Is Running Good For Me

You ever wonder, “Is running all the time good for me?”Running is a great source of exercise. Not only does it burn calories and increase your endurance, but it also is a great way to relieve stress because of the way it makes your blood flow and oxygen cycle throughout your body. However, it is not necessarily good for some people who may have problems with their joints.

As the technique of running on concrete impacts your joints the same as if you were to run on a treadmill, it is good to mix up your cardio workouts to help relieve stress on your joints on a constant basis. You may consider mixing in some swimming, cardio based programs such as Turbo Fire or Insanity, biking, and more to compliment.

Changing up your exercises also helps your body burn calories and fat more naturally because of the different ways you move your body as well as putting your body through High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, to increase fat burning by doing slow cardio mixed with short spurts of high intensity. So mixing up your cardio rather than running all the time if you have bad knees can be beneficial to you in more ways than one.

Running all the time is not a bad thingif you are healthy enough to deal with the impact on your knees. As you get older, you may want to look at alternatives on certain days as mentioned above. In the flip side, people who don’t run at all should add this exercise in their routine. Why? I know many people who are locked into one type of cardio routine that involves nothing but sports specific moves where you don’t run. They are very much in shape as an athlete except for the fact that when it comes to running a mile or two,they struggle completely. The reason is that their body is not used to the movement and it lacks the discipline it takes to go the distance if you have not acclimated your body to it. The more variety you incorporate into your routine, the more complete abilities you will have as an athlete or fitness enthusiast.

When I was 8-13 yrs old, I used to run cross country in school and I used to set a goal to run all the way through and never stop. Although I was successful as a kid and didn’t know any better, as you get older or take a break from the sport and get back into it after a while, you will need self motivation, discipline, and commitment along with both physical and mental toughness. A treadmill is a good place to start as a beginner. This will help build your mental toughness without having to compare yourself with others on the road or on the track.

So running in general is a great thing and I enjoy it. Although it is not my specialty anymore as when I was a kid, it is something that I strive to get better at as I get older. So if you are ever curious and ask yourself,”Is running good for me?” It is an excellent source of exercise, but mix it up and put variety in your routine for maximum results.


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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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