
Best Weight Loss Shakes For Your Fitness Goals

Weight loss shakes are a great way to supplement meals and get your nutrition for the day. Many of them include ingredients that can help you curb cravings, improve digestion, and gain energy on top of losing weight.

The best way to lose weight is proper nutrition with exercise. When you can’t eat a whole food meal, or maybe you need something quick on the go, weight loss shakes can be a convenience to make sure you don’t skip a meal or two.

Many of them are low calorie with abilities to fix up your own recipe for a great tasting shake. Some people like weight loss shakes as-is and don’t add anything to them. Some add water, and some add milk, almond milk, and other liquids to satisfy their taste buds.

It’s important to know that everything you put into your weight loss shakes count against and/for your calories. For example, my weight loss shakes are 140 calories itself. When I add all natural peanut butter, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and coconut oil, it is a 400 calorie shake.

For me, this is good because I need 2700 calories daily. On the days I put water instead of almond milk, I’ll add in a banana. This adds 100 calories.

If you’re like me, you have a busy agenda and don’t have time to cook 3 meals a day along with your healthy snacks in between. 6 meals is what you should be eating everyday. So one of my meals, preferably breakfast is my shakeology meal replacement, then 1 of my snacks of the day is either a protein shake or a post workout recovery drink.

I take a meal replacement called shakeology to help me with all my nutrients but have used some others in the past as well. I recommend to look closely to the labels of the shakes you buy as not all of them contain all natural healthy ingredients.

In my own honest opinion, I believe that any supplement you take should be beneficial to your body without jeopardizing other parts of your health. In other words, I don’t believe in taking weight loss shakes that have artificial sweeteners which can store toxic waste in your liver.

Most weight loss shakes contain too much sugar and artificial ingredients.

This is why I drink Shakeology

It’s an all natural meal replacement and nothing compares to it label to label. If you do find something that’s better, please let me know and be ready to prove it label to label.

Sneak Peak – Popular Weight Loss Shakes:

Jillian Michaels Ultimate Shake – Convenient shake that is ready to drink. Contains fiber and no artificial sweeteners. Soy and gluten free. Not proven to crave hunger that much and also not proven for long term weight loss. No exercise plan comes with the shake but I love Jillian Michaels and what she does for the industry.

Advocare Trim– Very high in protein at 24g per serving. This product contains artificial ingredients. Only hunger filler is fiber in the shake and according to their site, the main ingredients are Protein, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, vitamin D, zinc, vitamin A, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin B-12. All ingredients can be found in most great shakes so the main ingredients is nothing special. This shake contains an artificial sweetener in sucralose. Contains caffeine.

Equate – Contains artificial ingredients such as sodium caseinate and other artificial flavors according to it’s label. Sodium Caseinate is a modified protein extraced from milk used for thickening and whitening. Lastly, this contains free glutamic acid, which is a form of MSG, or monosodium glutamate. Enough said.

IdealShape – One of many respected weight loss shakes out there at only 100 calories, 2g of sugar, and over 50% of the recommended vitamins and minerals. However, it also has artificial ingredients and sucralose which kills the rest of the great aspects of this shake for me.

Slim Fast – One of the most popular weight loss shakes out there and longest running brands. Why? I have no clue. Although I know that this has been a savior to many people, but losing weight isn’t everything. It’s being in the best health possible doing it. Not saying that Slim Fast isn’t healthy, but it does contain some of the same ingredients they use to make a product called K-Y Jelly in Cellulose Gel. Learn more about slim fast ingredients.

Ensure – Packed with good vitamins but has a small amount of protein at 9g. Unfortunately this shake contains 18g of sugar. Only 1g of fiber so I don’t see this shake being a huge factor in craving your hunger. This shake also has one of the highest amounts of calories of weight loss shakes on the market at 250 calories.

I could go on and on, but honestly, I’ll just be saying the same thing over and over for most of them. That is, many are great tasting, good things about it, but contain either too much sugar, too many calories, and contain artificial ingredients.

All of these shakes are for weight loss. You can see that most weight loss shakes focus primarily on JUST weight loss and leave the most important thing out, which is being all natural and safest to the body. Living a healthy lifestyle and putting things in your body that hasn’t been modified, chemically treated, or enhanced in any way.

Why pack on high amounts of calories, sugar, and artificial flavoring  just to lose weight?

Obviously, you’ll end up losing out somewhere else.

Every year, there are tons of new weight loss supplements out there trying to make a buck. Why? it’s the most popular niche in the world. This is why you must be extra careful and look in depth at the labels.

Shakeology reveals 100%, yes, 100% of everything in the shake and is all natural.

weight loss shakes
Shakeology is as real as real food can get with over 40 superfoods in one serving.

At first I thought it was too good to be true because I got so used to everything having cheat ingredients, or modified artificial things in them.

Shakeology is focused on weight loss while improving your inner health, digestive system, mood, immune system, energy, and much more. It is recommended to take with their #1 in-home fitness brands like:

  • P90X
  • Insanity
  • Body Beast
  • Les Mills Pump
  • Turbo Jam

Beachbody, the creators of shakeology along with Darin Olien, have a mission to help people achieve their goals, while living a healthy and fulfilling life. This is becasue they believe that true weight loss comes with proper nutrition and exercise and not one or the other.

So why can’t you get shakeology in the stores? Carl Daikeler, the CEO of Beachbody, understands that to get results, most people need to be coached or guided on how to properly eat, workout, and be accountable to their actions. For this, they have made shakeology only avail through Beachbody and their coaches. Coaches, are beachbody customers who have used the products and got results from them, so they decided to pay them forward by coaching others to do what worked for them.

What’s the reason so many people waste their time on message boards saying this and that about how weight loss shakes didn’t work or tasted bad. They even say how it gives them the runs or it makes them feel funny. My advice to this is, it takes your body about two weeks of consistent consumation on average to adjust. If after that time, you still are experiencing a bad flow, then move on.

