7 Types Of Protein With Unique Visual Benefits

Everyone knows about “Soy” and “Whey” being the most known types of protein these days. I mean, just go to Tropical Smoothie or go to your local GNC store and there it is…..your choice between soy or whey, right?  Plant or animal base is your choice. Well, there are more in depth options out there and one’s that can add more benefit to your nutrition plan. As you get more into eating healthy and have certain goals you want to reach, you may start looking for more options other than the local health store protein shake.

First, Why Protein? | Types Of Proteins

There are various types of proteins to help in maintaining a favorable body composition. Proteins have the power to maintain and build muscles, increase fitness levels, improve body immunity and provide adequate antioxidants to your body. Apart from improving your overall fitness level, they also help your body to build HDL cholesterol and boost insulin resistance which also aid towards ideal weight management. Proteins are known to be the most prime calorie element which can favorably enable weight loss.

How can different types of proteins aid weight management? Choosing plant source proteins or proteins that come from grain legumes limits the risk of saturated fats found in animal proteins.

There are certain proteins which are extremely effective in weight reduction and maintenance of fitness levels. The most prominent among them are Sprouted brown rice protein, Pea protein, Chia, Flax, Quinoa, Amaranth and Sachi inchi. Let’s quickly go over them.

Types of Proteins Other Than Soy and Whey

Sprouted brown rice protein

This is the most natural and organic source of raw and vegan protein for your body. Studies have revealed numerous health benefits of the sprouted brown rice proteins such as:

  • Fight diabetes by improving insulin resistance.
  • Protects your body against any fatty liver disease
  • Cardiovascular diseases are significantly reduced by sprouted brown rice
  • Helps nursing mothers by decreasing depression and fatigue in the post-pregnancy period.

Pea protein

types of protein
Pea Protein

Peas are a kind of legumes which comprise of highly digestible proteins and allow maximum absorption capacity in your body. It provides a high quantity of various amino-acids and is 100% gluten-free. It can also prevent various kidney problems in the human body. The various advantages of pea protein include:

  • Provides energy to the body.
  • Improves the digestive capacity at the maximum level
  • It aids weight loss by forming peptides which can lower the hunger feeling and provide fullness to the stomach for a relatively longer period of time.
  • Aids in building mass in the muscles and improve the weight loss rate.
  • Prevents kidney and cardiovascular diseases in the body.


Chia seeds are of the most natural super foods and grown in South Mexico. They come from a member of the mint family and have a host of benefits. Chia contains all 9 of the essential amino acids. As most nutritious plant proteins are incomplete proteins, Chia is a complete protein like meat. Benefits are:

  • Increase the stamina levels of your body
  • Improve your endurance capacity and stimulate hydration.
  • Helps effective weight loss as they provide a feeling of appetite satisfaction for a longer time due to the Phenylalanine+tyrosine amino acid in them
  • Creates a gel which can flush all toxins from the intestines
  • Rich source of omega 3 fatty acids which aid in preventing inflammation and heart disease.


types of protein
Flax Protein

Flax, has many micro nutrients but it is primarily known for three kinds of ingredients. That is, omega3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber content. Ground flax seeds are the best choice for effecting weight loss. Some of the main health benefits of consuming flax seeds are:

  • Powerful agent against all toxins that can hinder the digestion process in the body.
  • They have a very high chlorophyll content which is greater than that of plants and also contains wheat grass and spiriluna.
  • They provide relaxation to the nerves and acts as a stress buster in the body.
  • They can prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  • They are a rich source of fiber, which helps the body feel full longer. The calorie consumption gets reduced, resulting in weight loss.
  • Eases the effects of Type 2 diabetes


This is a seed and has the most essential set of nine amino acids that you need for a healthy and fit body.

  • Help in building strong muscles and is a huge source of dietary fiber in the human body.
  • Include magnesium, folate, iron and phosphorous which provide complete nutrition to your body
  • Low end of the glycemic index
  • Vital to bone development and maintenance
  • Rich in manganese, for activating enzymes which is important in efficiently metabolizing carbohydrates and cholesterol


Amaranth is a kind of herb that has more than 60 varieties all over the world. Most people consume amaranth as grains, vegetables and cereals for their innumerable health benefits.

