Cize Workout by Shaun T, Presented by Beachbody

Do you want to prep your body for a beach getaway, but you only have a couple of months to get revved up for the summer season? A gym membership sounds nice, yet do you really have the time to juggle it together with your career? Or does a gym membership fee sound kind of prohibitive to your budget, thus making you resort for a cost-effective alternative for your fitness needs? Then turn to the latest endgame fitness experts today called Cize. After each workout, you can refuel your energy by playing games like 카지노순위.

The resurgence of home workout programs have made it possible for fitness enthusiasts to get the best of both worlds: getting into fitness at their own time minus the premium of gym memberships. Home workout fitness programs in a form of DVD media have now become a trend, and a lot of them are out in the market right now.

Among the most popular home workout programs available on shelves right now is Beachbody’s Cize Workout by the genius behind the Insanity Workout, Shaun T. It’s one of the latest crazes, promising to deliver results in a span of 60 days. While some might think it’s pretty much the same as other fitness programs showcasing redundant routines, resulting to repetitive underwhelming results. So what does Cize have to offer the rest can’t?

Cize: A 60-Day Fat Shedding Dance Spree Workout

Cize WorkoutThis is a revolutionary fitness exercise program launched by Beachbody and developed by the world-renowned fitness guru, Shaun T. It is among the leading names in the context of weight loss programs of today; it is highly commercialized, thus quickly gaining popularity to fitness experts and enthusiasts. An extremely heavy lineup of routines that are designed to bring positive results in a short span of time is what this 60-day workout promises. Yes, shaping those flabs into some sexy curves can be done in less than two months. But it does come with a caution: it isn’t meant for the weak mind and heart (literally and figuratively).

The Cize workout is fun. Don’t worry if you’ve never taken a dance step in your life, that’s what made this program a hit. It takes you through the moves where in the end, you feel like Jason Derulo. Okay… maybe not that good.

However, it sets the game a couple of notches higher—making it a more intense fat burning workout to do. Also, it promises results in a short span of time in the fun way of hip-hop dancing.

Main Features of the Workout Program

A 24-hour online support

Regain your determined spirit back by consulting a fitness expert online or listen to what others who are undergoing the same training, has to say, any time of the day.

Elite Nutrition Plan

Intense workout would go prove ineffective if not coupled with an effective diet. The diet plan provided in this fitness program is tailor-fitted to fuel the body with energy and at the same time maximize the result of the dance workout regimen.

Max Interval Dance Training

This is the core highlight of Cize workout, where it features a series of stepping-it-up dance routines that should be done for 3 to 4 minutes, then incorporating a 30 second period of rest right after before going over the whole process again. The drill is much like the traditional interval training routine, the level of activity is just far more enjoyable in this regimen because you jive your body to the rhythm of the beat. By completely performing this, a sum of 1,000 calories can already be burned in a single dance session!

Why It Is Better Than The Conventional Fitness Program

One drawback that can be pointed out in most fitness regimens is that they are not friendly workouts for beginners to do. Also, the hardcore nature of the usual routines might put some individuals with fragile health conditions (like those with cardiovascular-related health issues) at risk.

The gravity of the routines and exercises bears a heavy amount of stress. Cize, on the contrary, is a fitness routine for those who are still picking up to be physically fit. For individuals who are skeptical whether they’d engage into this or not, due to some health related issues: there is no need to consult a physician first to assess whether one’s health could endure this new and revolutionary fitness program, because as Shaun T would put it, he’s just letting you do what you always do every day in order together with the power of truly enlivening hip-hop dance music.

On A More Positive Note…

A Fun Beachbody Workout Means Rapid Results

Contrary to what many have thought, weight loss which is fast yet safe and effective is actually possible. The Cize Beachbody is highly proven to deliver the awe-inspiring shape that you desire with the routine and guidance that it provides. It is not the like the usual painstaking feat to carry on; the name itself already implies the level of crazy enjoyment its routine demands. If you want your physical functions to be at their best, following the funky dance workout steps of this program makes the best ground-zero the same way it is your endgame to ultimate fitness.
Cize Beachbody

Fitness As Taught By A Reputable Fitness Expert

Shaun T is also the proprietor of the popular hip-hop abs—a fun and creative way to shake away those flabs to achieve a six-packs abs. Just to give you a bit of a background of what he does: He’s actually a health and fitness specialist and trainer who started out in one of the most popular multinational pharmaceutical companies of today, which we all know as “Wyeth.” He is an affiliate of Beachbody LLC, a multinational company in the US that markets fitness and bodybuilding related materials, such as home exercise DVDs. One of his successfully released workout DVDs under Beachbody’s label is the Insanity Workout.

Control Your Routine, Don’t Let The Routine Control You

One of the greatest perks the Cize Beachbody provides is the convenience to practice Cize in the comfort of your home and time. This is highly beneficial for professionals who find it a challenge to balance work, family, and having a life. You have the liberty to plan your fitness regimen according to your schedule. Aside from that, you’ll save extra dollars into your pockets from monthly gym membership premiums.

The Focus T25 Workout Review: Painful Pleasure Indeed?

So, you have heard about the Focus T25 workout and all its benefits. Well here’s an honest review for you. You’re probably wondering if you should go ahead and try it out? Well, here we are to remove all your doubts, helping you to your first big step!

Focus T25 workout review

Most fitness workouts usually take up long hours of an individual’s busy life, making time the biggest obstacle in their way to perfect fitness. Shaun T, the designer of this program used his real life experiences to come up with such a time-friendly schedule.

focus t25 workout review

Attracting enthusiasts from all spheres of life, this fitness regime promises to do its wonders in 25 minutes and hence the name! “If you focus your intensity for 25 minutes, and you do it for 5 days a week, you WILL get results,” says Shaun T, adding more vigor to the already positive results of the routine.

One of the primary reasons for the popularity of this type of Beachbody program is the extremely comfortable time frame! 25 minutes is way too less for a perfectly toned body in return! Though different then most other workouts, it is instrumental to know that this is a pretty intense routine. The exercises may not be long, but they can keep you perspiring for quite sometime!