Most of the time, people won’t use it correctly and won’t stick with it long enough. Now I understand not everyone is going to like the taste of a particular shake, but what is you’re ultimate goal? The taste or to lose weight? Can you make that taste work if does your body right?

For example, when I first tasted Greenberry Shakeology, I didn’t like it until I found the right recipe to mix up with it. After taking shakeology once a day consistently now for 22 months, I won’t order greenberry because I love the Vegan Chocolate.

My point is, finding the right weight loss shake is a journey. It truly is.

Tips on Finding the Right Weight Loss Shakes For You

If you’re looking to include a weight loss shake in your daily diet, take the time to figure out what your ultimate goal is.

  • Just lose weight
  • Lose weight and improve inner health
  • Lose weight, tone up, gain energy
  • Lose weight , tone up, gain energy, and take advantage of superfoods

If you just want to lose weight and are willing to put modified ingredients in your system doing it, that’s your choice. In fact, the price will be much cheaper than the ones who are truly 100% all natural. For me, If i’m going to lose weight, I want the best along with it.

weight loss shakes

I’m not saying that my shake is the only one that provides an all natural experience, but it is the one I found and has proven to work for me. Find the best one for your goals.

Your goals may be:

  • Lowest price
  • Best tasting
  • Ready to Drink
  • Superfood formula

You get what you pay for.

I’m here to tell you that Shakeology isn’t the cheapest, but there’s also no other weight loss shakes out there that I’ve seen to date that compares label to label. With Shakeology, you also get:

  • Free coaching
  • 1 million plus member support group
  • 30 day money back guarantee
  • Library of the top in home exercises available to you that show you how to incorporate nutrition, fitness, and support to help you reach your goals.

The Basics Of Weight Loss Shakes Labels

Every shake will have the macronutrient label with vitamins and minerals listed. That part will always be competitive in the most part between companies and brands.

Where Shakeology was set apart for me was when I saw the superfood list and how there was no artificial ingredients. How drinking shakeology helps those farmers and their families in places like Peru, Canada, Mexico, and even Montana(USA).

When I saw the video of how shakeology is created, I had chills because I never knew so much detail can go into developing weight loss shakes. I never knew that drinking a shake can help people from around the world by using their superfoods. When I think about it now, it make’s so much sense.

That said, there are a lot of great companies out there with great goals and you gotta find the right brand and product for you. I found what worked for me and I’m sticking to it until something tells me to move on.

Regardless of you decide to take, remember that proper nutrition and exercise must be a consistent part taking your shake or drink. It won’t work by doing it alone and anyone who tells you different is misinformed.

The only true way to lose weight and be healthy is by incorporating nutrition and exercise both in your life. When you do this, you will get the best out of your weight loss shakes.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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What Do The PLU Codes On Fruits & Vegetables Mean?

Ever wonder what the 4 and 5 digit plu codes on the fruits and vegetables in your local grocery store mean? If you’re like most people, including me, I used to just pick out my fruit according to type, color, and less discoloration or bruises.

It turns out that the numbers actually make a huge difference in where the fruit came from and how it was grown. These stickers are put on the fruits so that the it makes it easier for the store workers to determine each variety of produce.

What is The Difference With The PLU Sticker Codes

The difference will determine what price each item is as well. Organic produce will be pricier than genetically modified items.

The differences the stickers reveal are:

  • Conventionally grown
  • Genetically engineered
  • Organically grown

Most items in regular grocery market include foods that are GMO’d or genetically modified.

What The PLU Codes Mean On the Fruits & Vegetables

plu codes
4 digits – Conventionally grown bananas
  • Conventionally grown means that the fruit was grown with fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones to allow fruit to grown even in the off season, have greater resistance to last longer, and grows to a bigger size in most cases.

Conventional Sticker Code: 4 numbers (ie: 4025)

  • Genetically Engineered means the genes were manipulated to help the larger size and color of the produce. Also means that it may have been chemically treated

Genetically engineered sticker code: 5 digits that start with an “8” (ie: 84125)

  • Organically grown means that it wasn’t treated with any chemicals. The best kind but the most priciest.

Organically grown sticker code: 5 digits that start with a “9” (ie: 94125)

History of the PLU Sticker Codes

These stickers have been used since 1990.

If you think about this, there are about 7 billion people in the world today. People need to eat to stay alive so they grow food using chemicals to grow year round, bigger, and faster. With the population growing so fast, it also takes up the land that could be needed in the future to grow more food for the demand.

If food production will need to grow by 50% within the next two decades according to some experts, than how is this possible with the shrinking amounts of land available to grow food because of the growth of the population?

The answer…They manipulate food growth to meet the demands. This is where the diference in the world lies in GMO’d foods and organic.

The PLU codes system is run by the International Federation for Produce Standards. Learn more about the PLU sticker codes on fruit by visiting their website.



Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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Top 10 New Years Resolutions For 2013

Every year people make new years resolutions. The reason can be many. Just for a glimpse of hope that their life could be better, or maybe a chance to finally make something happen and make their dreams a reality. For some, It’s just wanting a different life than what’s been happening.

Maybe life hasn’t been all what they believe it supposed to be. Maybe life hasn’t been happy or fulfilling. There are many reasons why people write down their new years resolutions at this time of year. Let’s look at what most people are looking forward to this new year.

Top 10 New Years Resolutions for 2013

1. Lose weight – How much weight & Why?
2. Getting organized – What are the Rewards?
3. Spending less & saving more money – What’s your goal?
4. Enjoying life to the fullest – Needs to be more specific to me
5. Staying Fit & Healthy – How?
6. Learn something exciting – Why?
7. Quit smoking – Reason?
8. Help others with their dreams and goals – What does this fulfill?
9. Finally fall in love with the right person – How will that improve your life?
10. Spend more time with family – What will that do for you?

new years resolution
Angies Weight Loss Results with P90X

These are the top ten statistically. I’ve added in a question at the end of each one because I wanted to bring up a point that your new years resolution needs to answer questions about what it will do if you achieved that goal. Writing them down isn’t good enough.

