The Burpees Exercise & It’s Variations

Is your life ever really busy where you actually can’t do a full workout if you tried? Maybe things come up in the spare of the moment or work calls you in when you already planned to workout in the morning. Now your down because you are thinking you may miss a day of exercise.

Well there’s one thing you can do that won’t take up a bunch of time. That is, Burpees. A great exercise that needs no weights and minimal space. A workout that can be done as an express exercise to get your body going in a short time. Here are some details about the burpees exercise

What is Burpees Exercise

burpees exercise
How to perform the burpees exercise

Did you know that the burpees exercise is among the hundreds of exercises you can do to increase your fitness and strength? You only need little space to do a Burpees exercise. It is a very versatile exercise which makes it one of the most frequent exercises one can engage himself/herself in.

Many coaches today love basic burpee exercise while the many athletes despise it. As simple as it may look, it carries with it a complete body workout with the room for variation so as to make it tougher. It’s a simple exercise that doesn’t need any expert knowledge.

It makes it possible for you to save time during a workout since it’s a complete body exercise as it covers cardiovascular workout, core strength, arms and legs. Depending on the variety you perfom with burpees, you could also workout your back, shoulders, and of course, the chest.

How to Perform a Standard Burpees Exercise

  • Start from standing position
  • Bend the legs to a squatting position bringing your hands to the floor about shoulder width apart
  • Thrust your feet behind and get yourself in the plank position, or push up position
  • The body should then be straight, your core and butt tight and arms engaged
  • Then, without hesitation, jump your feet back to the hands, straighten your body and sum it up with upright jump.

You can then repeat the whole process again and again. It is worth noting that different coaches may have different ideas of what constitutes a standard or basic burpees exercise. Some of them include a push-up at the bottom level as a standard. Some of other existing variations are those that would have strong impact on the lungs and muscles within a very short time.

burpees exercise
Performing the box jumps during the burpees exercise

Apart from adding a push-up at the bottom, you may also include a tuck jump so as to work the legs and lower abs and elevate the cardiovascular perspective of the workout. You also have the option of holding weighted vest, medicine ball or dumbbells. The effect of this is reduction of stability in the lower portion, improved working of the core and increased resistance against your jump.

Some people like to jump up to a pullup bar and perform a pullup in the middle of the burpee exercise. As such, some people like to jump on boxes during the upright jump part to increase leg strength. This adds a more intense plyometric feature to the burpee, increasing one’s vertical jump range.

Expert Insight on the Burpees Exercise

According to the experts, the burpees exercise can be done in almost any pattern when doing a workout. Some coaches even recommend for up to a hundred burpees exercise done as fast as possible more so when you do not have enough time. According to them, this would be equivalent to a complete body workout. One also has an option of adding burpees either as a warm-up or at the final level of a workout. It is therefore worth noting that a burpees exercise can constitute intervals of training at high density levels which raises the heart rate and the the rate of metabolism.

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Author: Tony Banawa 

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