Choice Of Carbs – Simple Vs Complex

Carbohydrates are a common feature in many peoples diet. We consume them through a variety of different foods, such as pasta, white rice, bread, sweets, pastries and so much more, but should we all be eating so many?

Studies have shown that carbohydrates do in fact provide us with the fuel needed for physical activity,
as well as being essential for organ function and overall good health. However there are some
carbohydrates that are better than others, and many people often consume far more than their body
needs on a daily basis.

complex carbs
Complex Carbs Gives you the energy, minerals, vitamins, and fiber

Too many carbs comes with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes, which is often
over looked by the majority of people. If you look at your daily diet, I bet there are opportunities where
you can cut down on the carbs consumed, or swap good carbs for bad ones.

White foods dominate our supermarket shelves; white bread, white rice and white potatoes. These refined ‘white’ foods are the
staple of many families all over the world, but many people neglect the healthier alternative which usually come in the form of whole grains.

Carbohydrates come in two forms;

  • Simple – include many sugary foods such as sweets, pastries, doughnuts
  • Complex – include such things as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes

When the question is often asked “Does my diet contain too many carbs?’ I think the key is asking yourself whether or not you consume too many simple carbs each day.

Simple carbohydrates are also often full of saturated fats. These ‘bad’ fats are associated with a whole
heap of health problems and should be avoided where possible, instead replacing them with un-saturated

simple vs complex carbs
Simple Carbs - Not All Unhealthy

Eating carbohydrates causes our body to produce insulin. This insulin can make us feel hungry, which in turn causes us to eat more because we think we need food. This extra food leads to additional weight gain due to excess calories and therefore contributes to other health problems. By limiting our carb intake to the right portions according to our fitness routine recommendations, not just by quantity but also by ensuring we get the right type of carbohydrates, we can move closer to our goal of a healthier lifestyle.

Just remember our body does need some carbohydrates to function properly, so cutting them out
completely is not recommend. Carbohydrate consumption done correctly can have positive health benefits to your
body and way of life.

Today’s GetFitToLive’s Guest Blogger:  Tanya is a writer for