What Does The Focus T25 Workout Program Comprise?

The DVD consists of exercises, in the form of two different sets of cycles, as follows:

ALPHA CYCLE, The Foundation (25-minutes workout) –

Cardio: calorie burning through sweat release.

Speed 1.0: quickened fat burning.

Total Body Circuit: strength and resistance building without any weight lifting.

AB Intervals: fat reduction from your midsection.

Lower Focus: burning fat and pacing your metabolism by concentrating on lower-body muscles.

BETA CYCLE, the core (25-minutes workout) –

Core Cardio: accelerated process of fat shredding.

Speed 2.0: speedy exercises directed towards the core.

Rip’t Circuit: a continuous series of cardio, upper body, legs and abs related exercises.

Dynamic Core: a cycle of routines, flexing the body from vertical to horizontal.

Upper Focus: achieving the torso of your dreams.

How Is The Focus T25 Workout Going To Make Use Of Every Moment?

The Focus T25 workout DVD consists of a step-by-step, visual representation of how to successfully achieve a fit body by simply dedicating 25 minutes each day.

· The Quick-Start Guide commences the program by instructing you how to systematically go about following this really challenging routine!

· The following Get It Done Nutrition Guide chalks out a simple diet consisting of five ingredients.

· The last, Alpha-Beta Workout Calendars, help you in drawing out a workout chart

How does the Focus T25 workout actually work out?

The involvement of the entire body in this routine is believed to have enabled people to feel extremely healthy again, or so the users say. However strenuous it might be, the benefits of the program are too many to ignore.

This program was like an answer for all those busy individuals who found devoting hours at the gym nearly impossible. Quite frankly, the 25 minutes that this routine demands can easily be spent working towards something that will make you feel good, overall. Exercises and activities that seemed exhaustive now begin to look like a piece of cake!

Focus T25 Workout Review

Some users felt that the short time span somehow grabbed their primary attention. The rigorous stretch of workouts seemed far more beneficial than the monotonous exercises at a regular gym. Working moms were too extremely impressed with the speedy results they got to experience within a short span of enrolling into the program.

They were happy to be introduced to a fitness program that did not take up much time, but in turn gave them direct benefits. Better sleep, increased self confidence and the obvious feel-good factor are among the many results of welcoming Focus T25 into daily schedule.

Focus T25 Workout Review Speaks Of Four Attractive Gifts That Come Along With This Package

· Stretch Workout: after five days into the difficult schedule, this is a treat!

· 5-Day Fast Track: this gives you a peek into the weight loss with your meal plan.

· 24/7 Online Support: one of the most useful, when you are de-motivated to the extent of quitting the program.

The challenging workout schedules are also a way to test your inner abilities. By no means, is this an easily achievable program! Dedication and focus to the goal and your stability keep you going on till the very end of the routine according to

    Focus T25 workout review


It is remarkable to see the changes in your own body. Feeling heavy to feeling fit is a really wonderful journey the Focus T25 workout helps you cover, by dedicating only 25 minutes to it each day!

And as truly stated by Shaun T himself, there isn’t a more efficient workout around!

Give me your thoughts below and I hope to hear about your experiences. If this Focus T25 workout review was helpful to you, feel free to share it with others.

Focus T25 Workout Review

Lose Your Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan?

If you’ve misplaced you nutrition guide, I’ll help you get back on track with the Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan.

First of all, it comes with the program. But over time, sometimes people tend to lose things or things happen in life where they misplace parts of the Insanity package.

In this post, I will help you with what to eat during your 60 days with Insanity. I recently had a reader request to help her with what to eat with Insanity because she moved and her nutrition guide got lost in the process.

With the many requests over time, I thought the best way to help would be to write about it.

I Can: Give you an overview of what to eat

I Can’t: Give you the download for copyright purposes. I hope you understand.

The Elite Insanity Nutrition Plan

With Insanity, you are recommended:

1. To eat 5 meals a day

  • Breakfast
  • Mid Morning Snack
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Snack
  • Dinner

With all Beachbody fitness programs, they always say to never eat sooner than 1 hour before your workout because your body will be in digestion mode. Because of this, you won’t have the energy for the workout.

2. You must Eat every few hours as this keeps your metabolism burning

3. Every week, check you recommended daily calories as this will change as your body changes.

4.  Drink 8-10 cups of water a day to help reduce hunger pangs. For me, I drink double this becasue my body demands it. 8-10 cups is absolute minimum.

With Insanity, it’s normal to increase your calories just to maintain as you may experience quick fat loss in a specific time during your 60 days.

Each of Insanity’s 5 Meals per day in the Nutrition Guide comes with 10 options you can choose from. They recommend you choose one meal of the 10 for each meal. But first, you must calculate your daily calorie needs.

To do this, simply use this equation:

  • Step 1

For Women…655 + (4.35 weight in lbs) + 4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

For Men…66 + (6.23 x weight in lbs) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)

  • Step 2

Take this number and multiply it by your appropriate level of exercise below. Because this is for the intense Insanity Workout, your level should be at least moderately-very active.

Exercise Factor Category Explanation
1.2  Sedentary  Little or No exercise
1.375  Lightly Active  Light Exercise (1-3 days/wk)
1.55  Moderately Active  Moderate Exercise (3-5 days/wk)
1.7  Very Active  Hard Exercise (6-7 days/wk)
1.9  Extremely Active  Hard Daily Exercise + a Physical Job

This number is what you need for weight maintenance. Because people have different goals, they should be adjusted accordingly like this…

  • Step 3

Adjust as your body changes and keep the following in mind…

For Weight gain: add 250 – 300 calories per day from you number in step 2
For Weight loss: subtract 500 calories per day from your number in step 2
To maintain: Leave Step 2 number as is.

Recommended Meals In the Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan

Once again for copyright reasons, I can’t give out the full recipes and details. What I could do is give you a clear and brief example of what they have in the booklet.