  • The protein content in this herb is 35% more than oats, rice or wheat flour
  • Contains the complete set of amino acids and is completely gluten free.
  • Keeps your immune system in high order and the body fit and healthy
  • Good for skin problems like eczema and can be a good acne remedy
  • Helps with sore throats and swollen gums
  • Helps to keep hair healthy and colorful

Sachi Inchi

Sachi Inchi is a prime source of omega 3 fatty acids and creates a healthy balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Help in keeping the metabolism rate of your body fine tuned
  • Acts as a natural antioxidant
  • Improves the immune system
  • Lowers the LDL cholesterol levels in the body
  • Prevents breast cancer and aids colon
  • Controls blood sugar level
  • Prevents blood clotting
  • Aids weight loss by maintaining the metabolism rate

Proteins are an essential part of a balanced diet as they break down to form amino acids in the body. The consumption of different types of proteins can eliminate toxins from the body, improve muscle mass, metabolism rate and hence aid effective weight loss in the body.

My Choice Of Types Of Proteins

18 months ago, when I decided to change my life by eating healthier and exercising, I knew that not only did I have to find a way to get the best of the worlds best ingredients into my body, but it had to be affordable. I had no clue what I was doing and up to this day, I learn something new. I found a way to get all the proteins I mentioned above with Shakeology.

People ask me, is it like juicing? I say, much cheaper and a lot more effective because it’s formulated to get max results from each ingredient. One serving of a $4 shakeology drink is equal to about $41 of vegetables, fruits, and grasses needed for juicing. Also, I am not about to take a juicer and a cooler of produce around to work with me. Then again, if Shakeology didn’t exist with the types of protein it has, I probably would haul around a cooler.

Beachbody Coach
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P90X by Tony Banawa




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P90X Schedule Matters | 3 Options, Three Different Results

Looking for a P90X schedule that’s best for you? You’ve come to the right place. The P90X workout has gone from an idea to the most popular in home lean muscle building and fat loss program today. The system offers three schedules to fit into your workout needs, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional you will benefit from P90X. Let’s take a look at how the schedule works for you and how to choose a schedule for your workout needs.

Which P90X Schedule is right for you

There are three different schedules in the P90X program, namely the Classic, which is the most popular in my opinion, Lean and Doubles. Don’t let the word Lean fool you. Just because it is the one mostly done by those who want to burn fat by doing more cardio than resistance training, it is still very intense. The P90X schedule is designed for muscle gain and toning, and the difference with the 3 schedules is the combination of the different workouts in the program to make them effective for what you are trying to achieve.

The Classic P90X Schedule

The Classic routine is set around a basic 3 day resistance training and cardio split, in which cardio will be done on the days you are not doing muscle building. It is based on resistance training that requires free weights, body weight, or resistance bands. This schedule requires a commitment of one hour a day.

Why use the Classic P90X Schedule?
The Classic schedule is used if you want to build muscle while toning up. You will build most of your muscle with this schedule because it is built around a professional circuit. This does not mean that the other two schedules will not work, they simply offer different benefits. I did the Classic and mixed in the doubles schedule starting around my 6th week when I had the time. Here are my results…

P90x schedule

The Lean P90X Schedule

The Lean routine is made up of some resistance training, but the main aim of this schedule is to get lean, which means cardio. Here you will have to endure a 4 day week cardio routine with 2 days of resistance training. This routine makes use of things like Tony Horton’s Coresynegistics, Yoga X, Cardio X, and Kenpo X, which all make for a very tough workout. This schedule requires a commitment of one hour a day.

Why use the Lean Schedule?
As this routine makes use of loads of cardio, the main reason for you to make use of this routine is to get lean. You can also use this routine to maintain muscle gains, as the two day resistance training included here are more than sufficient to do so.

The Doubles P90X Schedule

The Doubles schedule is exactly what it sounds like, a doubling up of workout routines. This is the Lean and the Classic schedules built into one routine made to work for you. The other difference with this routine, when compared to the others is that you will have to commit to 2 hours a day. Typically you will split your cardio and resistance training into two routines, one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. Do not take to this routine lightly. If you are a beginner, be sure to start with one of the other two routines before trying out Doubles.

Why use the Doubles Schedule?
While this routine makes use of the Classis schedule, you will not get the same results. The Doubles routine is set around strength training, which is why there is so much packed into the schedule. The more you work, the more your muscles adapt for strength. There will be some muscle gain, but without the proper rest periods, there is a greater tendency for endurance.