You must have an emotional attachment, consequences if you fail, and other things that put a stamp of authority on them.

Did you know that only 45% of Americans make new years resolutions? 24% of them actually never succeed or fail each year. 38%of Americans never even make new years resolutions while 17% make infrequent ones.

What are your New Years Resolutions?

If you want to make a new years resolution, I’ll bet most likely it will be in one of the following categories:

  • Self help or self-improvement
  • Weight loss or health related issues
  • Money or debt related
  • Relationship

It’s the world we live in. People want to get better, and every new year is a new hope that they can.

It’s a fact that people in their twenties achieve their new years resolutions more often than those in their fifties and above. It’s also a fact that many people stick with their resolutions mostly during the first week of the new year and then by the 6th month, about 50% of people have given up.

What is your new years resolution for 2013? Is it to lose weight or get healthier? Make this your time to finally get on track to your best body. It can and will happen for you if you make the decision and stick to it.

My new years resolution for 2013 is to learn more in-depth about nutrition and how my own personal body adapts to different routines. Why? I am in a constant search to find out what works best for my body to achieve best results.

If you’re always trying to be the best, you will always be the best you can possibly be at that moment.

new years resolution
One and only… Les Brown

There’s a saying from one of my biggest inspirational speakers of all time, Les Brown. He said,[quote style=”boxed”] “Always shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land on the stars.”[/quote]

Not sure if he was the one to invent that awesome quote, but I absolutely love it. I live by it daily, cause I know that if I give it my best each day, there’s nothing more I can do.

How about you? What’s been stopping you from reaching your ultimate health and fitness goals year in and year out?

Reasons New Years Resolutions Fail

  • Is it a lack of a plan?
  • Not sure how to start?
  • Afraid to fail?
  • Afraid of commitment?
  • Don’t have enough supportive friends and family who believe in you?

I’m here to tell you that you do have a plan. You know how to start. Everyone is afraid at some point to fail or commit to something that takes hard work.

If you believe it’s really important to you in achieving optimal health this year, you can make it happen here. I want to be here for you. I want to be beside you in finally making that huge change in your life becasue I remember how I felt when I was depressed about my body and health.

new years resolution
No guessing on fitness & nutrition. Succeed with A clear plan in place

It is depressing when you’ve failed year after year after year, i know. I’ve failed many times and I still do. The difference is in those who keep going and those who quit.

Are you gonna keep going, or are you going to quit.

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was tired of being a failure. I was not going to accept failure again. I didn’t want to be like all the other people who gave up. Cause I knew one thing, those who kept going were the ones who got results.

If you want a clear plan on how to get in shape and lose weight this coming 2013, do what I did and look into the Beachbody challenge packs. They have everything included that you need to know what to do from start to finish.

new years resolution
Fermin, My little brother’s weight loss results

No guessing on what or how to work out. No guessing or trying to figure out what or how to eat. No worrying about doing it by yourself. You will be coached for free and have access to a support group to kep you accountable.

How I finally achieved my weight loss new years resolution in 2011

This is what finally did it for me. Having a clear plan that showed me exactly what to do to lose weight and improve my inner health. The Beachbody program showed me exactly:

  • What exercises to do daily
  • How to do the exercises
  • What and How to eat properly
  • How many calories I should be eating
  • How to adjust my calories as I lost weight
  • How to get answers to my questions
They also supply a list of which proteins, carbs, fats to eat while you are in transformation mode. You can have access to healthy recipes so you journey actually tastes good.

No more new years resolutions that never happened. This is your year to make it happen.

The formula for your success in 2013 is waiting for you. It’s your choice. Stop doing the same thing every year expecting a different result. You need a clear plan drawn out for you to make that difference in your outcome this new year. Look into the Beachbody Challenge packs for your solution to your weight loss new years resolution in 2013.


Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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New & Improved Chocolate Shakeology, Again.

Beachbody released a new chocolate shakeology, again. Not talking about the new superfood formula that came out on August 2012, but the newest customer improved shakeology released December 17th, 2012.

Here is the scoop...

Last summer, the improved chocolate “superfood formula” raised both some positive and negative feedback. Some people thought that when you opened the bag, it wasn’t as pleasant smelling than the previous formula.

The reason Beachbody released the new improved chocolate superfood formula several months ago, was that
they added 4 more superfoods and reduced the sugar, while adding more fiber to the mix. The result, was a
healthier shake, but one that many thought didn’t taste or smell as good as the original chocolate shakeology did.

There were postings on our message boards from both coaches and customers requesting to bring back the old
formula. Some were even losing customers because of this change. Beachbody knew that they couldn’t go back to the old formula because the new one was healthier. However, they could make it taste and smell better. More chocolaty and less earthy that is.

Then, there were others who absolutely loved the new formula and favored it over the old chocolate shakeology.
The shakeology sales were still strong overall and didn’t skip a beat because only the ones who actually new of the old shakeology were the ones having a negative opinion on it. They were the ones who knew the differences from the recent improvements.

Now brings us to the updated new chocolate formula that just released December 17th, 2013.

How Did They Come Up With This New Chocolate Shakeology?

Beachbody asked a panel of 2500 taste testing panelist including both customers and coaches to taste 2 flavors
of chocolate shakeology. Beachbody went back to the drawing board to improve the taste and aroma without
jeopardizing the 70 natural ingredients and superfoods.

Five Key Dimensions Of The New Chocolate Shakeology:

1. Aroma
2. Texture
3. Sweetness
4. Chocolaty(ness)
5. Taste, including aftertaste

My big thing was the taste. I must admit that the “original” or the very first  chocolate shakeology was better than the superfood formula that came out early 2012. I liked the original that I was drinking from Feb 2011-August 2012 better.