Meal 1, or breakfast:

I usually drink a shakeology. If I ever eat breakfast whole foods instead of a shakeology first thing in the morning,
it is usually things like:

Cottage Cheese (1% milk fat)
Whole Wheat Bagels
Egg Whites
Reduced fat cheese
Whole Grain Cereal like Kashi GoLean
All Natural Peanut Butter
Strawberry Preserve

For Meal 2 or Mid Morning Snack, I’ll drink my shakeology or:

Non Fat Plain Yogurt
1% cottage Cheese
Protein Shake
Turkey Breast Sandwich on whole grain bread
Fruits like Bananas, melon, berries
Turkey Bacon

Meal 3, you can have such things as:

Mixed dark greens
Chicken Breast
Tuna Steak
Lean Roast Beef
Extra Lean Ground Beef
Green Beans
Whole grain Tortillas

You can make sandwiches and soups that are amazingly tasty with things like black beans, turkey breasts, avocado,ect.

Meal 4:

Brown rice
Water Packed Tuna
Cottage Cheese
Whole grain Bread
Whole grain Crackers
Turkey Lettucve Wraps
Turkey Chili
Shrimp Cocktail
Lean roast Beef Wraps with avocado

Meal 5:

Olive Oil
Whole Wheat Bread
Flank Steak
Filet Mignon
Baked Potato
Brown rice
Lean Turkey Burger
Snow Peas

Remember that you can have as much spices like pepper, paprika, garlic as you want. However, sugars like juices, sodas and such are not recommended.

If you must drink alcohol, then remember that it has 7 calories per gram with no nutrient value. It will also effect performance and slow your process of muscle growth. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol-related issues, seeking affordable alcohol treatment in NJ could be a crucial step towards regaining control and living a healthier life.

There are time when you need to add in foods to reach your recommended calrories for a specific meal. One way I do it is to eat a banana. There are what is called food blocks, or individual items to help meet your calorie needs.

These are foods such as:
Cottage cheese
Raw Almonds
Navel Orange
Non fat vanilla yogurt
water packed tuna

In the second month of Insanity, your body will be needing more food to have the energy to finish strong. Remember that if you are reducing your calories to lose weight as mentioned above, you may also be cutting some of your nutrient value with it.

A way to make sure you supply your body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients is to take a multi-vitamin or shakeology.

The Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan also includes Michi’s Ladder which tells you the right proteins, carbs, and fats to eat in tier levels. You can also get this through the Beachbody Club as it’s too much info to include here.

So here it is, some helpful tips on what to eat with the Insanity Elite nutrition plan. I hope you really take it in and get the results you are working for.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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P90X by Tony Banawa




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How To Choose The Right Beachbody Fitness Program

Many have heard about Beachbody fitness and the lives it has changed in the last few years alone. The subject of fitness has been the main focus of many people all over the world, as they become aware of all the pitfalls that come with obesity and a generally unhealthy lifestyle. However, the question remains as to which fitness program would work best for specific groups of people with various goals.

The Beachbody Fitness Programs are a collection of different fitness programs that cater to varying needs such as weight loss, muscle toning, bodybuilding, and many others. Below are guidelines on how to choose the right Beachbody Fitness Program, as well as the list of benefits that you can get from each one.

Beachbody Fitness Programs For Weight Loss

1. Insanity Workout
This weight loss plan is designed to promote maximum calorie burning within a short time frame. As the name suggests, Insanity Workout is not for the faint of heart because it includes highly intensive routines that allow for very short rest periods. Among the most incredible benefits of this program is the fast rate of progress that cannot be expected from any other weight loss plan today.

The Insanity package includes 10 highly defined workout routines (in DVD format), each of which are designed to target a specific area of the body. At the end of 60 days, you can expect to see a much leaner body that is filled with energy and stamina.

2. Turbo Fire Workout
Lengthy routines are not something people look forward to, even those who are adamant on losing as much weight in as little time as possible. Turbo Fire is a Beachbody Fitness Program designed for those who prefer short workouts that yield great results. Some of the routines included in this program only last for 10 minutes, but the calorie burning effects last up to 48 hours.

What’s more is that this program advocates high intensity-low impact exercises. This means not having to deal with possible injuries that may result from overexertion. Turbo Fire is best suited for people who are nursing injuries, i.e. ACL, MCL, pulled hamstring, Plantar Fasciitis, and many others.

3. Les Mills Combat
Weight loss and muscle building have always been regarded as two separate goals that can only be tackled one at a time. Les Mills Combat managed to change this stereotype by combining routines that would enable people to build muscles while losing weight. The most important feature of this fitness plan is that it specifically promotes lean muscle building, which makes it the perfect choice for those who want definition sans all the extra bulk.

This Beachbody Fitness program releases in December 2012 before Christmas.

The methodology of this program mainly includes the use of martial arts such as kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Jujitsu, Muay Thai, and Capoeira. This highly dynamic fitness plan allows the body to burn a lot of calories from fat reserves, while developing muscles all over the body. The workouts usually last between 30 and 60 minutes, which is usually how long people stay at the gym at any given day.

4. Rev Abs
This is another Beachbody Fitness Program that is designed to promote weight loss in conjunction with muscle toning, specifically in the abdominal area. This 90-day ab solution package includes 9 workout routines, a well-defined nutrition plan, professional fat caliper, and comes with a free online support. This makes for a great choice if you are looking to lose weight fast and gain abdominal definition without having to spend too much time at the gym. Also available is the Jumpstart Plan, which would help you lose up to 10 pounds on the first two weeks.

beachbody fitness
Get max results with “Challenge Packs”

BeachBody Fitness Programs for Muscle Toning

1. P90x
In order to get ripped muscles in 90 days, you will need a well-structured fitness plan, which is exactly what P90x provides. The routines included in this program are designed to target multiple muscle groups at once, which increase toning benefits. The workouts last between 45 minutes to about an hour, so it can get taxing for the body. However, the results will become visible after only 90 days, which is pretty impressive compared to most other muscle building programs today.

In addition, this plan is designed for home use so there is no need to hit the gym everyday or get a professional fitness trainer in order to obtain the most desirable results. All 12 routines are highly diverse and exciting, which avoids boredom from setting in after a few weeks.