What to do once you have committed to a P90X Schedule

There are a few things that you will have to do once you have committed to one of the workout routines in the P90X program, namely:

  1. Make sure that you know which workouts are included in the schedule and which workouts you are required to do for the day. Make a note of these on the workout calendar that comes with your purchase
  2. Your nutrition plays a huge part in losing fat and gaining muscle. Make use of the nutrition guide as much as you can and stay on top of your eating regime using the guide provided. It is best to draw up an eating guide for the full 90 days of workout, before you start training
  3. Before you start, make sure that you set a time to work out that you can stick to. Take a look at your current lifestyle and set a time that you will use for your workout. If you set the morning aside to workout, always use the morning to work out, it makes working out easier, and ensures that you will not skip a day due to lack of time.
Getting at least a weeks worth of groceries into your cabinets and fridge at the start of every week makes for a more effective and consistent eating habit. Get rid of all the junk food if you had some before so you won’t be tempted to cheat on yourself.

P90X Schedule Summary

Be sure to choose which schedule you are going to commit to with the utmost care. You don’t want to get halfway into a routine only to find that it’s not what you’re looking for. You won’t have the motivation to get through the full 90 days. If you would like me to coach your through the 90 days, make me your free coach below and send me an email about your fitness goals to get started. Every P90X schedule is designed for a specific purpose; be sure to read and understand the literature that comes with your purchase.

Beachbody Coach
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P90X by Tony Banawa




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Planning Ahead Makes Working Out Easier

Have you ever woken up and started your busy day just to find out that it’s bed time and you didn’t have the time to fit in your workout? How does that make you feel knowing that you missed your chest or cardio day? Especially if it’s something you really need to do in life, it feels unproductive when you fail to get it done.

One thing that helps me is planning ahead the day before. Knowing what I have to do the day before allows me to see the day ahead of time and find a time when I can fit in the 4% of my day to workout. Remember it’s a lifestyle, not a temporary diet here at Get Fit To live. Exercise should be a part of your life.

planning your workout

Just like you have to show up for work, you have to show up for exercise. Just like you have to complete certain tasks at work throughout the day, you have to get that properly portioned meal in. I know it’s hard to get that meal in when you are so busy, but once again, if you plan head and prepare your meals to take with you the day before, it makes it much easier. At the end of the day, there are no excuses.

If you truly want to achieve your dreams in life, you must hit your short term goals daily. If you  miss some every now and then, which you will if you are shooting for something worth rewarding, there is always a way to make it up. The most important thing is knowing what you have to do and stay committed to it.

So in summary, plan ahead your meals and workout of the day. Look at your day in advance and find a spot when you could fit in that 1 hour workout routine. You’ll be amazed how productive your life gets when you do this, and how many more workouts you get in when you thought before you were too busy. No one is too busy for a healthy lifestyle.

The old saying, “If you Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail” couldn’t be more true for living a healthy lifestyle. Let’s get an effective plan going for you. In 3 to 6 months from now, you’ll be glad you did.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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P90X by Tony Banawa




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If The Shakeology Price Is Wrong, I Don’t Want to Be Right

Many people are wondering why the Shakeology price is higher than the average meal replacement. At first glance, people will notice the price, and they are immediately disappointed, because they think they can’t afford it or they simply fail to understand the benefits of Shakeology. However, the truth is, Shakeology is worth the cost. But don’t just take my word for it, see for yourself.

Label to label, you won’t be able to find me another shake more dominant. Let’s dig deeper.

Shakeology Price Too Expensive?

Many meal replacements on the market pride themselves with a lower price than that of Shakeology. Well, a Citroen is much cheaper than a Lamborghini or a Porsche 911. The truth is that as you can’t compare a Lamborghini with a Citroen, in the same manner you can’t compare a common meal replacement product with Shakeology. The ingredients that are put into the products made by Beachbody are extremely rare and very hard to find.

shakeology price
Shakeology price includes superfoods such as Moringa, aka Malungay

If you compare to other meal replacement shakes, you will truly see that Shakeology is special because of it’s world’s finest source of proteins and superfoods. With the Shakeology price, you’re getting super fruits antioxidants, super protein blends, adaptogens, probiotics, prebiotics and phytonutrients. Not to mention they also use the most quality proteins such as whey protein isolate.

The protein doesn’t stop there. They also use Sacha Inchi, Chia, Falx, Quinoa,Pea, Sprouted Brown Rice, and Amaranth depending if you go Vegan or not. So as you can see, you have a choice as to what protein formula to use based on your beliefs. What other shake does that for ya and keeps the quality intact?

Among the 70 ingredients included in the Shakeology price, there are over 30 superfoods such as:

  • Maca Root – An adaptogen herb known to promote endurance and stamina
  • Maitake Mushroom – Regulate blood circulation, reduces blood pressure, improves insulin levels, enhances the immune system and contains an anti-tumor/anti-viral effect
  • Amaranth – Boosts your immune system and contains 3 times more fiber and 5 times more iron than wheat
  • Camu Camu – Antioxidant that is known for having one of the highest amounts of vitamin C of any other fruit
  • Goji Berry – Contains more beta carotene than carrots and is also known to be the best source of vitamin C
  • Sacha Inchi – Super food of the ancient Incas containing antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids
  • Moringa – Increases the natural defenses of the body among many of its benefits.

