Tighten Your Core

Tighten Your Core

Tighten and Strengthen Your Core

If you are wanting to have a complete physical ability to move at your best daily, you must have a strong fit core. The middle part of your body, the core, the abs, the lower back, the hips, all are included in the subject of your core. It is important to strengthen and tighten your core to have a complete athletic physique and ability.

In sports, the core is a necessity in transferring of body weight from one part of the body to another. For example in baseball, a pitcher’s core is vital in transferring the power from the legs all the way up to the release point and beyond in a pitch. You would assume a wrestler needs a strong core for balance and power to defeat their opponent.

Core strength and conditioning can be done without the needs of weights. You also don’t have to go to the gym to get a great core workout. You can simply work your lower abs by performing high knees while on your feet. You can work your lower back by laying on your stomach and lifting your chest and knees off the floor like superman. You can workout your hips by standing on two feet, lifting one knee up where your quads are level with the floor, and then pulse slowly slightly upward and down for a minute or two. There are several exercises available without having to purchase equipment or going to the gym.

Fastest Way To 6 Pack Abs | Tighten Your Core

Many people want to know the fastest way to 6 pack abs. Many people even consider having surgery. Okay, surgery doesn’t make you healthy. Isn’t that the true goal? Being healthy first and looking good is the perk. In my opinion, you should never jeopardize health for muscles or weight loss. So here is the secret you want to know about how to get 6 pack abs fast. It is your nutrition.

There is no secret, no magic pill. Plain and simple, if you are not exercising on a daily basis and eating right, you will never see those abs popping out below your chest. To get in further detail, there are specific foods that you can eat to help you. Before we go into that, you need to know that you can have great abs under your skin, but if you don’t lower your body fat, they will never show up the way you are hoping. Resistance training, cardio, together with proper nutrition is the fastest way to 6 pack abs.

Flat Stomach Foods | Tighten Your Core

Staying away from sugar, high sodium foods, over eating, complex carbs, and juices is a good start. Don’t totally eliminate your carbs because you need that for energy. However, getting your carbs from fruit, nuts, and dark greens is the best way to get a lean nutrition to your advantage for lean abs. Watch your portions as eating too much healthy food at a time also can cause weight gain. Stay away from hydrogenated vegetable oils as they are loaded with trans fat. Yeah, the bad fat. Instead, choose to go with monounsaturated fats like olive oil or avocado is good too.

When it comes down to it. Just control your portions, eat slow not fast to control bloating, drink plenty of water, and eat smart. If you can create a daily habit proper nutrition and commit to a fit lifestyle with resistance training, cardio, and nutrition, then, you won’t have to worry so much about eating the
perfect flat stomach foods because you will lead a healthy life with great habits and that is truly the fastest way to tighten your core.

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Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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