So after several attempts of trying to like the new formula, I found a recipe that was to die for. I think the most important thing is, is to just find a recipe you like. You can make anything work with the right recipe.

chocolate shakeology

However, because Beachbody always strives to please their customers and coaches, they went back to the
drawing board. The results? They came out with a beautiful new Chocolate Shakeology meal replacement without
changing anything that was improved when they released the superfood formula back in the summer of 2012.

The taste was a quality sweet chocolate taste, and aroma that when you opened up the bag, you new right off the
bat, it was going to be delicious.

See Shakeology Success Stories

Chocolate shakeologyI mentioned the panel of 2500, but I don’t think I mentioned that I was one of them on the panel. They sent each
panelist 2 samples, each a different taste and aroma. The one I chose to be the best one, was the same that the
overwhelming majority of the other panelist also chose.

It was an easy decision for Beachbody to make after so many gave their feedback. It was the sample I remember as
#238. An aroma that when I opened the bag, felt like I was in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. It wasn’t too rich but just right that you wanted to indulge in it immediately.

What Does The New Chocolate Shakeology Bring To The Table?

Same great formula including superfoods:

  • Moringa
  • Coconut Flower Nectar
  • Luo Han Guo
  • Himalayan Salt

Except, better taste and aroma. It reduces the aftertaste, brings out and compliments the chocolate aroma, and
let’s the chocolaty(ness) of the natural cacao to come out and satisfy those taste buds.

How To Make Sure You Get The New Chocolate Shakeology?

chocolate shakeology
New Chocolate Shakeology Label

If you are already on shakeology HD, and currently get the chocolate superfood formula each month, you don’t have
to do a thing. This is because they will no longer be shipping out the old superfood formula. You will automatically get the new chocolate shakeology!

Are the Nutritional Benefits the Same As the Old Superfood Formula?
Yes, the nutritional benefits are the same, which means it still contains less sugar, more fiber, and the 4 new

New Chocolate Superfood Shakeology VS the Old Superfood Formula Label
They took out the red and white “New Superfood Formula” flag and now have the “GREEN” sticker in front of the packaging.

For the first month, the will be shipping out the shakeology with a sticker that says,”We Heard You. Now Better Tasting. Customer Approved.” Here is also a snapshot of the backside of the new chocolate shakeology label.

As an added incentive, Beachbody will be giving all new shakeology customers the famous Shakeology workout DVD’s($30 value) as an added gift. Limited while supplies last.

As always, Beachbody backs up all their fitness workouts and nutrition with full satisfaction guarantees or your money back. This includes a 30 day money back guarantee with the new chocolate shakeology.

chocolate shakeology

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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Ghrelin Levels – Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

I’m about to reveal to you a secret that you may not have ever heard of, but may be the exact reason why you’re not losing weight no matter how hard you workout.

  • Ever want to raid the fridge right after dinner?
  • Ever find yourself wanting a snack shortly after you’ve eaten lunch or breakfast?
  • Do you just find yourself always wanting to eat and never feel satisfied?

You may have high ghrelin levels.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

A Nerd Explanation of Ghrelin
A variety of hormones are secreted in the body to control the metabolic process and the signaling system within the body. Emotions, the feeling of hunger, satiety or the feeling of sleepiness are all controlled by hormones. Ghrelin is one such peptide hormone secreted by the P/D1 cells found in the lining of the stomach and by the epsilon cells of pancreas.

Ghrelin also known as appetite regulating hormone is secreted at higher amounts when the stomach is empty and its levels drop after having the meals.


Shakeology is healthy and satisfies your appetite for up to 3 hours.

How Does Increased Ghrelin Levels Make You Gain Weight?

After a short note on Ghrelin, let’s examine the role of Ghrelin in gaining weight. If you wait a long time in between meals, then Ghrelin levels shoot up, sends hunger signals to the brain and thus, forcing you to have food. The Ghrelin levels drop down only after the stomach walls have stretched out,  or the stomach is full.

I often see people literally try to starve themselves. Then they complain and come to me and ask, “Why Am I Not Losing Weight?” I don’t eat much.

The truth is when they do, they eat huge portions, high calorie foods, and a bunch of sugar and salt. Total recipe for disaster.

So, the food you eat should be filling but low calorie and healthy to bring down Ghrelin levels and ultimately the appetite levels. If you’re eating high calorie foods then Ghrelin levels do not subside, you continue eating high amounts of food and this will result in weight gain and accumulation of fat in the abdominal region.

  • Stress increases in Ghrelin levels: Studies show that Ghrelin levels rise when a person is subject to a lot of stress. It continues to remain high until the symptoms of stress start to subside.  In a nutshell, stress has profound effect on Ghrelin levels.
  • Deprived sleep and increased Ghrelin level: Reduced sleep results in increased levels of Ghrelin. Increase in numbers of sleep hours is associated with reduced Ghrelin levels and thus, reduced appetite.

How To Decrease Ghrelin Levels?

why am i not losing weight
Ghrelin is everywhere and can be your worst enemy

If you’re gaining weight uncontrollably then why not find out more about the hormones that’s causing weight gain. You should also think of a strategy to bring down Ghrelin levels. Not sure, how to decrease Ghrelin levels? Just take simple measures to keep triggers of Ghrelin secretion under control.

  • Eat fiber rich foods like vegetable soups and salads for a feeling of fullness faster. Once the stomach is full, cells lining the stomach stop secreting the appetite inducing hormone.
  • Ghrelin production cycle starts once in every four hours. Hence, to keep Ghrelin secretion under control it is recommended to eat little amount of food once in every 3-4 hours.
  • Sleep for at least seven hours a day as lack of sleep triggers Ghrelin production.
  • Take hard to digest proteins like animal protein. These proteins stay in the stomach for a long time keeping the stomach full and thus, inhibit Ghrelin secretion.
  • Stay away from stress as increased stress stimulates Ghrelin production and binge eating.
I know this is easier said than done, but the fact is, this is what may be keeping you from losing weight. We all talk about eating healthy and exercise as the main formula to lose weight. There are however, little things you should know about that can boost your results when you dig deeper in knowing how your body reacts to certain things.

