Lose Your Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan?

If you’ve misplaced you nutrition guide, I’ll help you get back on track with the Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan.

First of all, it comes with the program. But over time, sometimes people tend to lose things or things happen in life where they misplace parts of the Insanity package.

In this post, I will help you with what to eat during your 60 days with Insanity. I recently had a reader request to help her with what to eat with Insanity because she moved and her nutrition guide got lost in the process.

With the many requests over time, I thought the best way to help would be to write about it.

I Can: Give you an overview of what to eat

I Can’t: Give you the download for copyright purposes. I hope you understand.

The Elite Insanity Nutrition Plan

With Insanity, you are recommended:

1. To eat 5 meals a day

  • Breakfast
  • Mid Morning Snack
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Snack
  • Dinner

With all Beachbody fitness programs, they always say to never eat sooner than 1 hour before your workout because your body will be in digestion mode. Because of this, you won’t have the energy for the workout.

2. You must Eat every few hours as this keeps your metabolism burning

3. Every week, check you recommended daily calories as this will change as your body changes.

4.  Drink 8-10 cups of water a day to help reduce hunger pangs. For me, I drink double this becasue my body demands it. 8-10 cups is absolute minimum.

With Insanity, it’s normal to increase your calories just to maintain as you may experience quick fat loss in a specific time during your 60 days.

Each of Insanity’s 5 Meals per day in the Nutrition Guide comes with 10 options you can choose from. They recommend you choose one meal of the 10 for each meal. But first, you must calculate your daily calorie needs.

To do this, simply use this equation:

  • Step 1

For Women…655 + (4.35 weight in lbs) + 4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

For Men…66 + (6.23 x weight in lbs) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)

  • Step 2

Take this number and multiply it by your appropriate level of exercise below. Because this is for the intense Insanity Workout, your level should be at least moderately-very active.

Exercise Factor Category Explanation
1.2  Sedentary  Little or No exercise
1.375  Lightly Active  Light Exercise (1-3 days/wk)
1.55  Moderately Active  Moderate Exercise (3-5 days/wk)
1.7  Very Active  Hard Exercise (6-7 days/wk)
1.9  Extremely Active  Hard Daily Exercise + a Physical Job

This number is what you need for weight maintenance. Because people have different goals, they should be adjusted accordingly like this…

  • Step 3

Adjust as your body changes and keep the following in mind…

For Weight gain: add 250 – 300 calories per day from you number in step 2
For Weight loss: subtract 500 calories per day from your number in step 2
To maintain: Leave Step 2 number as is.

Recommended Meals In the Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan

Once again for copyright reasons, I can’t give out the full recipes and details. What I could do is give you a clear and brief example of what they have in the booklet.

Meal 1, or breakfast:

I usually drink a shakeology. If I ever eat breakfast whole foods instead of a shakeology first thing in the morning,
it is usually things like:

Cottage Cheese (1% milk fat)
Whole Wheat Bagels
Egg Whites
Reduced fat cheese
Whole Grain Cereal like Kashi GoLean
All Natural Peanut Butter
Strawberry Preserve

For Meal 2 or Mid Morning Snack, I’ll drink my shakeology or:

Non Fat Plain Yogurt
1% cottage Cheese
Protein Shake
Turkey Breast Sandwich on whole grain bread
Fruits like Bananas, melon, berries
Turkey Bacon

Meal 3, you can have such things as:

Mixed dark greens
Chicken Breast
Tuna Steak
Lean Roast Beef
Extra Lean Ground Beef
Green Beans
Whole grain Tortillas

You can make sandwiches and soups that are amazingly tasty with things like black beans, turkey breasts, avocado,ect.

Meal 4:

Brown rice
Water Packed Tuna
Cottage Cheese
Whole grain Bread
Whole grain Crackers
Turkey Lettucve Wraps
Turkey Chili
Shrimp Cocktail
Lean roast Beef Wraps with avocado

Meal 5:

Olive Oil
Whole Wheat Bread
Flank Steak
Filet Mignon
Baked Potato
Brown rice
Lean Turkey Burger
Snow Peas

Remember that you can have as much spices like pepper, paprika, garlic as you want. However, sugars like juices, sodas and such are not recommended.

If you must drink alcohol, then remember that it has 7 calories per gram with no nutrient value. It will also effect performance and slow your process of muscle growth. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol-related issues, seeking affordable alcohol treatment in NJ could be a crucial step towards regaining control and living a healthier life.

There are time when you need to add in foods to reach your recommended calrories for a specific meal. One way I do it is to eat a banana. There are what is called food blocks, or individual items to help meet your calorie needs.

These are foods such as:
Cottage cheese
Raw Almonds
Navel Orange
Non fat vanilla yogurt
water packed tuna

In the second month of Insanity, your body will be needing more food to have the energy to finish strong. Remember that if you are reducing your calories to lose weight as mentioned above, you may also be cutting some of your nutrient value with it.

A way to make sure you supply your body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients is to take a multi-vitamin or shakeology.

The Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan also includes Michi’s Ladder which tells you the right proteins, carbs, and fats to eat in tier levels. You can also get this through the Beachbody Club as it’s too much info to include here.

So here it is, some helpful tips on what to eat with the Insanity Elite nutrition plan. I hope you really take it in and get the results you are working for.

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