Best Time To Exercise For Specific Fitness Goals

There is a lot of talk and confusion surrounding the best time to exercise. For most people, the best and ideal time for exercising is the time that is the most convenient, and which easily fits into their busy schedule. Research indicates that time has a serious bearing on exercise. So, does it really matter if one works out in the morning, afternoon or evening? Well, it does matter.

While there is no reliable evidence that suggests that people should exercise at a given time of the day, it all boils down to choosing a time of the day that you can stick to, and which will make exercise easiest to become a habit.

Factoring In the Best Time To Exercise For You

According to experts, you can expect to train regularly and achieve better results by factoring in the following:

Warm is better. Studies on the best time to exercise show that exercise is more productive when the body temperature reaches its peak. According to the same studies, chances that your exercise sessions will be less optimal are high if working out when your body temperature is low. Studies have constantly shown that those who exercise during late hours of the day have higher chances of achieving better results than their counterparts who exercise early in the morning.

If you have a feeling that starting your day with exercise feels good for you, then you do not need to change your schedule. Those best time to exercisewho exercise in the morning have higher chances of making it a habit. Despite this, studies show that exercising in the morning may put some people at higher risk of heart attack. In that regard, if your schedule favors morning workouts, then the best time to exercise would be anytime before the day ends. It is better to get that workout late in the day than not at all.



Researching The Best Ideal Time To Exercise

If you exercise with the sole aim of achieving certain goals, then there are several research findings that suggest different times of the day as the best to workout.

Here are specific findings:
Strength is greater mostly in the afternoon. According to researches, those who exercise with the primary objective of attaining strength have higher chances of attaining this by working out at midday, when strength output is at 5%. Aerobic performance, however, improves by 5% in the evening.

For those that aim at strength and endurance, the best time for exercise is the afternoon when endurance performance is 4% higher. It is also worth noting that those who prefer afternoon exercises are less likely to sustain injuries. This is because at this time of the day, you are alert, your muscles are relaxed and your body temperature is highest. These factors make it less likely to get injured.

Best Time To Exercise For Healthy Rest

Studies show that evening exercise is very healthy for sleep. Most scientific researches support the idea that exercising before calling it a day improves sleep quality, which is good for the overall health. Remember, your muscle growth occurs when you are resting.

As an individual, the best time for an exercise can be based on many factors, key among them being lifestyle, personal goals and schedule. It is advisable picking a time that you can stick to and make it your daily or weekly routine. This way, you can identify the best time to exercise based on your individual needs and schedule.

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Author: Tony Banawa 

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