2. Les Mills Pump
This barbell-based fitness plan is one that is designed to allow weight loss and promote muscle building at the same time. The routines in this program burn a lot more calories, thereby making it a highly effective weight loss method. This is best for those who want to save time by tackling both weight loss and muscle toning using the same set of exercises.

3. ChaLEAN Extreme
This plan consists of 30-45 minute workouts that are designed to burn fat as much as 60% of your total body fat, while toning important muscle groups, i.e. abdomen, arms, thighs, calves, and back. As the name suggests, the exercises are meant to produce lean muscles so you will look fit without the unnecessary bulk.

Beachbody Fitness Program for Cleansing and Detox

In addition to weight loss and muscle building programs, Beachbody also offers a number of plans that address concerns such toxin build up.

Among the best cleansing and detox plans are:

1. Ultimate Reset Cleanse- This particular Beachbody Fitness Program revolves around a 21 day cleanse, which brings the body back to its original status quo. In essence, the Ultimate Reset plan allows the body to revert back to its “factory settings” before it was ravaged by toxins and free radicals. Apart from getting your insides thoroughly cleaned, Ultimate Reset also induces weight loss, which is always a welcome benefit.

beachbody fitness

2. Shakeology Meal Replacement A proprietary health shake is what makes this fitness plan quite unique. The shake is basically a liquid collection of nutrients that are necessary to keep the body healthy and remove as much toxin build up as possible. The shake is meant to replace meals in as far as nutrient value is concerned, but without all the unnecessary calories. In addition to the shake, this ingenious Beachbody Fitness Program also includes a meal plan as well as a workout guide that is meant to induce rapid and sustainable weight loss.

Other Beachbody Fitness Programs
For those who have taken a break from regular exercise, some of the best programs you should consider using are the following:

  • Slim in 6
  • Power 90
  • Turbo Jam

In choosing the right Beachbody Fitness Program, it is necessary to consider your immediate as well as long term goals. Taking a closer look at the specification of each program would allow you to make informed decisions and obtain the best possible results. Each workout will come with a complete fitness guide and workout calendar, nutrition guide, and support to help you get through.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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P90X Schedule Matters | 3 Options, Three Different Results

Looking for a P90X schedule that’s best for you? You’ve come to the right place. The P90X workout has gone from an idea to the most popular in home lean muscle building and fat loss program today. The system offers three schedules to fit into your workout needs, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional you will benefit from P90X. Let’s take a look at how the schedule works for you and how to choose a schedule for your workout needs.

Which P90X Schedule is right for you

There are three different schedules in the P90X program, namely the Classic, which is the most popular in my opinion, Lean and Doubles. Don’t let the word Lean fool you. Just because it is the one mostly done by those who want to burn fat by doing more cardio than resistance training, it is still very intense. The P90X schedule is designed for muscle gain and toning, and the difference with the 3 schedules is the combination of the different workouts in the program to make them effective for what you are trying to achieve.

The Classic P90X Schedule

The Classic routine is set around a basic 3 day resistance training and cardio split, in which cardio will be done on the days you are not doing muscle building. It is based on resistance training that requires free weights, body weight, or resistance bands. This schedule requires a commitment of one hour a day.

Why use the Classic P90X Schedule?
The Classic schedule is used if you want to build muscle while toning up. You will build most of your muscle with this schedule because it is built around a professional circuit. This does not mean that the other two schedules will not work, they simply offer different benefits. I did the Classic and mixed in the doubles schedule starting around my 6th week when I had the time. Here are my results…

P90x schedule

The Lean P90X Schedule

The Lean routine is made up of some resistance training, but the main aim of this schedule is to get lean, which means cardio. Here you will have to endure a 4 day week cardio routine with 2 days of resistance training. This routine makes use of things like Tony Horton’s Coresynegistics, Yoga X, Cardio X, and Kenpo X, which all make for a very tough workout. This schedule requires a commitment of one hour a day.

Why use the Lean Schedule?
As this routine makes use of loads of cardio, the main reason for you to make use of this routine is to get lean. You can also use this routine to maintain muscle gains, as the two day resistance training included here are more than sufficient to do so.

The Doubles P90X Schedule

The Doubles schedule is exactly what it sounds like, a doubling up of workout routines. This is the Lean and the Classic schedules built into one routine made to work for you. The other difference with this routine, when compared to the others is that you will have to commit to 2 hours a day. Typically you will split your cardio and resistance training into two routines, one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. Do not take to this routine lightly. If you are a beginner, be sure to start with one of the other two routines before trying out Doubles.

Why use the Doubles Schedule?
While this routine makes use of the Classis schedule, you will not get the same results. The Doubles routine is set around strength training, which is why there is so much packed into the schedule. The more you work, the more your muscles adapt for strength. There will be some muscle gain, but without the proper rest periods, there is a greater tendency for endurance.

What to do once you have committed to a P90X Schedule

There are a few things that you will have to do once you have committed to one of the workout routines in the P90X program, namely:

  1. Make sure that you know which workouts are included in the schedule and which workouts you are required to do for the day. Make a note of these on the workout calendar that comes with your purchase
  2. Your nutrition plays a huge part in losing fat and gaining muscle. Make use of the nutrition guide as much as you can and stay on top of your eating regime using the guide provided. It is best to draw up an eating guide for the full 90 days of workout, before you start training
  3. Before you start, make sure that you set a time to work out that you can stick to. Take a look at your current lifestyle and set a time that you will use for your workout. If you set the morning aside to workout, always use the morning to work out, it makes working out easier, and ensures that you will not skip a day due to lack of time.
Getting at least a weeks worth of groceries into your cabinets and fridge at the start of every week makes for a more effective and consistent eating habit. Get rid of all the junk food if you had some before so you won’t be tempted to cheat on yourself.

