Worst Health Foods That May Keep The Weight On

There are sneaky health foods that find their way into your cart, cabinet and refrigerator. You can’t always judge a food by its cover, or in this case its label. There are some  “health foods” that may say low fat, but they are covered in hidden oils, salts or sugar. We got the scoop on the not so good, good-for-you foods, and healthier alternatives to your not so healthy, healthy food.

Reduced Fat Peanut Butter

worst health foods

Watch out for the peanut butter alternatives, reduced fat peanut butter can be as little as 60% peanuts. Some brands load the jar with hidden oils, corn syrup and extra sugar all ingredients that are nutritional void. A better alternative is a regular peanut butter that is all natural. Look at the ingredients; the highest quality peanut butter should have one ingredient, peanuts.


Sure the crunchy fiber goodness is great on yogurt or your morning routine, but most granolas are packed with ingredients like nuts and oils that make the food high in fat and sodium. Most granola has dried fruit in it, which means the sugar content can be twice as high. A healthy alternative is to use less, reduce your serving size, and consider adding a different type of crunch to munch, such as multigrain cheerios or oat bran.

Turkey Burger

When we think of eating a turkey burger we tend to think we are being healthier than eating a full red meat burger. But when you look at total calories and fat, often the numbers are the same as a red meat burger. Look for patties that are made with lean meat.  An even better alternative is to eat a salmon burger or vegetable burger.

Veggie Chips

Worst health foods

Eating vegetables from a packaged plastic bag, after being freeze-dried, or fried is not a substitute for real vegetables. Veggie chips are still chips, which means they are packed with added salt and often have more calories. Avoid chips completely and eat fresh vegetables. Munching on carrots, apples or celery is great for your health and your over all balance.

You will feel more balanced and healthy when you choose healthy foods. Plus eating crisp fresh vegetables such as, apples are great for your teeth and oral health. Fresh vegetables can act as nature’s toothbrush washing away food particles that may build up in your mouth. For a well-balanced life choose healthy alternatives to fake healthy foods.

About GFTL”s Guest Author: For more health information visit Doctor Andrew Thompson, at TenderCare Dental, a dentist in Northwest Portland.Shannon Kaiser is a health writer for the Oregon community.


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Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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