Knowing “What Are Processed Foods?” Is Only The Beginning

What are processed foods? Processed foods seem to rule the food world today. Are they healthy? Why are they popular these days? Are they better than natural foods? What are the dangers of processed foods? What are the processed foods that are to be avoided? Are you interested in knowing the answers for all these questions? If so, read further.

What are processed foods?

What are processed Foods
What are processed foods? Grocery stores are loaded with the convenience of these foods that lead to diseases, hyperactivity in kids, and obesity to name a few.

Processed foods or package foods are foods that undergo various processes to increase their shelf life. The processes undertaken include canning, freezing, pasteurizing, refrigerating, dehydrating, asceptic processing, heating, coloring, bleaching, sweetening, emulsifying and adding preservatives and flavors etc. Most of the processed foods are available in packages.

Given below is a list of 15  widely used processed foods:

  1. Potato chips
  2. White Bread
  3. Pasta
  4. Processed meat
  5. Fruit juices
  6. Boxed cereals
  7. Frozen vegetables
  8. Frozen fish sticks
  9. All soy products like soy milk, soy cheese and tofu etc.
  10. Powdered milk
  11. Refined vegetable oils
  12. Refined sugar
  13. Jams
  14. Pickles
  15. Soda drinks


Pros and Cons of Processed Foods

It’s not enough just to know the answer to, “what are processed foods?” You should know the pros and cons of them. There are pros and cons for everything and processed foods are no exception. The general assumption is that processed foods are not good for your health. It is true that most of the processed foods cause dangers, but there are a few foods that are healthier because of processing.

Here are 3 benefits of processed foods | What Are Processed Foods?

  1. Gone are the days when vegetables and fruits were plucked from your garden and eaten. Today vegetables and fruits have to be transported to long distances. The freshness and the nutritive content are lost in transit. Freezing vegetables help in preserving their nutritive content.
  2. Some processed foods are fortified with extra vitamins and minerals. This makes them healthier.
  3. Pasteurizing and homogenizing of milk kills the bacteria and removes the fat content.


Although processed foods have some advantages, the list of dangers is very long. Most of the processed foods contain harmful ingredients.

  1. Bakery products like muffins and crackers contain trans fatty acids that has been proved to be twice as dangerous as saturated fat. Partially hydrogenated foods are severe threats to your heart.
  2. Foods like chips and cheese balls have high sodium content. Sodium is added in many forms like salt, baking soda and sodium bicarbonate etc. It is added to increase the shelf life and the taste. Too much of sodium intake causes many health problems.
  3. Sulphites are added in processed meat, many dried fruits and french fries etc. Sulphites are one of the triggers of asthma. Moreover, it depletes the vitamin B1 content in the body.
  4. Sugary juices contain excessive sugar and extra calories.
  5. Powdered milk contains high amounts of oxidized cholesterol or oxysterols.
  6. MSG added in processed foods may cause side effects like burning sensation, nausea and increased heart beat etc.
  7. The artificial colors in the foods make kids hyperactive and distracted. This has been proved in a study conducted by University of Southampton. They increase the risk of allergies and asthma. Do you know the source of food colors? Coal tar and petrochemicals are the main sources. They may cause many types of tumors.

Processed Foods Increase The Risk of Following Diseases | What Are Processed Foods?

  1. Obesity – All high calorie and low quality processed foods increase the risk of obesity.
  2. Diabetes – The excessive starch and sugar content enhance the chances of diabetes.
  3. Heart problems – As seen earlier, foods that are processed contain trans fatty acids that increase the risk of heart diseases like heart attacks and stroke. A study conducted by American Heart Association says that trans fatty acids raises LDL and lowers HDL. The salt content is also a severe blow to your heart.
  4. Cancer – A research conducted by the University of Hawaii concludes that people who took processed meat like hot dogs and sausages frequently were 67% more at the risk of pancreatic cancer. It not only increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, but also other cancers like breast cancer and prostate cancer etc.
  5. Digestive problems – They have very low fiber content. High fiber is needed for digestion.


Why are the grocery stores stocked with processed foods?

It is clear that processed foods pose a lot of health threats. Many people know the answers to the question, ‘what are processed foods’ and ‘what are their dangers’, but still they seem to be very popular. Why is it so?

  • Convenience – It is more convenient to use processed foods. The world today is fast and competitive. People have no time to cook food at home. It is easier to buy and cook processed foods.
  • Taste – Color, flavor, sugar, salt and other additives are added to increase the taste.
  • Increased life – Processed foods can be stored for a longer period of time.
  • The commercial ads make them highly appealing.


Processed foods VS Natural foods

You need no proofs to prove the fact that natural foods are better than processed foods. However, many studies have been conducted and they all prove that natural foods are healthier. Studies conducted by American journal of nutrition have proved that people eating whole grain foods had reduced risk of many cancers and heart diseases. Study conducted by WHO concludes that processed foods is the main cause for the alarming increase in obesity and diabetes.

I know we as humans aren’t perfect and sometimes even the healthiest people seem to make their way to consuming processed foods. Some call it a “Free Day”. My recommendation is to limit the amount you consume and never plan to make it part of your fitness nutrition permanently if you are looking to transform you health. Now that you know the answer to “What are processed foods?” in detail, it is wise to limit them to avoid the long term side effects of over consumption, & stay healthy.


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Author: Tony Banawa 

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