Food Dangers | Nine Things You Must Know

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Often times we get so caught up in our habitual eating habits that we forget what is included in some of the food we eat that increase the food dangers in our communities. Some good and some bad, and if we aren’t aware of what is going on in the world of farming and productivity, then it could cost you not only financially, but health wise as well.

I woke up today knowing that the L.A. Kings are probably going to sweep the New Jersey Devils for the Stanley Cup as they’re up 3 games to none out of the best of 7 games. In another article on Gawker this morning, I saw that their was a drug bust and that a Green Bay Packers super bowl ring was discovered in the middle of it all. That’s only 2 super bowls ago that someone already misplaced or sold their child hood dream, or so we thought.

My point is is that, things go on around the world and it’s impossible to keep up with them until you either read from a credible source, or someone tells you about it. Same with what you are consuming in your body.

Food Dangers
How Do the Food Dangers Reach Your Local Super Market Shelves

If you only knew that some of the foods on the grocery store shelf coming from agricultural places contained Salmonella, would you want to know about it?

Did you know that drug residues and heavy metals are common in U.S. meat?

What if you knew that even eating organic was sometimes not safe because they were fertilized with manure because they can’t be fertilized with synthetic fertilizers?

In the end, we think we got it all down but something new comes up and it effects us more than we know. What’s happening to the world today? Can anybody do anything about it to protect the health of our society? Does the government even want to help?

The best way to get foods that are really what you think they are is to get them from a local farmer that you know and trust. Maybe you can find one at your local farmer’s market.

Read the full Mercola article here on “9 Things You Need To Know About The Food You Eat”. If you eat food, then you should know as much as you can about food dangers that are in our reach as consumers today.

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