P90X Schedule Summary

Be sure to choose which schedule you are going to commit to with the utmost care. You don’t want to get halfway into a routine only to find that it’s not what you’re looking for. You won’t have the motivation to get through the full 90 days. If you would like me to coach your through the 90 days, make me your free coach below and send me an email about your fitness goals to get started. Every P90X schedule is designed for a specific purpose; be sure to read and understand the literature that comes with your purchase.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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What’s The Insanity “Asylum” Workout All About?

If you are one of the millions of individuals wanting to have a perfect athletic body, then insanity asylum is exactly what you need to be Strong and Fit! Thousands of people have demanded this fitness program which is considered as the sequel of “Insanity” fitness program. As well, several questions and information regarding the product requires answers.

There are many insanity asylum reviews which can be found over the internet and most of them are usually written by individuals who have tried and examined the workout course. Indeed, numerous individuals have acknowledged and testified to its efficiency but before you think of trying or using it yourself, you should take a closer look at the fitness program to know if it is really for you.

What is Insanity Asylum?

Insanity asylum is the follow-up fitness program for the previously promoted “Insanity” program. The purpose of the Asylum is to make the effects of the Insanity program so much better. Insanity has surely made a great improvement on the person’s overall health and wellness but with Asylum, you can become even better as it improves your balance, agility, speed and other athletic skills. In short, the Insanity Asylum fitness program is aimed to bring out the athletic and optimum side of you in a wider and superior angle after the insanity program.

Several pro athletes such as Hope Solo and Apolo Ohno to name a couple, have added the Asylum to their training regime and credits the program inhelping them reach their peak level of fitness.

With the insanity asylum, you will not be trained only the physical aspect but on the mental aspect as well. Trainings for agility, speed, balance and other skills is more of a work out for the brain as it requires fast nerve impulse conduction and motor transmission. The asylum also improves resistance and endurance for any type of exercises and physical activities and provides a better and faster way to lose and burn calories. For a comprehensive workout experience, consider looking for a treadmill for sale to complement your fitness journey.

Here are the 2 options you have when getting started with the program:

Insanity Asylum

  1. Base Kit – Six hardcore workouts
  • Speed & Agility: Improves quickness on your feet—become fast, with this intense 45 minute cardio workout
  • Vertical Plyo: Working on improving power from your lower half, allowing you to jump higher. (40 minutes)
  • Relief: Stretching to build long and lean muscle with flexibility. (25 minutes)
  • Strength: Become strong by mixing in some cross training with weights and resistance exercises. (50 minutes)
  • Back to Core: Build the hard, rock-solid core, including your glutes and hamstrings for the explosive power needed to compete and dominate at an elite level. (45 minutes)
  • Game Day: See where you are at with this cross-training workout that will put your body and skills to the test. (60 minutes)
Base Kit – Training Tools:
  • Agility Ladder
  • Speed Rope
  • Asylum Workout Calendar
  • Guide Playbook
  • Get Shredded Nutrition Plan
Base Kit – 2 Free Bonus Workouts:
  • Sports Performance Assessment
  • Overtime

Base Kit – Another Bonus:
When you order through me as your coach, you will get the Pure Contact DVD($19.95 value) for free! This workout helps you in your form, movement, and helps improve your overall athletic performance by maximizing your agility.

Insanity Asylum
Asylum Deluxe Kit Adds Chin Up Bar, Chin Up Max, & Strength Bands

 2. Deluxe Kit –  Base Kit plus:

  • Chin Up Bar
  • Chin Up Max
  • Strength Bands

Both kits come with a 30 day money back guarantee. IF you feel the program doesn’t deliver what’s promised, simply return it for a full refund minus S&H. No risk to you.

This is the simple reason that I let you know first that this program isn’t for everyone. In fact, it’s only for a small percentage of people out there. If you purchase a program that is way above your level of fitness, you won’t get the results you want. It’ll just sit and collect dust on the shelf once one realizes how hard it is. Don’t commit to buying this program if you are not in shape already.


Who Is Insanity Asylum For?

The insanity asylum fitness program does not really require the individual to have undergone the previous “Insanity” program. However, the person who will take the insanity asylum should not be someone who is deemed unfit or suffering from any underlying disorder. Those who want to make their brain more resilient to stress and assaults should buy modafinil uk 100mg at online steriods uk.

Insanity Asylum
Asylum Crew will get you Fit

Individuals who are obese and overweight are also not recommended to take the course as it is an intense fitness program which is aimed at individuals who have already surpassed a beginner’s program and are aimed at improving what they have enhanced previously. Please don’t take what I say lightly.

People who are fit, have an active healthy lifestyle and wanting to have a better athletic body are the ones who can best enjoy the fitness program as the moves will include jump roping at different levels and speeds for a long duration for example.

What can you expect?
By taking the fitness program, you can expect a better and bolder you when you follow each step properly. The program is tested and proven effective so all you have to do is to apply it with yourself.

The following are specific benefits you can derive from the Insanity Asylum fitness program:

  • Achieve higher vertical jump
  • Acquire better stretching skills and flexibility
  • Obtain superior strength and power
  • Further improve built and formed muscles
  • Gain advanced over-all athletic performance.

How Is The Insanity Asylum Workout Structured?

The Insanity Asylum workout program has been created by a popular fitness trainer named Shaun T. It is presented as a 30-day fitness program which can make you improve and enhance the fit and sporty body that you already have. Individuals say that it’s intense and extreme as you can already see improvement in just 30 days. However, it is very important for you to follow each course in the training program so you can attain success.

Fitness trainer Shaun T will push you to bring out your potential and skills so you can go higher and deeper. Your abilities in the different kinds of sports will surely be improved as you enhance the basic athletic skills presented by the trainer. Meanwhile, if you truly want to excel in your chosen, you can see more secrets here.

Indeed, there is a better way to enhance your body and that is through exercise and proper nutrition. Everyone can be as athletic as the well-known athletes. All you need to have is strong will and motivation. Try the Insanity asylum workout if you think you are ready to man up, and be one of the thousands who have been successful in their journey to improve their physical appearance as well as their athletic ability to compete at a higher level.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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P90X by Tony Banawa




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Download The P90X iPhone App Free Limited Time

Have you ever wanted to try the P90X workouts but didn’t really want to stay at home and workout? Did you ever just want to see what the workouts were like after being flooded with the advertisements and infomercials on your TV? We live in the information age now, and how lame would it be to not have a P90X app that you can take with you like you do everything these days, right?

