Guide To Getting Cut Up Abs

Guide to Getting Cut Up Abs

By Shaka Smith

Let’s keep this simple – you want cut up abs – it comes down to diet & exercise!

Diet – I know no one wants to hear this – least of all guys. We all have this ideaGuide To Cut Up Abs that we can lay it all out on the line in the gym and eat whatever we want and the six-pack will appear. That’s because it takes a lot more discipline to eat right everyday than it does to beast through a workout a few days a week. If only it was so. So clean up the diet ladies and gents. So much of it has to do with the word we love to hate, carbohydrates. A diet filled with complex carbohydrates, a good balance of protein, and fat is the way to go.

Complex Carbohydrates: Not all complex carbohydrates are created equally. For instance, white rice which is not good for getting those cuts is a complex carbohydrate, whereas sticking to brown rice another complex carbohydrate will aid in developing your six pack. As a general rule use the glycemic index and try to keep your carbohydrates in the low to medium ranges. Visit where you can find the ranges of just about any food out there.

Protein: Protein is an important source for building muscle. Whey protein in particular helps your body feel full longer and revs up your metabolism. For males and females alike, whey protein is an important source of nutrition to have in one’s diet. Several studies have shown that a diet high in protein, (some professionals even suggesting 70% of nutrition come from protein sources) is effective in aiding weight loss and building muscle.

Fat: Your body needs fat. In fact good fats such as Omega 3, not only aid in weight loss but have heart protective effects and reduce the risk of stroke, cancer and have a plethora of ameliorative effects. Studies suggest that 6g of fish oil is an effective dose in aiding in weight loss and fat metabolism.

Exercise | Guide To Getting Cup Up Abs

Of course exercise is part of the equation. The key to the abs is variation. We are built well and our cores are strong and adapt extremely well, so if you’re not varying your ab routines to spark new levels of difficulty, you’re cheating yourself out of toning and building. To avoid bulky abs, lift light and focus on high reps that are controlled and allow for a great range of motion. Challenge yourself and shoot for 8 to 10 sets of 10 reps each with no more than a 30 second rest in between.

Hanging leg lifts: This exercise is great – really focusing on the lower abs and obliques. Take your legs and lift until they are at a 90 degree angle. Squeeze as you pause at the top, to really engage the ab muscles, particularly the obliques.

Bosu Ball: Has anyone ever created anything better for the abs. Whether you are doing simple crunches or side crunches or any of a number of different workouts on the bosu – the great range of motion it allows helps to bring strong, toned and lean abs quickly. Always take full advantage of the range of motion on the Bosu and don’t cheat yourself by doing your workouts half way.

Back extension: One of the things you want to avoid is muscle imbalance and working out the lower back to support the core prevents this. To have strong abs you need a strong lower back as well. You can perform back extensions by simply lying flat on the floor and squeezing the back to lift the chest and feet off the floor, while keeping the abs tight throughout. You can also use the back extension machine that many gyms are equipped with. Back extensions, weighted or non- weighted are excellent for maintaining balance

Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to that 6 8 pack in no time!

Work Out Tips | Guide To Getting Cut Up Abs

Start with the small stuff – three changes that will make a difference in your fitness goals

1. Park the furthest away from the entrance wherever you go: This is a win-win – the furthest spots are almost always free and forcing yourself to get that extra bit of activity in your day will add up to you being just a little bit more fit than you would have otherwise.

2. Take the stairs: Forget the elevator! Taking the stairs instead of using the elevator everywhere you go will increase calories burned and lead to a fitter you.

3. Get a pedometer: These are as cheap as $3 and help you track your physical activity especially if your job requires you to sit all day, which one study showed can take up to 7 quality years off your life. ( Besides standing once an hour, 30 minutes of moderate activity is also recommended everyday to counteract the effect. Take a brisk walk with your pedometer, track your steps and throughout your day that youre working try to get in at least as many steps as you did during that walk. Even though you’re breaking it up, the counteracting effect remains the same.

Shaka Smith MFM AdvisorThis article was written by Shaka Smith, Lead writer of MFM Advisor shared from