Among others ingredients are Acerola Cherry, Luo Han Guo, Kamut Grass, Astragalus, and Spirulina, that come from all over the world like Bolivia,Taiwan, Amazon, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, Canda, and even Montana(USA) from farmers with the highest standards. So if somebody were to try to put all these together, they would have to travel in tens of countries, become a survivor to get to some of these hard to reach farms, and then formulate it to the right specs through top notch scientific approaches. Time consuming? Yes, but already done for you. It’s nature in a bag.

See this awesome video to see how Darin Olien, a naturalist, travels to get some of these superfoods.

Benefits of Shakeology

When we compare the Shakeology price with its benefits, we can see why it’s worth paying $4 for one glass. Some of the most obvious benefits of Shakeology are:

  • Improves digestion: You will be able to eat more without any gastric pains.
  • Lose weight: According to the reviewers and to the specialists, Shakeology studies show people lost an average of 10 lbs naturally within their first 90 days by simply replacing one meal a day with Shakeology.
  • More energy: You will feel energized without a crash from the superfoods such as maca root. Natural energy all day
  • Lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol: a great benefit that can’t be achieved with ease.
  • Eliminates all those harmful toxins from your body
  • Helps you feel full for a longer period of time. Curbs your cravings for sweets and salty fast food
  • Supplements a diet that lacks vegetables and fruits.

On top of all, a standard $4 glass is cheaper than a fast food meal with 10 times the nutrition. There is no doubt that Shakeology is the better choice to invest you money on versus a fast food meal or eating out. Especially in this fast paced world, shakeology is quick to prepare and easy to digest. Why not taking that money you’re spending on a regular meal and spend them on something healthier and less expensive? By simply replacing one meal a day with Shakeology, you will get all the health benefits your body needs. In the end, you might even save some money. (Click the picture below to see a complete breakdown on how you can save hundreds a year with 3 different options to buy shakeology.)

shakeology price

If you eat out on a regular basis, you’re probably spending over $300 each month. However, by choosing Shakeology, you will get 30 meals at home for only $97- $140. You will save about $180 each month on average and your body will never be cheated of its daily nutrients. Moreover, you can substantially improve your energy and also lose the extra pounds you have  just by replacing one meal a day with Shakeology.

Shakeology Price Summary

How many times have you gone out to eat this month? How much money was blown on foods that gave your body no nutritional value?  When you decide to change your eating habits, you will change your life. You will change the way you feel, and your moods will improve daily. You are what you eat. Our nutrition makes who we are and how we feel.

Will this be the choice for everyone? Of course not. But it worked for me and now I want to share my experience and success with you. The important thing is, find something that will get you healthy. I also recommend EAS and Gold Standard as trusted name brands. You won’t get the complete package like you will with shakeology, but at least you will be getting better nutrition than a greasy meal.

Shakeology comes risk free. You can try it and if you don’t like it, return it for a full refund minus S&H within the first 30 days. I will actually even give you the number to return it if you are not 100% satisfied.  1-800-470-7870. No questions asked.

Life has taken everyone by hand and forced them to eat on the go, and because of that, most people have a good amount of malnutrition and it’s taking over their lives slowly and secretly. When you have a supplement shake that can give your body what it needs daily, you can start to live a healthier lifestyle by curbing those old cravings and changing what you put into your body on a regular basis. Let the Shakeology price work to your health advantage by knowing the difference in what you are actually getting versus other shakes. I did, and it changed my life completely.

shakeology price

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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P90X by Tony Banawa




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An Important Documentary That Could Change Your Life

Food Matters Documentary

With the nutrition in our food today being so much lower and and being modified by pesticides and all the harmful chemicals, there is no wonder why health is such a concern today in the modern world. People are getting sick, becoming obese, tired, and a lot more in a shorter amount of time.

Food matters documentary

To heal themselves of all the malnutrition they consume, they turn to doctors, not nutritionist. Because of this, they are prescribed pills and advised on medication to take when they should be teaching their clients about better nutrition.

This worlds was created with the ingredients to heal one’s body naturally. Our bodies register pills as a toxic. Watch this documentary on what has gone wrong with the world today, and what’s creating this health mess. It will leave you in awe, and really thinking deep about why our world is run the way it is.