So anytime there is something cool, I want to share it with my readers. So here is something cool!

For a limited time, Beachbody is offering the P90X Iphone App($4.99 value) for FREE. Instantly, you will have the P90X fit test and the all too effective,  insanely popular, Ab RipperX  with your download. You will be able to take P90X with you to the gym and perform the workouts that you choose to purchase or you can just purchase all of them for a special bundle price.(See Below for List of Optional Workouts You Can Purchase)

Details About The P90X iPhone App Before Diving In

The interactive features make it easier to stay on track, keep the workouts challenging and fun, and keep you accountable. This will also help you fight through plateaus in your muscle growth and fat loss.

With the P90X app, you can also track the weights you use and the reps so you can improve and move up weight each week for max results knowing what you did the week before.

Other features include:

  • Viewing your customized progress reports
  • Sharing you results
  • Logging in your daily nutrition

Other reasons to have this Iphone P90X app is for traveling, working out outside, or on the fly when you are busy on the go. You will have the option to purchase guided versions of the workouts included in the traditional P90X dvd program so you can take the whole workout with you wherever you go.

Here is what you will have the option to purchase if you so choose to. Not Required:

  1. P90X – All Workouts$59.99
  2. Chest & Back$6.99
  3. Shoulders & Arms$6.99
  4. Yoga X$6.99
  5. Plyometrics$6.99
  6. Legs and Back$6.99
  7. Cardio X$6.99
  8. Chest, Shoulders & Triceps$6.99
  9. 5 Resistance Workouts$29.99
  10. Back & Biceps$6.99

P90X Interactive Features

Schedule – Don’t sweat about figuring out which workout you have to do today. By selecting the specific schedule of P90X that is right for you, Classic, Lean, or Doubles, the P90X app will auto populate the workouts into your phone. If you want to do other exercises outside of the P90X workouts like hiking, swimming, and more, you can even schedule that into your Iphone app.

Track – It is always important to know what areas you are improving and not improving at. This is where you record your reps, weights, and P90X nutrition. You can customize it to 30, 60, 90 days progress reports.

Earn – Just like Four Square app, you can earn badges. How fun is that! Leave your marks, earn you badges for meeting your fitness goals, finishing your exercises, and even for working out on the day that most people skip to get a head start on a night out, Friday.

Share – This app wouldn’t be up to date if you couldn’t share your progress with your friends on Facebook®, Twitter®, Email, and of course, the Team Beachbody® buddies. Share your progress with your friends for accountability. Let them know you made a decision to succeed and you’re sticking to it.

“X” Anywhere – As I said earlier, this is what it is all about. Taking the P90X anywhere for your convenience. Getting results on the go or wherever you want is the future of fitness getting along with the information super highway. It’s what we are going to be led to do.

Other Perks for Downloading the Free P90X App

You will receive FREE shipping if you choose to purchase the DVD kit from the mobile store within the app. If you already are a user of the P90X app, this promotion is good for you too.

How to Download the Free P90X App Correctly
1) Must already have or register for a FREE Team Beachbody Account here(Opens in new window)
2) Download the Free App Here(Opens in new window)
3) Click on the “More Tab” and then Click “Settings”

There you have it. You will thank me later. Just download this P90X iPhone appfor free and get your grueling Ab RipperX and “Fit Test” right away. Happy results!

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa 

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Les Mills Combat By Beachbody Limited Release

Les Mills International, the creators of workouts such as BODYPUMP™, SH’BAM™ and CXWORX™, is unleashing the new, first ever, in home mixed martial arts inspired workout, Les Mills Combat. Derived from their all too popular Les Mills BOBYCOMBAT, this new workout is exclusively gonna be available through Beachbody.

I’ve got the chance to meet some of the Les Mills trainers and I must say they are one with their workouts. Being around them just reminds me how fun workouts should be. When it’s fun, it’s easy to create a habit in exercising daily and getting results. I included a picture below with me and my one of my fellow coaches, Bonnie, with Les Mills trainer, Joel freeman. This picture was taken in Las Vegas during the Beachbody Summit held in the MGM Grand. What a great guy and program to be involved with.

Les Mills Combat
Me, Les Mills Trainer Joel Freeman, & Bonnie

Les Mills Combat By Beachbody

Les Mills Combat was created for those who wish to workout at home. With a combination of martial arts involved in the workout, you will be doing a mixture of cardio based moves around karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi, jiu jitsu, muay thai, capoeria, and more.

Success up to this point has been amazing for the Les Mills brand. With a tribe of over 90,000 people around the world, they now teach classes in over 14,000 clubs in 80 countries. With a mission to create a fitter planet one workout at a time, they found the best partner to venture with in Beachbody, the #1 name in in home fitness.

Beachbody, who brought you fitness programs like P90X, Insanity, Turbo Jam, and more, is a powerhouse to help Les Mills International broaden their brand to be a household name. They know many people can’t muster up the confidence to workout in public or at a gym, so they created Les Mills Pump, and now, Les Mills Combat for those who want the experience but want to keep it at home.

What Does Les Mills Combat Consist Of?

Les Mills Combat
Les Mills Combat Trainers Dan Cohen and Rachael Newsham

Derived from the already successful Les Mills BODYCOMBAT™, it is a 60 day program that consists of a mixture of the following martial arts:

  • Jiu-Jitsu
  • Boxing
  • Muay Thai
  • Capoeira
  • Tae Kwon Do
  • Kickboxing
  • Karate

Along with a combination of exercises to give you that calorie burning sensation, I must say that the Les Mills workouts have some of the best music to really get you into the deeper levels of your competitive personality to really work harder. You know, like when you hear a song you like out of the blue, you start bopping your head, right? This music will absolutely move you. Dan Cohen and Rachael Newsham, the Combat trainers, are fearless leaders that will get you results right in from your own living room.