With this understanding of Ghrelin, its role in weight gain, and an understanding that you must formulate a strategy to keep it under control, makes it easier to lose weight and improve your health.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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What Is The Paleo Diet? Natural Way To Lean & Strong Muscles

What is the Paleo diet all about? This is a question that many people ask themselves the moment they hear about this particular diet. This is also referred to as Paleolithic diet or Caveman’s diet in some circles. This is a diet that is made up of natural foods which are geared towards ensuring that the users stay in shape as well as maintain perfect health.

By now you should know that I am a big believer in Beachbody workouts because of what it did to change my life. If you don’t know, I included a video link below.

This paleo diet that’s grown so popular is what I basically used to lose 23 lbs with P90X. The funny thing is, I didn’t know about the Paleo Diet in detail back then. Looking back, it’s like a copy of the foods I ate. The Paleo plan goes in line with the kinds of foods you want to eat to get the best results with any workout routine.

what is the paleo diet
Look what we have become due to modified foods and bad eating habits.

A look at the people who lived in the early generations shows that they were healthy. They were also energetic, strong and lean which is a far cry from what we see with the current generations.

Somewhere down the line, diets changed with the introduction of unnatural foods which have led to several complications. People are now susceptible to obesity, heart disease and other complications which can be attributed to the type of diet they have. This is why people are now turning back to the Caveman’s diet with the view of reversing this trend.

The Paleo Diet is the result of years of research by Dr.Loren Cordain.

What Foods Are Allowed in a Paleo Diet

The idea behind this diet was for one to go back to eating natural foods which are healthier and this is reflected in the choice of foods that are included. The foods that are included in a Paleo diet include:

1. Vegetables

Vegetables are known for the health benefits which they provide. They are a good source of vitamins which are known for their ability to boost the immunity levels of the body as well as providing the fiber which helps out in digestion and waste elimination. Some experts usually say that the best vegetables are the ones which can also be eaten raw for example in the form salads. However, this also includes all types of vegetables though there are some varying opinions about stem tubers such as potatoes and cassavas.

2. Fruits

A look at the early man will show that the wild fruits were a major part of their daily diet considering that this was part of their surroundings. With this in mind, all types of fruits are allowed in the diet. The only exception is the high sugar fruits or the dry fruits especially for the people who are looking to shed some weight.

3. Meat and Eggs

Meat and the eggs form one of the most important parts of this diet. This is mainly because of the fact that they are the main source of protein which is essential for body building. This is especially due to the fact that one is also looking at trying to get the best physique possible. You need to avoid meat that has preservatives, additives, flavor enhancers, food color as well as nitrites. The meat should be natural and untreated just the same way that our ancestors used to have it. The best meat products that one should feed on are generally from animals which feed on green plants and grass. This means eating game meat, goat meat, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey while the eggs can be from ducks, quail, emu and chickens.

4. Fats and Oils

No diet is complete without fats and oils and this was also the case in the Paleo diets our ancestors. This can be obtained from hazelnut oil, avocado oil, walnut oil, olive oil and coconut oil.

5. Nuts and Seeds

This is available in coconut and almond nuts. Peanuts are not considered as nuts. The seeds can be gotten from flax seeds.

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Other foods that can be considered when looking at this diet include:
– Fish, fish eggs and fish shells
– Sea vegetables and sea weeds
– Beverages such as fresh juice, and tea (herbal).

What Foods Should Be Avoided In Paleo Diet?

1. Legumes – They include beans, peas, peanuts, lentils and soy.

2. Highly processed oils

3. Refined sweeteners such as refined maple syrup and refined honey

4. Pasteurized dairy products

5. Iodized salts


Quick Hits of the Paleo Diet – What Is The Paleo Diet

If anyone asks you, “what is the paleo diet?”, you can simply say that it’s a natural approach to nutrition that includes balance and variety eaten in a way the healthiest people consume 5 to 6 meals per day. It’s a way to get back to how our bodies were meant to eat before all the other harmful ingredients made it’s way in our food and made our world bigger. Eating the raw, natural way can prevent you from dealing with the diseases that occur today because of malnutrition.

Paleo Diet For Fitness

If your fitness goals are to become strong, lean, and healthy inside, then implementing the paleo diet with your workouts are a great combination. This is very similar to what I ate during my 90 day P90X/Insanity transformation. I stayed as natural as possible without adding extra ingredients like sugar filled juices, high calorie and saturated fat sauces, ect.

If you stay on track with this paleo diet, your can be assured that you will get results as long as your consistent and have a direct plan. Use the Paleo recipes and make sure you are eating your recommended daily calorie intake so your body can refuel from your intense workouts.

Dr. Loren Cordain also wrote a book, Paleo Diet For Athletes, which explains:

what is the paleo diet

  • Why the typical athletic diet (top-heavy with grains, starches, and refined sugars) is detrimental to recovery, performance, and health
  • How the glycemic load and acid-base balance impact performance
  • Why consumption of starches and simple sugars is only beneficial in the immediate post-exercise period

Considering the benefits associated with taking the Caveman’s diet, people who are likely to benefit when they combine it with their workout routine include:

– People who are looking to replace body fat with lean muscle
– People who are looking to eat healthy food that is good for their heart
– People who are looking to maintain their weight when eating healthy foods.

These are just some of the aspects you are bound to discover when you look at what the Caveman’s diet is about. So, What is the Paleo Diet? Now You Know.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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Body Weight Exercises And How To Do Them Properly

When it comes to toning your body, most people turn to heavy weight lifting, but in reality, you can get toned muscles through body weight exercises. Being fit and toned can easily be done through the help of actual body weight exercises, as lifting weights in general isn’t the only known way to gain muscle. There are many body exercises that involve lifting your own body weight.

Although carrying your physical weight may seem quite easy, you’ll be surprised how difficult the process is. In order to carry yourself, you will need a bunch of muscle and strength that can’t be earned overnight. One of the great things about body weight exercises is the fact that most of them can be done at home without the usage of any equipment whatsoever.