Food Matters So Does David Wolfe

If this video has you itching for more, check out David Wolfe’s website. He is the king of superfoods and a trusted source of information. He’ll make you want to open another chapter in your life and and really want to know more about the great ingredients of the world.

How do I get My Superfoods Daily? If you don’t know by now, I get over 30+ superfoods daily through Shakeology. This all natural meal replacement has 70 natural ingredients all in one glass at an affordable price. Know more about Shakeology and it’s benefits here.

So remember, if you are getting sick all the time or catch yourself becoming overweight. Consider looking at your nutrition and talking to a nutritionist. Anytime their is some type of illness happening, a lot of times it means you are lacking in some area of nutrition. Hope you enjoyed the Food Matters documentary.


Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa



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How To Get Rid Of Bloating – Simple Things To Know

Bloating is a feeling that the tummy is swelled up and full of gas. It affects people of all ages and gender though some situations act as catalysts to the condition. This has left many people wondering on how to get rid of bloating effectively. We all know how uncomfortable bloating can be. Well, there are some remedies that can help you get rid of it effectively and naturally.

Bloating is caused by quite a number of factors but the most common causes include;

  • Indigestion/overeating– You’re probably experiencing a bloated stomach after a nice cook out, picnic or even a festive season. This is the most common cause of a bloated stomach. Avoid over eating no matter how tempting the food is. You might be tempted to taste every single type of food during events but resist the temptation. The after effects aren’t worth it so keep this in mind when the temptation becomes too much.
  • Wrong type of food– Some foods are related to bloating and gas production. Avoid these types of foods at all costs but eat other types of food with the same nutrient level as these. Some of the foods that cause bloating include; Dairy products, cabbage, asparagus, wheat, apples and pears, beans, fatty foods, salty food and carbonated drinks
  • Bad eating habits– Chewing with your mouth wide open or talking while eating will lead to your swallowing of air. This will end up in your stomach hence bloating. Chewing gum is also related to gas production as you tend to swallow a lot of air in the process. I’m sure you don’t chew with your mouth open anyways, right?

How Does Bloating Occur | How To Get Rid Of Bloating

Sometimes our bodies cannot or have a hard time digesting some certain types of food that we eat. For some people, dairy products cannot be digested by our bodies. Some people can’t digest fructose in fruits either. In some instances, we eat food that has a certain ingredient that gives our bodies a hard time digesting. In such instances, the body fails to release enzymes meant for food digestion. When this happens, the bacteria that leads to gas/ bloating is fed hence the aggravation of the problem.

Good News About Bloating | How to get rid of bloating

The best thing about your little situation is that it isn’t permanent; you can treat it naturally and effectively.
It is always advisable to eat small meals frequently rather than large meals. This will give your body adequate time to digest the food before the next meal. When this is done, chances of bloating and gas production are reduced.

You might be in a hurry but remember to completely chew your food to aid in digestion. This will make the process easier and efficient hence reducing the chance of gas. Carbonated drinks are a real culprit when it comes to a bloated stomach. Avoid these kinds of drinks at all costs as you are likely to be bloated later on.

Shakeology Ingredients
Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Digestive Enzymes to help with bloating and healthier digestion

Exercising regularly will help keep your digestive system healthy and functioning properly. Being a couch potato will definitely yield the opposite results. Fatty foods and junk foods are big propellers to indigestion and bloating. This is because they slow down digestion which will lead to gas production.

Foods that will answer your ‘How to Get Rid of Bloating?” Question

Lucky for you, there are some certain foods that will keep your tummy safe from bloating. These include;

  • Herbal teas. These have the capability to break down gas bubbles that lead to a bloated stomach if ignored. Tea also acts as a diuretic which keeps your bowels healthy and well-functioning.
  • Yogurt. Why not stay safe the yummy way? It contains probiotics which is a good bacterium that aids in digestion. Bloating is also known to bring about a feeling of nausea which can be gotten rid of by the yoghurt.
  • Green leafy vegetables. These are known to have high magnesium content. It is always a good idea to cook your vegetables to reduce the chances of bloating. Vegetables are known to aid digestion and keep gas away.

Through the correct intake of the right kind of foods, in the correct portions and in the best form bloating is kept at bay. This will keep your digestive system running smooth and effectively. It will also mean that the food is properly digested.
While learning how to get rid of bloating, it is a great idea to steer away from whole grains and wheat. These take longer to digest,  being a burden to your digestive system.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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Why Water Is Important For Any Training Athlete

Humans have long had an ancient connection to water ever since our evolutionary forebears emerged from the sea to live on the land. Two-thirds of our body is composed of this life-giving liquid and everyone seems to know how beneficial water is for the human body. This is doubly true for athletes or any person who engages in sports training.

