A Straight Up P90X Blog That Tells

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Whether it’s in a P90X blog or in front of my own Beachbody team, I just can’t resist talking about P90X and how it pushed my life to make a complete U-turn.

I know what you’re thinking but I’m not just another Beachbody guy coaxing people to buy this product and blah, blah, blah. My goal is clear… and that is to bring Beachbody’s message of “helping people achieve their goals, and living healthy and fulfilling lives” into a complete reality.

So how am I supposed to do that?

Well, with our team now helping transform the health of over 1,600 individuals  in less than 2 years, you might think that my life is already a success story in the making. But as we all know, obesity is an immortal monster that continues to plague America and the whole world with tons of non-communicable diseases like diabetes and heart attack. For this reason, it’s now a necessity for me to expand my network and reach out to more people.

This P90X blog is now serving that purpose. With thousands of views monthly and reaching people from all over the world 24 hours a day, it is an avenue for me to share my personal experiences with P90X and multiple other programs and products through Beachbody in hopes that I can help those who are willing to make a healthier life for themselves. Why, because these products worked for me and countless others I know personally and I know they can do the same for you if you have the right reasons.

Now, for all of you who are still wondering how I was able to overcome insurmountable odds and beat the out of shape immovable person out of me, this P90X blog will do all the telling.


Let My P90X Blog Explain: What is P90X?

If the name Tony Horton rings a bell to you, then you probably know that he’s the fitness master behind P90X, one of Beachbody’s most intense at-home exercise programs. It is a full 90-day program put together for a full body transformation through a combination of intense workouts and a specific nutrition plan to compliment what your body will need throughout the journey .

With P90X, you don’t have to worry about the possibilities of getting bored. This is because you will be continuously introduced

p90x blog
Get Free Tips and Advice Through My Personal P90X Blog

to different workouts with varying difficulty so as to help your body avoid the notorious “workout plateau”. From weight training and yoga to stretching and cardio workouts, P90X won’t run out of moves that will surely put your flexibility, strength and endurance to test.

If you have a clear goal in mind as to where you want your body to be, then with a proven workout program like P90X, you will surely reach what you desire as long as your reason is strong enough to achieve. For example, my goal was to get in better shape and get rid of my round figure by toning up with lean muscle. Weight loss wasn’t the main target of mine because I knew that if I took care of my muscle tone that I would reach a reasonable weight that matched my physique. I was right!

From 186lbs to 163 in 90 days, I can surely say that I am happier, definitely healthier, and confident. I didn’t starve myself, or cut down on carbs. As a matter of fact, I ate more often and increased my carbs like the P90X nutrition plan shows you to. The carbs gave my body the energy I needed to get through my intense workout days.

What I love about P90X is the fact that you can totally transform your body with minimal equipment and no need for gym memberships if that avenue is too expensive or not your type of scene. All you need to do is get the P90X DVDs, which include the fitness guide and nutritional plan. In addition resistance bands or minimal select weights that fit your strength range is required

I did my entire first round of P90X with a set of 10’s, 15’s. and 20lb dumbbells in addition to resistance bands and that got it done for me. I would recommend the Bowflex SelectTech Dumbbells if you are wanting to use weights instead of resistance bands. I got these recently and I love them. Now that I ‘m in the position that my body demands more weights, the Select Tech Dumbbells really make it easy for me to switch weights with a click in between short sets.


P90X Blog: How P90X changed my life…for good

Just like any other transformation story, I started out a little rough. I was full of doubts and too lazy to change my old ways. As a matter of fact, my family first tried P90X before me and as I saw them reap healthy rewards in the process, I also started to feel bad about myself.

Then it suddenly dawned on me: If I don’t stop procrastinating and dawdling around, I’d be putting my own health and family in great peril. So I used that as a wake-up call and started to change myself. I was so afraid that it might not work out, but thanks to Beachbody and the support network that purchasing the programs come with, I was able to have guidance and motivation all the way through from start to finish.

I was able to link up with accountability partners, learn from other P90X blogs, invite buddies on the team Beachbody site to workout with me online, and I had the opportunity to eventually meet Tony Horton in L.A. What an outstanding guy he is!

As I said earlier, I was able to shed off a total of 23 lbs by the end of my first P90X attempt and that was one year ago so you can just imagine how my health and body have become better since then. P90X is not only a workout program, but it also teaches you how to eat healthier as well as importance of the specifics of fitness like stretching, warming up, and cooling down. Something most people often overlook.

This is mostly important so not only can you transform your body, but maintain it as well.

So what’s my point of having a P90X blog? Simple… To let you know that you don’t need to be perfect to achieve your fitness goals. Provide free tips and advice that can help you get max results.

If you are a stay at home parent or full time single working parent, you don’t have to find a way to get your workouts in because you can do it at home with the kids. All it takes is the P90X program that will give you a personal trainer and workout program at home for life, commitment, and an emotional goal that is far stronger than quitting when things get tough.


P90X Blog | How to get a P90X transformation

I was in the worst shape of my life. I lacked the motivation to start a big change. I was terrible when it came to intense exercises. In other words, my life was going downhill.

But P90X saved my life and that’s reason enough for me to write this P90X blog and share to all of you the good message.
If you think you’re the laziest couch potato in the world or a terrible self-starter, I challenge you to WAKE UP and realize your true potential that most people are too lazy to see and never often discover. Not you!

P90X is an intense workout program with a 3-phase nutritional plan to boot so obviously, it is not suitable for the weak and lazy. If you are willing to give it all you got for just 90 days of your entire life, then you will be able to say goodbye to being out of shape, unhealthy, depressed, or whatever you are feeling at this point.

Your life will be renewed I can guarantee you that. Only If, you commit for 60-90 days, depending on the program that’s right for you, and do what you’re supposed to do. It a proven program, no need to re-invent the wheel. If p90X isn’t for you, we have over 17 different programs for you to choose from that has changed lives of many. These include Insanity, Turbo Jam, Rev Abs, Brazil Butt Lift, and more

But everything is possible and if you think you’re ready to have your best shape so far, I am offering to be your accountability partner because I know the percentage of people who quit when they have no support. All you have to do is click on the picture below, stay connected to my P90X blog, and together, we will achieve what seems right now, a transformation that seems so far away. You can do this!

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P90X by Tony Banawa