you about $41 to round up in a grocery store and it would be overwhelming for your body to consume such an astronomical amount of food in one sitting. To think that all of these natural products are among the powerhouse when it comes to health-giving nutrients, describing Shakeology as nutritious might be an understatement.

Not satisfied yet? Perhaps I should give you a rundown of some of the most impressive Shakeology ingredients and nutrients that come with every glass:

  • Protein and amino acids – Natural plants such as Camu-Camu, Goji berry and Sancha Inchi are the major sources of this nutrient group which has been known to reduce cravings, build stronger muscles and heal wounds.
  • Antioxidants – Known to fight off free radicals responsible for serious medical conditions such as arthritis, dementia, hypertension and cardiovascular disorders, antioxidants are provided by ingredients ranging from Camu-Camu to grape seed extract and green tea.
  • Phytonutrients – Do you want to have stronger immunity and a younger complexion? Well, phytonutrients from some of the best ingredients such as barley grass, spinach and wheat grass might be the answer you have been looking for.
  • Prebiotics and digestive enzymes – If you want a healthier digestive system, you can count on Shakeology ingredients such as yacon root, amylase and pea fiber to keep those digestive problems at bay.

Shakeology Ingredients – Crafted to Perfection

Shakeology ingredients are clearly the main driving factors that have made all this success a reality. But with the number of natural ingredients handpicked and carefully selected by Shakeology creators, I must admit that the journey to make this wonderful drink was nothing short of backbreaking and time-consuming.

Darin Olien, Co-Creator of Shakeology

Shakeology ingredients, on the other hand, provide more than just a quality supply of essential vitamins and minerals because as it turned out, Shakeology can also help those with Crohn’s disease or caffeine intolerance. This is because a glass of Shakeology is totally free from gluten, caffeine and even artificial sweeteners often linked to cancer and other serious diseases.

Shakeology Ingredients – Changing Lives for the Better

My goal is to change people’s lives in the same way that Beachbody has changed mine. However, I know it won’t be possible if I will just rely on my personal skills alone and disregard all those products that helped me along the way. Shakeology and it’s ingredients might be too good to be true, but dare to try it and you will reap the same benefits I have gotten so far. I stand behind it 110%.

Shakeology Ingredients
Click To Try Shakeology Today- Always 30 Days Risk Free

Health must be our first priority. Staying fit doesn’t equate to being thin all the time, but also being strong and clean on the inside. With the right perspective and motivation, a healthy lifestyle can change your life for good.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, FunTeam Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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P90X by Tony Banawa




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Does Shakeology Work? Get the Most from Your Shakeology Plan

Beachbody has released its newest solution to a healthier lifestyle and losing weight: Shakeology. With over 70 plus high-quality Shakeology ingredients, there is a lot of buzz about whether or not Shakeology succeeds with its promises for losing weight and keeping the weight off. So, does Shakeology work?


Does Shakeology Work? The Concept

You have most likely seen reviews from users and workout professionals giving Shakeology the “thumbs up” in terms of a quality product, but is that enough to convince you to pay $4 per day to try it out? Most likely not. The good news is, however, those who ask “does Shakeology work?” often find that even physicians are backing up the claims that Shakeology gets the job done. Shakeology has been proven effective at boosting metabolism, increasing your body’s supply of antioxidants, fighting off free radicals and giving you more energy to shed the pounds and keep them off for good.


Does Shakeology Work? The Shakeology Ingredients

Most experts answer this question with “What’s not in Shakeology?” Why is that? Because Shakeology ingredients contain over 70 high-quality vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to help your body feel healthier and lose weight. Shakeology ingredients include:


  • Essential Amino Acids and Proteins
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Prebiotics
  • Antioxidants
  • Phytonutrients
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Zero refined sugars
  • Zero artificial sweeteners
  • Zero artificial flavors and/or dyes
  • Gluten-free products
  • Zero caffeine


In fact, just one serving of Shakeology only contains 150 calories! That’s right. For 150 calories your body gets over 70 nutrients, vitamins and minerals and even just 1 gram of fat. In order to get the same nutrient equivalency as one dose of Shakeology, your body would need:


  • A bowl of exotic fruit
  • 4 cups of broccoli (raw)
  • 7 carrots
  • 10 cups cauliflower (raw)
  • 3 cups romaine
  • 4 cups mushrooms (raw)
  • 3 onions whole (raw)
  • 1 cup of fresh peas
  • 4 cups radishes
  • 4 cups non-fat yogurt product
  • 1 shot of wheat grass


…daily! With the average grocery prices this would cost a person easily $50, while one Shakeology drink costs $4 per day.


