So You Think You Can Be A Tough Mudder?

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Tough Mudder, also known as the “Toughest Event On The Planet” is a more than a race in the various terrains, but also a mind test.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to participate in this challenging obstacle, perhaps it’s because you haven’t heard about it, don’t think you can handle it, or purely just have no interest in putting yourself through this 10-12 mile obstacle race designed by British Special Forces.

Before you judge the Tough Mudder, it’s important to know the facts. As stated on their website itself, here they are:

  • Fact Number 1: Marathon Running Is Boring
  • Fact Number 2: Mudders Don’t Take Themselves Too Seriously
  • Fact Number 3: You Cannot Take A Tough Mudder Course Alone

(Check out our Team Dynasty at Tough Mudder Tampa, FL)

Yes, it is a length to think about at first. Running 10 to 12 miles isn’t an easy thing to finish, let alone given that you have to climb 12 foot walls, run through 10,000 volts of electricity and crawl through mud under some barb wire just to name a few. But let’s forget what the main core of Tough Mudder was designed for team work even when fatigue sets in.

Leaving no team mate behind is what Tough Mudder stressed very clearly and you must help your fellow soldier to make it through to the end. No matter if you are tired yourself, you must find a way to carry your struggling team members with you. Tough Mudder encourages you to show team work and camaraderie both on and off the course.

To make sure that everyone is in the right state of mind for the race, participants are required to recite the Tough Mudder Pledge before starting.

Tough Mudder Pledge
It's a requirement to recite the Tough Mudder pledge before you start

So this is not for someone who just has the interest of running for a half marathon straight. It’s for a person willing to test their all around ability, strength, endurance, and mental capacity. Unlike the long distance running I did growing up, Tough Mudder will leave you wet, muddy all around, &  accomplished as a team.

Recommended Equipment Needed For Tough Mudder

To make the best out of your Tough Mudder experience, there are some things that you may want to consider taking with you.

  • Energy Gel Pack every 3 miles
  • Small 50oz Camelbak to hydrate with a sports drink
  • Light full finger gloves if you have sensitive hands
  • Dry Fit material clothing
  • No Cotton wear
  • Compression shorts and shirt under your race attire to prevent mud entering certain places if you know what I mean
  • Waterproof camera like the GoPro Hero2 Outdoor Edition for proof of your race and video making for memorable experience that lasts a lifetime

On the other hand, it’s recommended to leave all your jewelery at home or in the car to prevent losing your valuables.

Staying Hydrated Through Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder Team Dynasty
Tough Mudder Will Test Your All Around Abilities

They have water stations approximately every 3 miles to keep you hydrated and sane. There are also times when they will have bananas as well to replenish some calories and carbs for energy. You can bring a waist pack or as some call it a fanny pack around your waist to carry some protein bars and such with you.

There are times during the race where you will probably start cramping up so you will want to keep your body fed with the right ingredients to help prevent this setback. This is where the GoBelt, or fanny pack will come in need so you can take things with you.

Who Shouldn’t Do Tough Mudder

This endurance race is for all fitness levels. Wait! But you said…… Yes, the reason I say it is for all fitness levels is because you can take all day to complete the course and do it for fun and not for time. You will be racing with beginners to elite athletes but the only difference is how you choose to run the race. This is where athletic levels are determined. So if you want to just stroll all day and take your time, by all means, you can.

However, if you are the type who doesn’t like to get dirty, doesn’t like to have fun, and enjoy the success of you and others, then it’s probably best for you to stay home. Tough Mudder is for having fun, testing your all around abilities, but more than anything, camaraderie.

Tough Mudder will actually make it fun by meeting you at the finish line with a celebration of live music, a beer if you desire to cheers with your mates afterwards, and many team laughs and much video taping and photos to brag to your friends about accomplishing this major feat.

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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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