When Does Les Mills Combat Release To Public?

Les Mills Combat
Les Mills Combat Inspired by Les Mills BodyCombat

LMC won’t come out until fall 2012. To be more exact, it will come out just in time to make a great on time Christmas present. To guarantee you will be able to have your copy, you must pre-order. When you pre-order from October 1st -31st 2012 ONLY, you will get free shipping and save around $10.00 depending on where you live.

In addition, you will also get an exclusive LES MILLS COMBAT bonus workout upon pre-ordering. This bonus workout and pre-order is only available via the Beachbody coach network. So make sure you get it from a Beachbody Coach.

How To Pre-Order Via A Beachbody Coach

  1. You will need to create a Team Beachbody account for free or click my transformation picture below. After registering, you will have access to the shop and be able to pre-order and input your information.
  2. They won’t charge you until the they ship out your product in December, but to eliminate all the hassle, they will need to have everything in place and ready to go to get it shipped out quickly when it’s ready. Remember, you only have between October 1st-31st to pre-order.

When they did the pre-order deal with P90X2 last year, I go my shipment in on time to wrap it for myself and put it under the Christmas tree. Reserve your Les Mills Combat today to guarantee your copy in the limited release, and don’t pay till December.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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How To Get Results While You Workout At Home

So you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply just tone up. You’ve tried all sorts of routines in the gym, at home, or even, with local group workouts. However, you find yourself simply not getting the results you want and you get down on yourself.

This happens to most people than not. Learning how to workout at home can be of help to you in getting rid of all obstacles that are keeping you from reaching your goals.

I’ve heard it all before:

  • “I’ve tried, but I just can’t workout at home”
  • “I don’t have a home gym”
  • “It’s boring”
  • “Working out at home is for girls”
  • “I don’t do that aerobic stuff”
The list of excuses goes on and on. The truth is, these excuses come from the fact that if you don’t have a direct workout plan and a goal, you won’t be able to workout anywhere and get results. Some of the top athletes in the world include at home workouts to their training schedule. Why? In home workouts have revolved to the demand by beginners to elite athletes all around the globe.
how to workout at home
Learning how to workout at home can produce great results and save you time and money

One of the top reasons people fail to stay healthy and fit these days is because life has gotten way too busy. If you could eliminate the time it takes to have to get ready, drive to the gym, and drive back, then you’ve bought yourself about 15 minutes of time if you live really close to the gym.

This process could take up to 2 hours if you consider getting out of the car, walking into the gym, getting all your “hi’s” and catching up on weekend events with people who like to talk. Now don’t get me wrong. Socializing is great, but in this article, I am talking about getting the most out of your time to workout in this busy world and many times, we don’t factor in everything and we say we’re too busy. The truth is, if you use your time effectively, you can see that you are probably taking too much time to do the things that you don’t have to and use that time more wisely to exercise.

One of the best ways to get in shape is to learn how to workout at home. This is by far one of the most effective ways to get in shape if you do it right.


How To Workout At Home | What Are The Advantages Of Working Out At Home

  • Less traveling
  • More focus
  • Convenience

Since there are various ways to workout at home, you need to know what is best for you. Whether you want to work with weights or just your body weight, you can always put together an effective routine targeted to get you your results. Working out is not about where you do it but having the right plan and staying with it.

The biggest reason why people fail with their weight loss goals is because they just don’t know what  they’re supposed to be doing. I mean,  a doctor wouldn’t perform heart surgery if he didn’t know exactly what he was supposed to do right? Then why should you put your body through something without a direct plan as well? You shouldn’t, and that’s why most people fail.


How To Workout At Home | What Are The Disadvantages Of Working Out At Home

  • Less people to see and talk to
  • Fewer machines
  • Less chance to network

Though working out at home can be very effective, there are a few downsides to it. The first is simply getting bored and not having anyone around. Some people prefer having people around to talk to and network with. If that is a necessity to you, this will be a downfall to working out at home.

Another reason why some people tend to avoid working out at home is because most people will need machines that they will only find in a gym. Although in my opinion, free weights are better than machines because it takes more movement control, therefore your muscles work harder. Some people prefer to have their machines and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


How To Workout At Home | Why Beachbody Is A Good Choice

how to workout at home
P90X is a complete solution on How To Workout At Home

Beachbody has made it easier than ever to finally be able to workout at home. With all the workouts handed to you in high quality DVD format, along with complete nutrition plan and workout guide, you will not have to worry about putting the right plan together. It’s design is already proven and ready for you.

You will have access to the #1 selling home workout programs in the world  like P90X, Insanity, Turbo Jam, and Body Beast. These programs have been proven time and time again that they do bring results if you are the person who is willing to follow the program. Whether it’s a 60 day program or a 90 day transformation, you’ll be able to really see just how effective working out at home can be.

You will also have access to online workout buddies. These are people that are on a transformation journey just like you. Posting daily workouts and getting free tips and help from others is a great way to stay on track. You will also be able to interact with them via live chats and message boards that will be filled with over 900,000 motivated people like you. All this comes with Beachbody’s in home workouts programs .


How To Workout At Home- Working Out At Home Is The Future

When it comes to losing weight and finally getting in shape, learning how to workout at home has become the popular option. Going to the gym is slowly fading away as everything is put together for a “fitness for dummies” person on a DVD. You no longer need to hire a personal trainer or a nutritionist to get started in the right way and know the right and wrong ways of doing things. Are these people still helpful? Yes. But no longer the “ONLY” avenue for your source of information. There are cheaper ways for people who are on a budget or need to be stay at home parents with a budget. You can now get in the best shape of your life without a major investment or a lot of time invested.

Another benefit of working out at home is you can go straight to the kitchen to whip up your healthy post workout meal and then the showers are in perfect distance to get cleaned up to move on with your day. Yes, there are gym showers, but let’s be honest,  there’s no place like home.

Transforming your body is never about where you do it, it’s about how bad you want it. So if you have to mix it up and go to the gym or workout at home on some days, both options are equally effective.