Why water is important

Water has a number of vital functions in the human body, keeping the metabolism working properly and helping dissolve substances (sugar and salt) so that they can be carried around the human body. Water also helps with a clean colon, improving the body’s regularity. Any aid to digestion will prove beneficial to training athletes. A strict and nutritious diet is encouraged for sportspeople. Water is vital for fully reaping the rewards of a good diet.

Why Water is Important

Sportspeople tend to break a sweat more than average. It is important to be well-hydrated as sweat helps regulate the temperature of the body avoiding overheating. Water helps cushion and lubricate the joints providing extra protection during high-impact sports like running and jogging.

One affliction that athletes are particularly susceptible to is dehydration. Extended periods of exercise without a break increase the risk of this. Excessive sweating, especially in a hot climate, is a major cause of dehydration. It is worth having a supply of rehydration salts handy to replenish lost sodium in sweat.

To avoid dehydration and stay at your athletic peak it is worth taking a few tips on board. Keep well-hydrated before, during and after exercising. Take into account that you will need more water when the weather is hotter. Introduce water-high foods into your diet, such as watermelons, cucumbers and carrots. These also help with nutrition and regularity.

Why water is important

Why Water Is Important vs Other Liquids

It is important to remember that dehydration is not just the body’s lack of water, but also a depletion of vital sugars, salts and minerals. Try drinking a sports drink that contains carbohydrates, this should rehydrate as well as prevent fatigue. It is best to avoid diuretics, such as coffee, tea and carbonated drinks. These ultimately provide little nutritional value and tend to make the body leach valuable nutrients and fluids.

Too Much Water Can Have A Negative Effect | Why Water Is Important

Another caveat is to avoid swamping the body with too much water. This can overwhelm the kidneys and sometimes even cause exercise-induced hyponatremia, a disturbance in the body’s electrolytes, which can cause much the same symptoms as dehydration itself. Try the ‘sweat test’ , weigh yourself before and after an hour’s workout session to figure out how much water you’ve lost. Then remember to replenish that amount (and some more) during your regular workouts.

For the onset of dehydration take some rehydration salts, you can buy the sachets from any pharmacy. Remember, however, that prevention is better than cure and it is worth always keeping well-hydrated, through your water, food and sports-drink intake.

About GFTL’s Guest Blogger: Written in association with Man and Muscle, experts in all things sports nutrition. www.manandmuscle.co.uk is an e-commerce site offering the lowest prices for gold standard protein.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach - Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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Worst Health Foods That May Keep The Weight On

There are sneaky health foods that find their way into your cart, cabinet and refrigerator. You can’t always judge a food by its cover, or in this case its label. There are some  “health foods” that may say low fat, but they are covered in hidden oils, salts or sugar. We got the scoop on the not so good, good-for-you foods, and healthier alternatives to your not so healthy, healthy food.

Reduced Fat Peanut Butter

worst health foods

Watch out for the peanut butter alternatives, reduced fat peanut butter can be as little as 60% peanuts. Some brands load the jar with hidden oils, corn syrup and extra sugar all ingredients that are nutritional void. A better alternative is a regular peanut butter that is all natural. Look at the ingredients; the highest quality peanut butter should have one ingredient, peanuts.


Sure the crunchy fiber goodness is great on yogurt or your morning routine, but most granolas are packed with ingredients like nuts and oils that make the food high in fat and sodium. Most granola has dried fruit in it, which means the sugar content can be twice as high. A healthy alternative is to use less, reduce your serving size, and consider adding a different type of crunch to munch, such as multigrain cheerios or oat bran.

Turkey Burger

When we think of eating a turkey burger we tend to think we are being healthier than eating a full red meat burger. But when you look at total calories and fat, often the numbers are the same as a red meat burger. Look for patties that are made with lean meat.  An even better alternative is to eat a salmon burger or vegetable burger.

Veggie Chips

Worst health foods

Eating vegetables from a packaged plastic bag, after being freeze-dried, or fried is not a substitute for real vegetables. Veggie chips are still chips, which means they are packed with added salt and often have more calories. Avoid chips completely and eat fresh vegetables. Munching on carrots, apples or celery is great for your health and your over all balance.

You will feel more balanced and healthy when you choose healthy foods. Plus eating crisp fresh vegetables such as, apples are great for your teeth and oral health. Fresh vegetables can act as nature’s toothbrush washing away food particles that may build up in your mouth. For a well-balanced life choose healthy alternatives to fake healthy foods.

