Don’t Buy The New Chocolate Vegan Shakeology, Yet!!!

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Until you have read this….Is the Chocolate Vegan Shakeology just like the Tropical Strawberry Vegan flavor? I’ll be honest with you that when the Tropical Strawberry vegan Shakeology first came out several months ago, I was so excited. I ordered my first monthly supply of the flavor and I was less than 100% pleased because it had a powder taste that took getting used to.

Do I Recommend Chocolate Vegan Shakeology?

Now, if I was to recommend the tropical flavor, I would say that it taste best by itself, without adding anything to it such as juices, extra fruit, ect. I can honestly say that after months of taking this flavor, I am good with it, but not as favorable for me as my ultimate flavor, Chocolate.

Now, Beachbody has come out with a new flavor, Chocolate “Vegan” Shakeology. I had the opportunity to try it this past weekend in Las Vegas as they introduced the new flavor. I was a little hesitant because of the fact of my initial experience with the previous vegan flavor. I didn’t want to ruin my love for my already chocolate addiction to the existing chocolate(not the vegan one) shakeology.

chocolate vegan shakeology
Introducing Chocolate Vegan Shakeology For The First Time

So I tried the Chocolate Vegan Shakeology to give it a true taste test and see if it was something that I would recommend to my coaches, customers, family, and friends.

I must say that it was amazing!

It is smooth and actually has a dark chocolate like kick to it. If you don’t like dark chocolate, than the best thing to do would be to order it and if you don’t like it, return it for a full refund within the first 30 days no matter how much is gone from the bag.

How Did Chocolate Vegan Shakeology Taste For Me?

When I tried it, I tried it with all natural peanut butter and a banana. It was amazing because that is what I currently take my regular chocolate shakeology with. This was just as good but with a slightly different chocolate flavor, hint of dark chocolate.

So if you are thinking about giving Chocolate Vegan Shakeology a try…..take it from me. You won’t like all the flavors, but that is why it comes with a “Bottom of the Bag Guarantee”. Meaning you can consume the whole bag and still return it for a full refund minus S&H if you decide it isn’t for you.

Chocolate Vegan Shakeology is formulated differently than all the others as so are all the others. Not one flavor is formulated the same. However, they all come with all the benefits such as the prebiotics, probiotics, digestive enzymes, amino acids, all natural ingredients, vitamins, and more!

Benefits Of Chocolate Vegan Shakeology

On top of all that, taking one or 2 shakeology servings a day will allow you to lose weight, increase your energy levels, help your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and more. Chocolate Vegan Shakeology will be no different for these benefits.

I don’t expect you to take it from me and believe everything I say, cause who does that? You need to see for yourself and get what is best for your body. I can only give you my opinion and help you in making your educated decision on the Chocolate Vegan Shakeology.

Buy Shakeology
Click To Try Chocolate Vegan Shakeology Now Risk Free!
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Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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