Have you ever seen any overweight out of shape professional gymnast? I haven’t in my days. This is because training with body weight as they do, gets you ripped, uniquely stronger than bodybuilders because the muscles are working in all different ways. Pulling, pushing, holding, balancing, and also mental focus is required to build up pure strength and an unforgiving shredded physique.

Body Weight Exercises – Build Real Strength and Discipline

Pull Ups

Pull ups are such an effective exercise that will definitely build the muscles in your arms and back. If you aren’t familiar with pull ups, the entire process is quite easy. All you need to do is get a firm grip on a horizontal bar and pull yourself up until your chin reaches the top of the bar.

There are many different grips you can do such as underhand, narrow grip, and wide grip to name a few. You can also grab on a towel that you loop over one side of the bar and use an overhand grip on the other side. You can also lift your legs straight in front of you while doing pull ups to work your core at the same time.

Pull ups are one of the most popular body weight exercises. You can start with supporting your feet on a chair to help pull yourself up until you are able to get up and down yourself with multiple reps.


Mountain Climbers

body weight exercises
Mountain Climbers – Rotating knees to your chest in plank position

Mountain climbers are also such an effective body weight exercise that can be done simply anywhere. This exercise will tone your legs, core, and thighs, building up muscles in those needed areas. Basically to do mountain climbers, you will need to start on the push up position and simply bring your left knee forward to your chest while at the same time straightening your right leg.

Keep your hands on the floor at all times and be sure to tighten your core. This exercise basically just involves jumping and switching legs. This exercise can be very exhilarating when done correctly. This exercise will strengthen your core areas and build nice mechanics for running.


More Body Weight Exercises

Push Ups

Push ups are well known for being one of the most effective body weight exercises, as it consists of you pushing your body off from just above the ground. If you aren’t familiar with what push ups are, then basically all you need to do is put both you hands on the floor about shoulder length. Bring feet back to where your back and legs straighten out. Then, bend your elbows and bring your chest a couple inches from the floor and then push yourself back up to the starting position.

While performing the push ups, you must tighten your butt and make sure that your glutes are lifted just a bit to maintain those straight back and legs.

If you find this exercise to be too difficult, you can bend your knees to the floor while creating this motion. Push ups will strenghten your core and tighten your arms, chest , & shoulders allowing you to achieve toned arm and stomach muscles.

To make push ups more difficult, you can add medicine balls under your feet and hands. This should only be done when perfected the normal push up and your strength & balance is intact. Balance push ups are done in P90X2. The program is for p90x graduates that are ready to move on to strength, balance, and more discipline.



Burpees are also a very popular workout that has proven to tighten and exercise simply all the muscles in the body. The entire process of doing burpees is quite simple but when done in reps, can really give you a great workout. Check out a great video I found by Linora Low on how to do a burpee below

This exercise can be very tiring, especially when you do this exercise quite quickly. Burpees will not only allow your muscles to tone, it will also burn the extra fats in your body. You can add a pushup at the bottom of the burpee. You can jump or jump into a pull up on the top half of the burpee to increase the intensity. Further, you can also add mountain climbers at the bottom of the burpee. Burpees are great body weight exercises that beginners to elite athletes incorporate into their routines today.



Aside from burpees, planks are also a very tiring and effective body weight exercise that has shown to grow muscle upon the arms and core area. Planks are a very simple exercise that involves you laying down on your stomach and lifting your body through placing your elbows or hands on the ground. If you prefer the hands, you will be in a push up starting position.

body weight exercises
Side Plank – Body Weight Exercises That Tighten Your Core

This exercise will tighten your stomach area tremendously  as it focuses on the stomach. If you find planks to longer challenge your body, you can make the exercise harder by simply doing side planks.

Basically, the entire exercise is the same, but you are only placing your body weight on one side of your body and holding. Planks are very effective and will definitely help you to see significant results in your body much faster than more other exercises.


Body Weight Exercises Include a Variety of Squats

Sit Squat

The sit squat exercise isn’t like most other exhilarating cardio body weight exercises, as you will find this workout to be very quiet, but very tiring. All you need to do is bend your knees to go into a squat position and simply stay in that position for as long as you can.

This exercise will really burn your stomach, legs, and back muscles, as it exercises the entire body. The sit squat can be done anywhere because it doesn’t involve any type of weights or other gym equipment. If you no longer find the sit squat to be challenging to your body, you can simply do the jump squat where you jump as high as you can when going up from a squat.

body weight exercises

Make sure that when performing this workout, your knees stay behind your toes. To make this possible, put your butt down and sit upright with proper posture until your knees are in proper position.



Pistol Squat

The pistol squat is a very popular exercise that is well known for burning the fats in the body and building up muscle in the legs and core area. All you need to do is go in the regular squat position and lift your right leg straight forward in front of you. To show you a visual of this squat, I found a great website at BodyWod.

body weight exercises

After that, simply just switch the leg you place in front of you by lifting your left leg. This exercise will really allow you to feel the burn in our calves and thighs, as it involves a lot of muscle to stay in the specific position for a long time. If you can’t stay in this position for a long time, you could consider to just beat your time the next time you do this exercise.

All of the body weight exercises above have shown to be very effective, and the best part about doing them is that they can be done in the comfort of your own home.


Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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The Job Is Never Done

Last week was a sad week for my younger son, Christian. He’s a travel club baseball player here in Las Vegas and last week we made the decision to move on to another team. His last game with the team was last Saturday and during the post game meeting, he knew that was going to be his last time with those team mates.

We had a talk about how he wasn’t leaving his friends there, but the organization that they played for. These days, with kids having cell phones, it’s easy to stay in touch and continue friendship no matter if you change schools or teams.