People who work out at home with a support coach and a proven plan for a set amount of time are more likely to stick to their program. This is because a proven 60 or 90 day daily workout schedule will be planned out for you. You will also have an accountability partner such as myself to stay on your butt. Sounds a little much? Not for someone who is tired of starting over every year because they have no set routine or blueprint for success.


how to workout at home
Body Rockers is another proven at home workout solution with a huge fan base

Learning how to workout at home has never been easier. Especially for the person on a budget or someone who is a stay at home mom or dad. It’s a great way to keep your family involved in health and fitness. My kids love to exercise with me and it’s a great example to our youth.

Beachbody is the number one name in in home fitness for a reason. They focus on fitness, nutrition, and support as a complete solution that anyone can transform their body with in 60-90 days. They put all the modern scientific study into their programs and keep you on your toes to be successful. All their fitness programs will clearly lay out for you what you need to do and eat daily so you don’t have to figure it out on your own. You literally have professional fitness trainers in the privacy of your own home via Beachbody.

Working out at home effectively for results is all about knowing what you are supposed to do to get the results you desire. A direct fitness and nutrition plan that anyone can easily follow. There are many options when it comes to working out at home. Some of the top programs are Beachbody and  Body Rockers. Choose the best one for you and go with it. It’s not hard to learn how to workout at home and get the results that most people that don’t have a plan, never achieve at the gym.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa 

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) For Leaning Up Muscle Mass Gains

HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training, which is also known as sprint interval training, is an exercise strategy that involves the alternate process of highly intensive exercises with low intensity recovery periods in between. These are more of cardiovascular exercises, which enhance your fat burning and metabolism. There are several other benefits that are offered by a professional HIIT training.

HIIT training
Traditional HIIT Intervals

Who should do HIIT training?

A different category of people with different physical issues should undergo HIIT training to address those issues. You may undergo the HIIT training:

  • When you wish to lose weight and want to burn maximum calories
  • When you want to retain your muscles in a cutting phase
  • When you wish to want to enhance your endurance in aerobics
  • When you want to burn high calories every day
  • When you want to increase your metabolic rate (MBR)
  • When you are an athlete or a sportsman, who wants to improve in your respective field.
I know some people that gain a lot of muscle mass and then they want to lean it up cause after gaining all that muscle mass, they also put on weight gains. This is the time that Hiit training comes handy. For those that want to lean up after putting on muscle mass as well. Doing this intense high interval training will allow you to burn more calories for the rest of the night after your workout is done and you’re laying in bed, then you would doing a normal 1 or 2 mile run that day.


How HIIT training works and how it transforms one’s body?

HIIT training enhances both anaerobic and aerobic energy systems in your body.

Aerobic Energy System:The term aerobics refers to ‘with oxygen’. This system is normally used during prolonged

hiit training

exercise. When there is sufficient oxygen to give the energy required, the fatigue remains low. This is probably why athletes train themselves at high altitudes where the oxygen supply is less.

Anaerobic Energy System:This term refers to ‘without oxygen’ and provides energy in your body up to 1 minute. This is possible because the body uses the phosphate for the first few seconds and for the rest of time, it uses the lactic acid and glycols to supply the required energy.

  • HIIT training enhances the burning of calories during the exercise periods and the breaks, as it enhances the recovery period of your body for each session.
  • HIIT training limits your muscle loss that normally takes place during weight loss.
  • HIIT training actually increases the endurance in your athletic body and also creates metabolic adaptation to use your fat as the fuel under various conditions.

However, the fundamental element that makes high intensity interval training different from the other methods is the maximum effort that is involved in the process than just increased heart rate. There are various approaches to a HIIT program. However, the basic difference between these would be the length of time between the interval periods, the difference in the intensity levels, different time and different number of training sessions that are involved. Each program is designed to the specific needs of the clients. In fact, a proper HIIT or high intensity interval training can transform your body, as it addresses all main issues for someone who is overweight of even just out of shape such as;

  • Cardio training
  • Regularize the hormone level
  • Endurance
  • Increased daily stamina


Insanity Workout and Reversal of HIIT Training

How does the Insanity workout by Beachbody reverse HIIT?

The Insanity workout program is based on reversing HIIT. They have decided that it is better to work extremely hard for 1 or 2 minutes and rest for 30 seconds, unlike the HIIT training, where you work for 30 seconds and slow it down for 1 or 2 minutes. Reversing it makes it harder on the beginner’s body especially, if he or she does not have a proper and fit shape.

Hiit Cardio
Insanity Reverses The Traditional HIIT Cardio Concept For Elite Training

The other aspect where we can say the Insanity workout by Beachbody reverses HIIT is, unlike the HIIT program, the Insanity workout is harder on your joints. This would cause more trouble for people who already have joint issues. Beachbody recommends Insanity for those who are already in a bit of shape. Definitely not for beginners, but if you are up to the task of Insanity, you will work your way up to being in athlete status as pro athletes such as Apolo Ohno and Hope Solo are known for incorporating Insanity into their elite training schedules. (See Hope Solo/Apolo Ohno Videos To The Right)=====>>>>>>>>

How does Chalean Johnson’s Turbo Fire use HIIT?

Chalean Johnson’s uses the features of the HIIT in the Turbo fire fitness workouts. This program is quite effective on your increased metabolism, on your heart, and fat loss. The added advantage of using the HIIT in this Turbo program is that, the benefits are achieved even after 24 hours of workout. There are the moves of the HIIT training program, which are known as ‘fire drills’, which incinerates your body fat 9 times more than the other methods.


In essence, HIIT training is one of the most effective ways that is gaining increased popularity. You can achieve fat burning, endurance, strength, and cardio health among many other benefits through this program. Performing this intense training is recommended on your off days of lifting weights and it will take away from your strength. If you are to do it on the same day, it is highly encouraged to do them at least 4 to 6 hours apart from each other. Doing HIIT, high intensity interval training will take up less time than hours on a treadmill, and you will get more lean in the process.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




Author: Tony Banawa

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