About GFTL”s Guest Author: For more health information visit Doctor Andrew Thompson, at TenderCare Dental, a dentist in Northwest Portland.Shannon Kaiser is a health writer for the Oregon community.


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Healthy and Lean Breakfast Options

No time for a healthy, power packed breakfast in the morning? Wrong! Healthy breakfast options are the most important meal in the day. After sleeping for 6 to 8 hours your body is literally eating itself because it needs valuable nutrients. Why waste the time you spent in the gym by shoving a donut or some other less-than-stellar fare in your mouth?


Good Reason For Healthy Breakfast Options

Another good reason for having a great breakfast is that it sets the tone for your body during the rest of the day. If you start off with a big jolt of sugar from unhealthy cereal options you’re just setting your blood glucose level for a roller coaster ride during the day. Instead aim for some balance with complex carbohydrates and proteins to ensure your body has valuable building blocks along with slow burn energy that keeps you evenly fueled for a long day.

Check out these easy healthy breakfast options:

healthy breakfast options

  • Easy Oatmeal – Grab some whole oats or Quaker Old Fashioned Oats. Mix a whole serving in with a sliced banana, a 1/4 cup of chopped walnuts, a tablespoon of ground flaxseed, and milk. You can add a sprinkle of cinnamon along with a dollop of honey for flavor. This all-purpose breakfast covers all your bases for a healthy start on the day.
  • El Burrito – Breakfast burritos often feel like a guilty pleasure. Luckily the healthy versions taste almost as good. Scramble an egg plus an egg white (or egg beaters) in a pan with a teaspoon of olive oil, and chopped veggies (choose from peppers, onions, tomatoes, and spinach or all of them). Lay a whole-wheat flour tortilla out and pour the scramble in the middle. Sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese across the top and roll it up. Add an extra egg and you have enough for two smaller burritos depending on the size tortilla you like to use. A glass of juice or milk makes the perfect accompaniment.
  • Cottage Cheese Please – Take 1 cup of low or non-fat cottage cheese (you can usually find 1 or 5% easily). Slice up a nice seasonal fruit like apricots, peaches, strawberries, or cantaloupes and mix about a cup in evenly with the cottage cheese. Add a glass of orange juice and you are ready to face the day.
  • Go Yogurt – Thaw one cup of frozen blue berries (preferably the night before). Mix it in with a cup of non-fat Greek yogurt. Add a tablespoon of honey and 1 scoop of whey protein powder. This is a strong breakfast with protein, energy, probiotics, and antioxidants. A glass of juice finishes things off nicely.
  • Hard Boiled – Hard boil a dozen eggs over the weekend and use them for simple and easy breakfast options. Take two eggs to go with two slices of whole grain whole wheat toast topped with almond butter and a glass of milk. Mix a cup of dried apricots and raisins for a healthy side and you will be raring to go.

Recap For Healthy Breakfast Options

These five healthy breakfast options are quick, easy, and provide you some variety to ensure that breakfast doesn’t have to be boring. Most things that require preparation can be portioned out the night before so then you just have to mix things before eating while enjoying the morning news. Take the few extra minutes to ensure your body is ready to take on the world; in the long run it will thank you for it!

About The Author: You can follow Ben Sanderson at the blog at http://blog.nutribomb.com/ for more bodybuilding and diet information. You can also follow us at our google plus bodybuilding page.

Beachbody Coach
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P90X by Tony Banawa




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What’s The Insanity “Asylum” Workout All About?

If you are one of the millions of individuals wanting to have a perfect athletic body, then insanity asylum is exactly what you need to be Strong and Fit! Thousands of people have demanded this fitness program which is considered as the sequel of “Insanity” fitness program. As well, several questions and information regarding the product requires answers.

There are many insanity asylum reviews which can be found over the internet and most of them are usually written by individuals who have tried and examined the workout course. Indeed, numerous individuals have acknowledged and testified to its efficiency but before you think of trying or using it yourself, you should take a closer look at the fitness program to know if it is really for you.

What is Insanity Asylum?

Insanity asylum is the follow-up fitness program for the previously promoted “Insanity” program. The purpose of the Asylum is to make the effects of the Insanity program so much better. Insanity has surely made a great improvement on the person’s overall health and wellness but with Asylum, you can become even better as it improves your balance, agility, speed and other athletic skills. In short, the Insanity Asylum fitness program is aimed to bring out the athletic and optimum side of you in a wider and superior angle after the insanity program.

Several pro athletes such as Hope Solo and Apolo Ohno to name a couple, have added the Asylum to their training regime and credits the program inhelping them reach their peak level of fitness.