We had a father/son talk about why we were making this transition to another team. The reason, is because……

“The Job Is Never Done”

Christian Banawa baseball
Always be competitive

Two years ago, he played for a team in the Southeast part of the Valley in Las Vegas and the head coach of that team was very strict, didn’t let anything go easy, and made sure that the kids were always giving their 110%. The kids couldn’t leave anything out on that field on any given day. The practices had to be all or nothing.

Because of that, the team was ranked number one in their age group, triple A division, and state. My son in my opinion worked 120% at every practice and it showed in his development as a player. We moved on in 2012 becasue the team split.

Since then, we have been trying to find a new home with the same competitiveness as the Southeast Vegas team . At his age then, it was all about having fun and creating an atmosphere for the kid to find his place and love of the game. Now, he is in a position where he will be trying to get into high school baseball. To make sure he continues that level of play and work ethic, it’s good to surround him with other players who want to be great and play competitively as well.

So because of that, we made the decision to switch from this last team he’s been with for the last 6 months. Not that this team was bad, but we felt that it was the same thing he already went through 2 years earlier. If he was to stay on this last team, he would be holding himself back. In the last 6 months, I could already see a downfall in his performance.

For me, life is all about being the best you can be and helping others do the same. The job is never done, and you never really ever reach your ultimate goal.

I was told by one of my mentors in life, Dexter Jaeger long time ago. He said if you reach your ultimate goal, then what are you living for? Always shooting for bigger goals once the goals you once thought were so far away, makes you that much more successful and happy in life. It also may help you live longer.

So for my son, he was able to land with an organization that has the direction and level of team play that he needs to get better and stay on his toes. At his young league age of 13U, he is already starting to learn about always striving to be at your best to reach goals. For him, he wants to play professional baseball. Even if that never happens, he will at least say that he gave it his best shot and achieved the highest level possible for his abilities. That is all you can ask for in life.

So How Are You Shooting For The Best In Your Health?

Are you doing what you need to do to get where you know you should be. Are you being lazy to exercise and eat the right foods? Are you waiting for a miracle that will never come unless you create the miracle yourself?

Whatever it is you’re doing that isn’t producing a positive result, I urge you to change it. Replace it with something that is new and effective in getting the change you want.
It all starts with your decision to be your best.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, expecting others to jump on your pity wagon. The truth is, they don’t care about your excuses. They wish they can tell you to, “Just Do It”! You heard that misery loves great company. Well for me, I walk away from excuses and people who complain. I just don’t want to hear it or support it. Stop complaining and take action.

Life isn’t perfect. It doesn’t go your way most of the time. Don’t worry about the things you can’t control. Man up, step up, and take control of your life starting today. Cause if you don’t, life will take over your mind and what you do until it crushes you.

If my 12 year old son can make decisions for his own good, you can too. There is nothing you can’t learn from a kid. They’re at the age where nothing alse matters but the things they want. They don’t worry about the things that will stop them. They don’t know any better. We do. It’s up to us to take advantage of our experiences, and overcome them by believing in ourselves and taking control.

How to Break Bad Habits To Get Better


When I moved to Las Vegas in 2003, I was a show bartender that had been recruited out of Florida to work in the nation’s mecca of entertainment, Las Vegas. It was an opportunity of a lifetime for me because up to that point, I was making minimum wage as a bartender at $2.37 an hour plus tips.

Our paychecks in Florida were $0 because all the hourly pay went towards taxes at the end of every pay period. Luckily, moving to Vegas, I would be blessed with becoming part of a bartender’s union. The union part paid almost 6 times more an hour, and the tips were larger.

My family made an upgrade and so we decided to stay in Vegas as long as my bartending career would suffice.

In 2005, I also got my real estate license. From 2005-2008, being that anyone could buy a $300k house during that time, I did pretty well.

As a bartender in a city that never sleeps, you would have drinks after work to ease down for the night after pumping out $4,000 in sales in 6 hours. You and your co workers had a beer or several just to celebrate that the hard night of work was over.

Well this turns into a habit that I did for a few years. After a while, you tend to look back in life and wonder where you could be if you made better use of your time.

I don’t want to get in the details, but I created a bad habit of having beers and a few shots after work because that is just what we all did. I was wasting valuable time getting my life in order and too busy being lazy and average every night.

Result, I was in the same position as I was in the previous 5 years.

In 2009, I decided to quit drinking and focus all my time in bettering my life and spending all the time I could with my family. This was a decision I should have made 5 years prior, but the truth is, you need to live and learn.

So this brings me to how I have gone 3 years now without sipping alcohol, when before, I was doing it 4 plus nights a week.

It all started with me having a clear direction of what I wanted to achieve. I wanted to become successful. I had failed so many times in the past and I felt my chances were slimming to almost none. I thought about what I was doing, staying out later than I should, and how it acutally effected my performance on a daily basis.

I would wake up sloppy, unmotivated, having headaches, gaining weight, and just a bad example to my family.

I asked myself, “What If?”

  • What if I can use all my time towards things that mattered in life, to the people who were most important to me.
  • What if I eliminated all this time wasted doing nothing at 5am in the morning.?
  • What would the difference be 5 years from now?
  • What would change in my marriage?
  • Would my kids see me as a better man, and look up to me or someone else?
  • How would changing my bad habits effect the way I lived my life?
  • Would I be happier?

All these things came across my mind and I knew one thing, I wanted to give it a try.

You see, I had always been success minded. But in life, sometimes you get caught up in a wrong circle of influence, and then years pass before you, and you soon find out, you’re doing nothing with your life that you’re capable of.

So right before Thanksgiving, 2009, I had my last go around and never looked back since. I stopped all drinking, and all hanging out late nights after work.

The result?

I am over 20 lbs lighter. I am healthier and stronger than I’ve been in 20 years. I have the best relationship with my kids and wife then I’ve ever had. My business is improving daily and I have a clear vision of where I am heading in life with my family.

I don’t wake up tired anymore. I wake up motivated. I used to wake up at noon. Now, I wake up no later than 6:30a.m. because I have this drive in me that wants to get up and do something productive to get better everyday.

