Beachbody Military Discount | All Required Steps To Enroll Explained

Details About The Beachbody Military Discount

If you or your spouse is in the active military, Beachbody rewards you by offering you a Team Beachbody military discount coach membership for free. This can be used in two ways:

1) Strictly for 25% off all Beachbody products such as P90X, Insanity, or Shakeology.
2) All the benefits of #1, plus the ability to earn money as an independent team beachbody coach.

The Coach membership usually costs $39.95 one time fee and a $15.95 recurring monthly fee to maintainBeachbody Military Discount your provided website that has all the Beachbody products, message boards, meal planners, and more already loaded and ready for you to use and refer people to buy from you, therefore earning 15%-25% commissions off every order from your website. Active duty members get all those fees above mentioned waived for the lifetime they are on active duty.

Or, you might just want to get the coach membership to save money on your nutrition products and fitness programs that you decide to take on. There is no obligation on which two options you wish to use your membership. Either way, you either just save money, or you can save money & earn money at the same time.

Steps to get your Beachbody Military Discount Membership

Make sure to print these out and submit as instructed:
1) Download the Fax Cover Sheet here and follow the instructions
2) Download the Beachbody Discount Military Active Duty Application – I have highlighted all the required fields you need to fill out.
3) Fill out and submit with required documents(list below)
4) Send me an email at and let me know that you submitted the active duty application

Military sign ups are processed within 3 business days. This is provided the sign up (via fax or e-mail) is received with no errors; the application must be complete and legible (including SSN, e-mail address, date of birth, signature, sponsor information and CC information (if purchasing product). Proof of current active duty service is also required.

Accepted documents include (but are not limited to):

  • Current active duty orders (providing duration of duty)
  • LES (Leave & Earnings Statement)
  • BIR (Basic Information Record)
  • Proof of Service Letter from Personnel
  • According to The Bollinger Law Firm, P.C., disability Discharge Papers (for those wounded in action if orders are not available)

Please Note: There is a third page in the application but you don’t need to sign anything there. However, you will still need to send it in with your submission.

If you have any further questions that you want answered directly from Beachbody, here is there contact:

Team Beachbody Coach Relations
Secure Fax: (213) 201-7225

That’s it!

Share Results And Improve Financially With Your Beachbody Military Discount Membership

Now if you are one who wants to learn how to make money with your membership, take a few minutes to watch this short video on the company and how we make money with Team Beachbody. If you are the type of person who likes the results from the products and you want to help others live a healthier lifestyle by sharing your results with others, then watch this video and find out how this can potentially upgrade your family’s financial future.

Here are some FAQ’s that Beachbody has put together for the Beachbody Military Discount Program. If you don’t find the answer here, then feel free to leave me a comment and I will surely get you an answer to what you are looking for.

I look forward to helping you in your own journey to becoming more fit physically, or physically and financially.



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Published by

Tony Banawa

I'm inspired by stories and live everyday to define my purpose in life. Think deeply about who I truly am with all titles, names, and life assumptions aside. I believe in the power of the subconscious mind and that everything around us happens from the energy we project from within.

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