Happy 4th of July!!

I want to wish all my loyal readers a happy 4th of July. I hope you all get to relax and enjoy this special day with your families and those who mean most to you.

For me and my family, we are definitely going to spend the day together before the J.O.B. calls me in:) But for those of you who are fortunate enough to be at home all day, take advantage of it.

Let’s not forget those who make it possible for us to enjoy our independence and fight for our country daily. I know that as a country, we appreciate them but sometimes get lost in not showing our appreciation. Let’s take the time to do this more and come together more as a nation with peace.

Well, have a safe 4th, and don’t forget to get back on track with your health and fitness tomorrow. Stay focused and keep your goal in site. Don’t fall off the wagon in your nutrition and in your workouts just because of this free day. You have an obligation to stay focused and make this fitness transformation happen for your health and your family.