Once my eyes cracks open, I’m thinking about the job that needs to be done to be successful. I say my prayer, thank him for waking me up, ask for his blessing and protection, and then I’m off.

Was The Change Easy? How Did I Actually Do It?

It starts with a decision. It starts with putting a meaning to life. It’s starts with believing who you really are and who you can become.

Was it hard to not drink a beer during a football game with my friends? Absolutely. But, I made the decision, and the more time went on, the easier it was for me to resist a beer.

After I got through the transition, I was in full force to capitalize on what god gave me the ability to do. That is, to become successful in all I wanted out of life.

So Why Did Actually Quit Drinking?

It was slowing me down, I was making wrong decisions in life, putting road blocks in my life, effecting my patience with my family, and much more.

Could I have a beer every once in a while? Of course. But I’ve gone so long without wanting it, why would I want to drink one if I don’t need it? I feel good without it.

So What Is The Whole Point Of This Article? How Does This Help You?

Whatever your bad habits are that’s keeping you from losing weight, getting in shape and healthier inside, you can get rid of them like i did.

It’s about becoming in control of your life and knowing what’s best for you. Getting rid of the road bumps and repaving that road to your own success.

I wanted to improve my health, my family, and our future. So I had to do what counted and get rid of the things that didn’t matter.

Are you seriously wanting to lose weight? Then you need to get rid of the bad foods in your life. You need to get up and become active daily. Fill your fridge and pantry up with foods that will help you reach your goals. Only then, will it happen.

Are you wanting to get healthier? Stop eating out at fast food joints. Stop eating large portions of food. Stop adding extra sides to your meal. Stop drinking sodas and sugar filled juices all the time.

Everything you do in life is a part of the result that it is associated with.

  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol leads to problems
  • Eating excessive amounts of processed foods leads to obesity
  • Lack of exercise leads to injury problems and becoming overweight
  • Lack of nutrition leads to diseases

The list goes on and on. Change whatever it is in your life that is not producing a positive result. Start doing things out of your comfort zone to achieve things that will surprise you.

  • You can become healthier than you’ve been in a while.
  • You can fit back into the clothes you used to before you let yourself go
  • You can become more fit than you were before you had a baby
  • You can lose weight and be healthy no matter how busy you are. Make the time.

Breaking a bad habit one at a time is a great way to help you towards your goals. Success is achieved through hard work and consistency. But first, you must make a decision that is written in stone and means something so huge, that your only true happiness lies in reaching the finish line.




Stay in Shape Through Christmas Stay In Control

For some people, it may be a challenge to stay in shape through the Christmas season. All the gatherings, family dinners, special events could really send a lot of temptation your way. Cookies, cakes, alcohol, and tasty dishes can ruin your current fitness program or that body that you’ve worked so hard for up to this point.

So am I asking you to stay away from sweets this holiday season? Of course not. This is a season of giving and families reuniting. There are going to be treats and you should treat yourself to them and have fun. However, learn to control yourself and stay on your exercise routine to keep your body improving.

stay in shape
The Summer Will Come again, so don’t get off track this Christmas

This doesn’t mean depriving yourself of fun as you celebrate the season. There are ways to minimize the damage brought by revelry. Read some of these tips to keep your figure and keep from gaining weight during the next 30 days.

Practical Tips to Stay In Shape Through The Holidays

  • Focus on your goals. This is the perfect time to refresh yourself why you went through all the hardship to get this far in your fitness journey. Mental discipline can save you through all the late night drinking and binge eating. Remember that this season will pass too and summer will come soon. Then, you’re gonna wish what you should have done. Don’t live with regrets you can control.
  • Be consistent with your workout. This is exactly why you need to hit the sack early. You need power courtesy of a good night’s sleep to do your routines. The holidays shouldn’t be used as an excuse to lay low from your workout. Get your workout done, then celebrate with discipline.


Stay in Shape Using these Food Tips

Stay in shape
Stay in shape & disciplined through Christmas
  • Eat small portions. This sounds familiar although there are some tweaks during the holidays. If you’re in party, take small portions of good protein sources like turkey, beef, or chicken. After an hour, go for fiber like salads or fruits; choose light dressings live olive oil or vinegar. Small carb portions of pasta is also good but be careful of the sauce. Leftovers from sumptuous meals can be transformed to healthy ones. Just look for the right recipes to help you with this one.
  • Avoid overindulging on desserts or sodas. Stay away from these as much as you can. High fructose corn syrup is your enemy and it’s everywhere – sodas, desserts, pastries, among others. Even simple looking sauces can be deceiving so be mindful. Whenever you pass by the chocolate fondue, ignore it or do ten body squats.
  • Try to keep away from over consumption of alcohol. Alcohol sabotages your metabolism that helps you burn fat. Your blood sugar can take a sudden drop which means a bad hangover. Before you know it, you’ll miss your workout routines. Alcohol also contributes to a larger waistline. If you can’t avoid it, a can of beer or a single shot of vodka is enough. Although your friends would be disappointed, just think of the burpees you have to do.

The Holiday Agenda to Stay in Shape

After all the celebration, many people will realize that they’ve drank or eaten too much. Come January, these individuals will start on a new program to compensate for their negligence. You won’t be part of this crowd because you’ve paid your dues. You worked hard by sweating out daily.

You felt sore from resistance training. Your heart almost fell out from brutal cardio workouts. So, why waste all these efforts? You know the rewards all too well. Good vital stats, high energy, sound sleep, and a disciplined life. You persisted every single day because you believe in a fit lifestyle. Of course, that beachbody of yours is the final icing on the cake.

One of life’s greatest achievements is reaching your fitness goals. If you want to permanently stay in shape, follow the tips. The rewards come later in life as your loved ones will thank you for being a healthy person. Enjoy the holidays and good luck.

Beachbody Coach
Click To Make Me Your Free Coach – Accountability, Support, Fun Team Of Motivated Individuals, Results

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Live Passionately,

P90X by Tony Banawa




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