The Health Crisis Changes With You

It’s obvious we’re living in a time of a major health crisis. How often do we live our lives and see people who are overweight and obese and still following the same old eating habits that got them there? Most of them.

How many times have you gone to eat somewhere only to see someone who is overweight still drinking soda after soda in one sitting and ordering fried food and dessert? Many.

How many times do we go to the gym only to see someone afterwards, eating an unhealthy meal? What’s the point?

A Random Statistic By Gold’s Gym | Health Crisis

According to recent studies 67% of people who get gym memberships never use them. I think most people can say they have been a victim of this study. I have. People are getting health conscious but don’t know how to take action and move forward towards their goals. The results? They just quit until an event comes into their life that gives them no choice.

Did you know that Golds Gym did a consensus in 2010 and discovered that in 2000, only 1 state existed with an obesity rate of over 25%. In 2008, there were 32. What does this mean?

It could mean:

  • More people are using food as a comfort avenue to release stress, while others are enjoying card games on websites like เล่นและชนะรางวัลใหญ่ที่ to relax and unwind.
  • People are busier than ever trying to make ends meet for their families in this down economy that they are neglecting their own health in the process
  • It’s easier to get a meal on the go, versus prepare a healthy snack to take with you to work
  • People are uneducated on healthy living.

The latter is a huge interest to me because when I am out and about, I really pay attention to what people are eating around me, what consumers load in their grocery carts, and what they order when their at a restaurant. Don’t get me wrong, I think going out to eat is a privilege, not everyone is blessed to be able to eat out and those that do, most of the time get
carried away.

health crisis

I understand the importance of spending quality time with family, friends, and work associates, but I am more concerned about the unhealthy eating habits that people tend to indulge in at fast food restaurants. It’s alarming to see people ordering supersized meals loaded with sauces and washing them down with a huge soda. This kind of behavior can have serious consequences on their health in the long run. What if there was a walk-in clinic Auburndale where people could go and learn about the impact of their food choices on their bodies? It could serve as a comfortable environment for them to understand how their daily decisions affect their health, and perhaps encourage them to make healthier choices that can prevent many of the health problems that we see today.

Education Is A Good Start To Being Healthy | Health Crisis

I want to jump out of my skin and help them get educated on what’s actually on that plate. What if you could lessen all those extras and reduce your calorie intake by hundreds each meal. What would that do to your health at the end of the year? The difference would be huge.

Imagine if people ate less portions and made wiser decisions on their food intake. We as consumers would be paying lesser taxes, it would minimize corporate loss productivity, and our youth would live a longer and healthier life.

Another health study done by Gold’s Gym was that since 2000, the average fat that an american consumes has increased by 180 grams. That is like eating 2 full sticks of butter each week. This study concluded that it’s equivalent to an extra 20 lbs of fat gained per year for americans. Over time, this leads to being overweight and obese. With this, leads to diabetes, stroke, and heart attacks to say the least. Along with trying to help yourself when this happens means hundreds of dollars per month in medication.

What do these americans really need? Proper education on healthy living. Healthy eating and fueling your body with the right foods can prevent most diseases that happens to many americans daily. Eliminating the grease, the unhealthy fats, the sugar overloads. All this can be a great start in living a healthy and fulfilling life. It start with you. Knowing where you are heading if you don’t make some changes and making the decision to commit.

We have a choice don’t we? We have a choice whether to spend our money on medicine for the rest of our lives, or change the way we eat, and become stronger, healthier, more active and functional in life. Pills won’t cure what makes people obese. Why? Cause it doesn’t teach us anything. We all need to be taught and given the proper solution to avoid us making the same mistakes again. On top of that, our bodies register pills that go into our body as a toxin.

Medical vs Nutrition | Health Crisis

health crisis
Proper Nutrition and Exercise Beats Pills Any Day

There are a lot of websites out there that promote medical pills for weight loss instead of proper nutrition. My question is, why can’t they spend all that money and time doing research on educating people on nutrition? This is where the problem is.

Medication won’t do anything but temporarily ease some pain if that. If people don’t learn what certain foods do to their health, this obesity problem will never improve. Once again, it’s not medication that’s needed, its proper nutrition and exercise that we should be investing our time and money in.

When it comes to addressing the obesity epidemic, focusing on proper nutrition and education is undeniably the key. Amidst the sea of weight loss solutions, genuine knowledge about balanced diets and healthy eating often gets overshadowed. Reading reviews on where you can get your perfect and favorite diet meal plans can be a game-changer in this regard. Real-life experiences shared by others can guide individuals toward nutritious choices and sustainable lifestyles. By understanding what works for different people, individuals can tailor their diets to suit their preferences and health needs. Investing time in exploring these reviews not only empowers individuals with practical insights but also encourages a collective shift from quick fixes to holistic, long-term solutions rooted in proper nutrition and exercise.

If you ever ask your doctor for advice, I will bet you most of the time it will be about a medical solution. That is what they are. They are medical professionals, not nutrition professionals. There is more money in the medical field. Can you imagine if the nutrition field took over and all the medical companies went out of business? The economy would take a major hit and people would lose huge money from the stock market.

If you want to make a better life for yourself, first you have to make a decision. A decision to change and actually care about yourself and all that you do on a daily basis. It does matter what you eat for breakfast, snack, lunch, and dinner. There is not one meal that doesn’t matter. That’s the whole point. You are what you eat, and you will become it inside and out.

Respect yourself by feeding your system what it needs to be healthy. Are you worth it? Is your life worth minimizing the sugars, bad fats, and extra calories that we sometimes tend to have?

No one’s perfect and I’m far from it. I’ll be the first to tell you that. I don’t eat 100% perfectly every second of my life and I can bet that no one does. What I do though, is earn every right for any treat every now and then by exercising on a normal basis and committing to a healthy lifestyle daily.

Yes, you deserve a birthday cake, a cocktail, or something sweet and salty in life. But being disciplined and earning it, versus making it an every meal every day thing are two different things and will produce 2 different results.

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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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