Boost Your Immune System | Benefits Of Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that promotes the production of collagen in the body; a fibrous structural protein that helps in the development of healthy body tissues. Besides this, there are other numerous benefits of Vitamin C that make it an important ‘vital-amine’ nutrient. It can obtained from fresh fruits and green vegetables though you can also obtain it from vitamin C tablets.

David Wolfe On The Benefits Of Vitamin C

David Wolfe, who is a health, eco, nutrition, and natural beauty expert who was able to cure his chronic disease by doing yoga and proper nutrition says that although synthetic Vitamin C is still effective, getting it from powdered and really high plants and botanicals that are high in Vitamin C such as acerola cherry, rosehip, or camu berry is recommended.


Top 5 Health Benefits of Vitamin C

benefits of vitamin c
Rose Hips

1. Immunity
Ascorbic acid is not only a component of the body immune system but it also promotes the strength and proper functioning of the system. During the winter season, the body is prone to attacks from viruses, bacteria and infections that can lead to afflictions such as common cold, influenza, pneumonia and gastroenteritis.

To combat the attacks, the antihistamine characteristic of Vitamin C and the fact that it boosts the immune system, help your body to combat these winter diseases and other disorders such as asthma, bronchitis and urinary tract infections.

2. Antioxidant

Vitamin C is also a natural antioxidant that can protect your body from free radicals that often lead to oxidative stress. Free radicals can damage body cells leading to life threatening diseases such as cancer, stroke and heart attack. A slice of apple turns brown when exposed to air due to oxidation, but when the slice is dipped into lemon juice, it takes longer to turn brown. This demonstrates the powerful effect of Vitamin C in slowing down the rate of oxidation.

3. Formation of Collagen
As a fore mentioned, Vitamin C is responsible for the formation of collagen in the body. The abnormal functioning of collagen or its absence in the body can lead to the development of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid fever and muscle pain. A healthy dose of L-ascorbic acid can promote the production of collagen and thus help the body to prevent and combat these maladies. Furthermore, the production of collagen helps to alienate dermal disorders, reduce wrinkles and lines and thus promote a bright and flawless skin.

4. Lead Toxicity
Vitamin C can reduce the blood lead level to a great extent. This is very important especially to children who live in urban areas. Study reveals that lead toxicity increases the chances of behavioral and growth abnormalities that are characterized by difficulties in learning and low IQ. On the other hand, adults with high blood lead levels are prone to high blood pressure and kidney damage.

5. Hypertension
Vitamin C promotes a healthy cardiovascular system which helps lower blood pressure, reducing the chances of hypertension and other heart disorders. It also ensures proper dilation of the blood vessels thus prevents diseases such as angina pectoris, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure and atherosclerosis.

How To Take Advantage of The Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C  can also prevent scurvy, cataracts and promote dental health. However, this nutrient should be taken in adequate quantities and in case of deficiency. Mr Wolfe recommends starting your dosage slowly and working your way up to 3000 mg per day.

I know that growing up, people have made claims that taking such amounts of vitamins in a day is dangerous. Did you know that there hasn’t been one confirmed death of vitamin overdose in the history of this world?

Check out this documentary.  It will make you wonder why people have made you think about dangers in taking certain amounts of vitamins, and failed to really tell you about the truths and the benefits of taking greater amounts of vitamin C than what most were told as kids.

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