Does Shakeology Work? The New Tropical Shakeology

The newest flavor to hit the shelves for team Shakeology is Tropical Shakeology. This Beachbody shake is 100% vegan. After all, vegans deserve a delicious weight loss supplement too, right? With Tropical Shakeology you get all of the same vitamins, nutrients and benefits of regular Shakeology drinks, but 100% vegan. Enjoy a tantalizing mixture of strawberries, pineapples, coconut, superfoods, bananas and papayas in each Tropical Shakeology serving. You don’t have to be vegan to enjoy the Tropical Shakeology shake either. Non-vegans and vegans alike are enjoying this new fruity concoction as their daily remedy to help them lose weight, feel more energized and retain a healthy body for its great taste more than anything else.

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D. Shakeology: Get Your Shake on With a Healthy, Effective Meal Replacement


Shakeology: Get Your Shake On With A Healthy, Effective Meal Replacement

The fitness industry is loaded with meal replacement options and unfortunately, most are ineffective at doing what they are supposed to over a long period of time. Enter Shakeology. Shakeology, by Beachbody is a new type of meal replacement shake that has proven itself effective in a 90-day independent study. How can it help you lose weight, maintain muscle and overall improve your health?

Shakeology Ingredients

Though it may appear to be a simple powder, what is in each dose of it is complex. Shakeology ingredients consist of 70+ high-quality ingredients that give your body more than just nutrients – it gives you overall well-being. Some ingredients include:

· Proteins
· Essential amino acids
· Prebiotics
· Digestive enzymes
· Antioxidants
· Phytonutrients
· Vitamins and minerals

Proteins and essential amino acids help your body build and repair muscles from exercise while also reducing hunger and craving throughout the day – all of which helps you maintain your healthy weight. The prebiotic and digestive enzymes help promote your body’s overall digestion, boost the immune system and increase nutrient absorption so that your body can burn and utilize the calories you eat faster and more effectively. Antioxidants and phytonutrients have already proven themselves effective in overall health and do so as well in Shakeology ingredients by providing your body with increased longevity, improved immune system, decreased inflammation and ridding your body of harmful free radicals.

Though the beneficial Shakeology ingredients are important, what is more important is what Shakeology doesn’t contain, such as:

· No caffeine
· No refined sugar
· No artificial coloring or flavorings
· Gluten-free

Though the shakes appear in different colors, the classic brown or green shake colors come from all natural colorants that include:

· Herbal powder
· Grass powder
· Vegetable powder
· Spirulina
· Berry powder


How Shakeology Works
Shakeology allows the body to eliminate toxins and absorb nutrients more efficiently than it does on its own. Digestive enzymes and prebiotics give the body a chance to eliminate toxins that build up naturally in your digestive tract. Individuals can curb cravings with the Shakeology plan and help their body shed fat that has stored up and burn calories through regular, healthy exercise.

Vegan Meal Replacement with Tropical Shakeology – Coming Soon! | Shakeology Ingredients

Vegans often have to omit the use of meal replacement shakes for a simple reason: dairy. Coming in February 14th, 2012 vegans can enjoy Shakeology’s new flavor: Tropical Shakeology. Shakeology is an effective vegan meal replacement that offers micronutrients to increase absorption and curb appetite without the worry of dairy or animal by-products. Those looking for vegan meal replacement can enjoy micro nutrients in Tropical Shakeology such as:
· Camu-Camu
· Luscious Papaya
· Acerola Cherry
· Pineapple
· Banana
Instead of whey protein, which contains dairy, Tropical Shakeology gets its protein source from sprouted brown rice.

Watch More Information On Shakeology