Quick Vitamin D Benefits Overview

vitamin d benefits

As some of you may know, I am a huge fan of Natural News and follow them closely. I came across a great photo on their facebook page on vitamin D benefits and thought I would share.

One thing that really sticks out to me is that vitamin D is more effective than flu shots. Opinion or not, it makes me curious how many people would choose flu shots over a consistent dose of Vitamin D. My guess is most would probably go with the shots. Why? Less discipline needed and more convenient.

My family don’t take flu shots cause of the fact that we believe most sicknesses and diseases can be prevented by taking care of yourself with superfoods, vitamins, and other natural resources the world provides.

We get most of our vitamins and superfoods through shakeology, a meal replacement by Beachbody, the maker’s of P90X, Insanity, and other top in home fitness programs.  There are also other ways you can get superfoods and other natural resources for better living at Longevity Warehouse. This is a website by David Wolfe. It has foods that you can’t get anywhere else without spending hours on the internet to find them.

So whether or not you are looking for a way to get your vitamin d benefits, I hope this brief post helps you and gives you the resources you need to get what you need in this area.

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