How The Dangers Of Sugar Sneak Into Your Body

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Have you ever took time to know what the dangers of sugar are? Most people know what they like to eat without confirming that the ingredients are damaging to their health.

The Dangers Of Sugar And How It Gets In Your Body

Back about 20 years ago when the fat free food fad came out with a blast, what happened? The world became heavier and more people started aging faster than ever before. Manufacturers took out the fats in food labels but added in sugars to be their replacement. If you aren’t picky about the ingredients in your food which you should be, chances are, things are making it’s way into your system that you may not want.

Conversations Along The Way About Dangers Of Sugar

I am a bartender by trade and I always meet people from different countries. One of the main things we talk about when we engage in health and food, is the difference in portions that the U.S. provides versus their country. Our portions are so enormously ridiculous. We are so used to seeing it everyday and expect it when we order a dish at our favorite restaurants. The truth is, is that we don’t need colossal servings for a meal. Proper portioning could highly reduce the amount of obesity in our nation.

This goes along with sugars because when the portions are bigger, more than likely, there is more sugar than a smaller portion. We get so used to the serving size in America that we also do the same for our kids at home. You see how the obesity rates in kids are increasing here with what I’m saying.

Dangers of Sugar And Age Acceleration

Another thing is that eating lots of sugar can increase diseases and cause age acceleration. Kids these days are looking like adults at age 12. Why? This could be because of all the genetically modified foods and high sugar content in foods that are available today in our easy to access super markets and fast food restaurants.

Sugars are our enemies and if you are not educated in what foods carry enormous amounts of it, you are at high risk to take on preventable diseases.

Here is an article that will tell you about 6 surprising foods that contain more sugars than a Twinkie.

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