With the insanity asylum, you will not be trained only the physical aspect but on the mental aspect as well. Trainings for agility, speed, balance and other skills is more of a work out for the brain as it requires fast nerve impulse conduction and motor transmission. The asylum also improves resistance and endurance for any type of exercises and physical activities and provides a better and faster way to lose and burn calories. For a comprehensive workout experience, consider looking for a treadmill for sale to complement your fitness journey.

Here are the 2 options you have when getting started with the program:

Insanity Asylum

  1. Base Kit – Six hardcore workouts
  • Speed & Agility: Improves quickness on your feet—become fast, with this intense 45 minute cardio workout
  • Vertical Plyo: Working on improving power from your lower half, allowing you to jump higher. (40 minutes)
  • Relief: Stretching to build long and lean muscle with flexibility. (25 minutes)
  • Strength: Become strong by mixing in some cross training with weights and resistance exercises. (50 minutes)
  • Back to Core: Build the hard, rock-solid core, including your glutes and hamstrings for the explosive power needed to compete and dominate at an elite level. (45 minutes)
  • Game Day: See where you are at with this cross-training workout that will put your body and skills to the test. (60 minutes)
Base Kit – Training Tools:
  • Agility Ladder
  • Speed Rope
  • Asylum Workout Calendar
  • Guide Playbook
  • Get Shredded Nutrition Plan
Base Kit – 2 Free Bonus Workouts:
  • Sports Performance Assessment
  • Overtime

Base Kit – Another Bonus:
When you order through me as your coach, you will get the Pure Contact DVD($19.95 value) for free! This workout helps you in your form, movement, and helps improve your overall athletic performance by maximizing your agility.

Insanity Asylum
Asylum Deluxe Kit Adds Chin Up Bar, Chin Up Max, & Strength Bands

 2. Deluxe Kit –  Base Kit plus:

  • Chin Up Bar
  • Chin Up Max
  • Strength Bands

Both kits come with a 30 day money back guarantee. IF you feel the program doesn’t deliver what’s promised, simply return it for a full refund minus S&H. No risk to you.

This is the simple reason that I let you know first that this program isn’t for everyone. In fact, it’s only for a small percentage of people out there. If you purchase a program that is way above your level of fitness, you won’t get the results you want. It’ll just sit and collect dust on the shelf once one realizes how hard it is. Don’t commit to buying this program if you are not in shape already.


Who Is Insanity Asylum For?

The insanity asylum fitness program does not really require the individual to have undergone the previous “Insanity” program. However, the person who will take the insanity asylum should not be someone who is deemed unfit or suffering from any underlying disorder. Those who want to make their brain more resilient to stress and assaults should buy modafinil uk 100mg at online steriods uk.

Insanity Asylum
Asylum Crew will get you Fit

Individuals who are obese and overweight are also not recommended to take the course as it is an intense fitness program which is aimed at individuals who have already surpassed a beginner’s program and are aimed at improving what they have enhanced previously. Please don’t take what I say lightly.

People who are fit, have an active healthy lifestyle and wanting to have a better athletic body are the ones who can best enjoy the fitness program as the moves will include jump roping at different levels and speeds for a long duration for example.

What can you expect?
By taking the fitness program, you can expect a better and bolder you when you follow each step properly. The program is tested and proven effective so all you have to do is to apply it with yourself.

The following are specific benefits you can derive from the Insanity Asylum fitness program:

  • Achieve higher vertical jump
  • Acquire better stretching skills and flexibility
  • Obtain superior strength and power
  • Further improve built and formed muscles
  • Gain advanced over-all athletic performance.

How Is The Insanity Asylum Workout Structured?

The Insanity Asylum workout program has been created by a popular fitness trainer named Shaun T. It is presented as a 30-day fitness program which can make you improve and enhance the fit and sporty body that you already have. Individuals say that it’s intense and extreme as you can already see improvement in just 30 days. However, it is very important for you to follow each course in the training program so you can attain success.

Fitness trainer Shaun T will push you to bring out your potential and skills so you can go higher and deeper. Your abilities in the different kinds of sports will surely be improved as you enhance the basic athletic skills presented by the trainer. Meanwhile, if you truly want to excel in your chosen, you can see more secrets here.

Indeed, there is a better way to enhance your body and that is through exercise and proper nutrition. Everyone can be as athletic as the well-known athletes. All you need to have is strong will and motivation. Try the Insanity asylum workout if you think you are ready to man up, and be one of the thousands who have been successful in their journey to improve their physical appearance as well as their athletic ability to compete at a higher level.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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P90X by Tony Banawa




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