Sucralose And The Dangers To The Human Body

When sucralose hit the market, it was touted as an alternative to sugar, suitable for reduced calorie diets and diabetics because it has a zero calorie effect on the body, does not spike insulin, and does not cause weight gain. Sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sugar, so you can use smaller amounts of it, but there are certain sucralose dangers that are not openly advertised by the manufacturers.

I’ll be honest with you. In the past, before my fitness days, I used to put Splenda, and other artificial sweeteners in my Sweet Iced

sucralose dangers
The manufacturers have made us think artificial sweeteners are okay when they truly know of sucralose dangers and it's side effects

Tea because out here in Las Vegas, they didn’t serve Sweet Tea before 2009. I was so uneducated in everything I putting into my body. That’s what I think is going on with too many people these days. The lack of knowing what is harmful to your body is keeping them from being healthy. Knowing what the side effects are of certain ingredients is the start of a healthier you.


Sucralose Dangers | Case Studies

Sucralose was tested by the FDA in its early stages, but only on a small group of 36 people, and the study lasted only a few short days. What the FDA was looking for was possible tooth decay or other such effects. What they completely missed out on was long term sucralose dangers, such as the product being a carcinogen. This product has also been tested on lab rats who eventually refused to eat foods that contained the product.

Sucralose Dangers Multiply when consumed in large quantities

For dieters, sucralose can seem like a miracle product. They can now eat unlimited amounts of certain foods without the weight gain from calories. The problem is that the more of the substance that is consumed, the more the unpleasant side effects start to manifest.
Some examples of side effects include:

  • Flushing of the skin and rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Agitation and panic attacks
  • Muscle aches and headaches
  • Cramping in the intestines
  • Bladder issues
  • Swelling and bloating
  • Pains and cramps in the stomach

If you have ever eaten a large amount of something that contains sucralose, then you may be painfully aware of some of these side effects. Eating a large amount of something because it is “zero calorie” but contains sucralose can leave one running for the bathroom and spending a great deal of time there. Often many of the symptoms are confused with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and people suffer needlessly with cramping, gas and diarrhea when they simply could stop consuming products that contain this sugar substitute.

Mood Swings Can Be One Of Many Sucralose Dangers

sucralose dangers
Sucralose Dangers - Some Items say natural flavorings but does not mean artificial flavorings aren't included as well. Read the Labels Carefully!

A person who is unaware of the effect that sucralose has on their body can ingest many products (especially if they are concerned about weight gain) and then have a reaction that people around them may not like so much. Most of us simply assume that a person who is on a diet will be moody because they are hungry, but it could be that they are consuming too much of the artificial sweetener, sucralose.

If you consume a lot of products that contain sucralose, you may not be aware of some of the hidden side effects. Do you often feel fatigued and sleepy after you consume something containing sucralose? Chronic fatigue has been reported by people who have had sucralose as well as the inability to concentrate.

Some more serious sucralose dangers include kidney disorders and enlarged livers. Much of these issues stem from the fact that sucralose is a manufactured compound that contains things that are toxic to the body, including chlorine. It has been stated that since sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sugar, it can actually cause increased cravings for sugary foods.

When you consider that most studies into this food additive were not carried out for very long on humans to show any real side effects, the science is not very reliable. In fact, we have no idea if one of the sucralose dangers is ultimately cancer.

The best way to determine how this product affects you personally is to be extremely diligent and remove it from your diet as much as you can. Once it is fully eliminated, try eating something that has sucralose in it and see how you feel afterwards. We can all do without this sugar substitute. In fact, there are much better alternatives that are completely natural and better for your body, such as raw honey.


Side effects occur when artificial sweeteners are taken in large amounts consistently. But how do you know how much is a large amount for you?  I prefer to just stay away from it especially if you have an obvious choice in front of you sitting at the restaurant table to add it in your drink or not. Yes, it’s easy to just rip open a pack of Splenda and pour it in, but try thinking about what you are actually doing to your body.

Also think about your kids consumption of these dangerous ingredients. If you start them young by not educating them about artificial sweeteners and where it can be found, you think health problems are bad these days? The future will expose things we have never thought of if we don’t teach our kids what’s being sold on the market these days. Teach them about health, and teach them about making the right choices and how making the wrong choices can effect their health and performance in sports and academics.

Lastly, sports supplements aren’t always healthy. Many are manufactured to do justice such as muscle recovery, a meal replacement, & build muscle mass. But if you’re looking to stay on the healthy side during the journey of developing a strong healthy body, there are products out there that focus on being all natural and safer for your health without the sucralose dangers or any other artificial killers.

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Author: Tony Banawa

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