How To Get Rid Of Bloating – Simple Things To Know

Bloating is a feeling that the tummy is swelled up and full of gas. It affects people of all ages and gender though some situations act as catalysts to the condition. This has left many people wondering on how to get rid of bloating effectively. We all know how uncomfortable bloating can be. Well, there are some remedies that can help you get rid of it effectively and naturally.

Bloating is caused by quite a number of factors but the most common causes include;

  • Indigestion/overeating– You’re probably experiencing a bloated stomach after a nice cook out, picnic or even a festive season. This is the most common cause of a bloated stomach. Avoid over eating no matter how tempting the food is. You might be tempted to taste every single type of food during events but resist the temptation. The after effects aren’t worth it so keep this in mind when the temptation becomes too much.
  • Wrong type of food– Some foods are related to bloating and gas production. Avoid these types of foods at all costs but eat other types of food with the same nutrient level as these. Some of the foods that cause bloating include; Dairy products, cabbage, asparagus, wheat, apples and pears, beans, fatty foods, salty food and carbonated drinks
  • Bad eating habits– Chewing with your mouth wide open or talking while eating will lead to your swallowing of air. This will end up in your stomach hence bloating. Chewing gum is also related to gas production as you tend to swallow a lot of air in the process. I’m sure you don’t chew with your mouth open anyways, right?

How Does Bloating Occur | How To Get Rid Of Bloating

Sometimes our bodies cannot or have a hard time digesting some certain types of food that we eat. For some people, dairy products cannot be digested by our bodies. Some people can’t digest fructose in fruits either. In some instances, we eat food that has a certain ingredient that gives our bodies a hard time digesting. In such instances, the body fails to release enzymes meant for food digestion. When this happens, the bacteria that leads to gas/ bloating is fed hence the aggravation of the problem.

Good News About Bloating | How to get rid of bloating

The best thing about your little situation is that it isn’t permanent; you can treat it naturally and effectively.
It is always advisable to eat small meals frequently rather than large meals. This will give your body adequate time to digest the food before the next meal. When this is done, chances of bloating and gas production are reduced.

You might be in a hurry but remember to completely chew your food to aid in digestion. This will make the process easier and efficient hence reducing the chance of gas. Carbonated drinks are a real culprit when it comes to a bloated stomach. Avoid these kinds of drinks at all costs as you are likely to be bloated later on.

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Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Digestive Enzymes to help with bloating and healthier digestion

Exercising regularly will help keep your digestive system healthy and functioning properly. Being a couch potato will definitely yield the opposite results. Fatty foods and junk foods are big propellers to indigestion and bloating. This is because they slow down digestion which will lead to gas production.

Foods that will answer your ‘How to Get Rid of Bloating?” Question

Lucky for you, there are some certain foods that will keep your tummy safe from bloating. These include;

  • Herbal teas. These have the capability to break down gas bubbles that lead to a bloated stomach if ignored. Tea also acts as a diuretic which keeps your bowels healthy and well-functioning.
  • Yogurt. Why not stay safe the yummy way? It contains probiotics which is a good bacterium that aids in digestion. Bloating is also known to bring about a feeling of nausea which can be gotten rid of by the yoghurt.
  • Green leafy vegetables. These are known to have high magnesium content. It is always a good idea to cook your vegetables to reduce the chances of bloating. Vegetables are known to aid digestion and keep gas away.

Through the correct intake of the right kind of foods, in the correct portions and in the best form bloating is kept at bay. This will keep your digestive system running smooth and effectively. It will also mean that the food is properly digested.
While learning how to get rid of bloating, it is a great idea to steer away from whole grains and wheat. These take longer to digest,  being a burden to your digestive system.

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Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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