5 Hidden Reasons You May Be Feeling Tired

People today tend to lead very busy lives, packing in as much into one day as humanly possible.  Between work and kids and social lives, there’s rarely any downtime.  You need to be functioning at peak health to keep up.  And there’s no time for being tired.  Unfortunately, for many of us, fatigue is a problem in our lives.  Here are 5 surprising factors that could be contributing to your exhaustion.

Thyroid Problems

For years my mom suffered lack of energy.  She went to several doctors and no one seemed to be able to give her a concrete reason.  I had recently been treated for an overactive thyroid (which makes you anxious and wound up) and had researched the effects of under active thyroids. The symptoms included fatigue, depression and lack of motivation. I told my mom and she immediately got tested and low and behold she had an under active thyroid.  After a month of medication to bring her levels back to normal, she felt better than she had in years.  It’s worth getting checked for.

Lack of Vitamin D

I like to refer to vitamin D as sunshine in a bottle.  If you live in a place with little sunshine year round, odds are you’re lacking in vitamin D. A simple blood test will tell you if you are.  I was and started taking little lemon chews with vitamin D, which are delicious, and I felt a lot better after about a week.  A very easy fix and energy boost.

Caffeine/Sugar Crash

It’s funny that we drink coffee to wake up in the morning only to crash from it in the afternoon.  And if you drink mochas or caramel lattes that are loaded with sugar, it’s even more harsh of a crash.  As hard as it is to stop drinking caffeine in the morning, hello headache, it only lasts for about a week.  After a week, you’ll notice that you have natural energy that you won’t crash from in the afternoon.

Lack of Exercise

I notice that if I’m low on energy, usually I’m not exercising.  It sounds crazy but the more you exercise, even though you get briefly tired right after, you’ll find you are energized through the day.  Maybe it’s the endorphins your body pumps out or your muscles are ready to tackle the day, but it sure works to perk up your body.

Your Bed

Nothing is worse than getting a terrible night’s sleep.  And a huge reason that could be is your mattress.  A bed that doesn’t give you back support can be very uncomfortable and if you don’t get a solid night’s sleep, you’ll notice that your energy goes down the drain the next morning.  Not to mention it can cause some serious back problems over time.

About Today’s Guest Blogger: Written by Lisa Coronado, a content writer for a Downtown Seattle Chiropractor.


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Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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